The Art of Managing Change

The Art of Managing Change

Change can be scary, but being stuck in a rut and unable to move forward is even scarier. One way to stop fearing change is to understand that it is inevitable.

Major life transitions happen, on average, every 12 to 18 months. The average American moves 11 times in their lifetime and changes jobs every 2.73 years.

Dealing with change is a skill everyone must exercise, but those of us dedicated to improvement and transformation must embrace it.

We’re approaching mid-year, so to stay committed to my “Be More in ´24” mantra and to continue shaping my personal identity through intentional actions, I’m taking control of and changing my morning routine. In turn, this experience is teaching me a lot about how to better manage and embrace change in all aspects of my personal and professional life.

Setting yourself up for personal success starts early

Early morning activity, behaviors and emotions can influence your day. Studies have shown that early risers have better mental health and tend to be more productive. Strong morning habits can impact your physical health as well.

I’ve recently been inspired to transform my routine to set myself up for successful days. Drawing inspiration from The 5AM Club, I adopted a 40/20/20 circuit of growth structure to my mornings: 40 minutes of brisk walking, 20 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes dedicated to some form of personal development (i.e., reading or attending a virtual class).

My new morning schedule provides me the space to set a positive tone each day, creating a ripple effect that helps me embrace whatever comes my way. These changes have impacted me in multiple ways and can do the same for you as well:

●       Mindfulness: As a self-proclaimed type A personality, I used to scoff at the idea of quieting my mind. How would this be even possible? But meditation isn’t about silencing the chaos; it’s about training your brain to navigate life with grace. Through dedicated practice, my mind has become more open to ideas, creative thinking and deeper insights when I spend time quietly each morning. I am then more receptive to change and better equipped to respond thoughtfully rather than reactively.

●       Clarity and focus: Waking up early allows you to capitalize on your brain during its natural peak performance hours. With a refreshed mind, I can think more clearly, stay focused and make sound decisions throughout the day.

●       Resilience: The early morning hours offer a sacred space for nurturing your physical and emotional well-being. This self-care practice builds resilience and inner strength, equipping me to handle the challenges and uncertainties that may arise later.

Applying these concepts to professional leadership

Similar approaches can be made by organizations and teams when it comes to enabling their people to enact and adapt to change. Organizations get change management when they only focus on leadership buy-in. We must all feel empowered and accountable. It’s about fostering an environment where every individual feels equipped and confident in their ability to navigate change.

If we plot the journey through change on a chart against a team’s performance, we can expect to encounter various reactions, which together might look like the diagram below—attributed to a concept presented in The Oz Principle.

When looking at "The Line" in the middle of this visual, you can see that teammates whose performance is reflected above the line are owning, seeing, solving and doing; taking charge and holding themselves accountable for enacting change. They are responsible and seizing opportunities. You can also see that teammates below the line may be dragging their feet or waiting for guidance. They often blame others and point fingers, give excuses and act defensively, deny wrongdoing and act in a dramatic fashion to make situations seem much worse.

As leaders, it is our job to move our people above the line as quickly and smoothly as possible so they take accountability for their actions.

Proactive leadership builds future leaders

What do building a strong morning routine and a strong professional team have in common? They both require you to start early!

Proactive leadership isn’t just about reacting to problems or changes as they arise; it’s about anticipating them and taking steps to mitigate their impact before they occur. Even if you cannot anticipate the exact change on the horizon, if you’re encouraging mindful decision-making, setting clear expectations and goals and providing the resources and support your team members need to succeed before change happens, they will be equipped when it does. You create a culture of preparedness and adaptability, where your team members feel empowered to take initiative and make informed decisions. This inevitably allows them to become leaders themselves.

Joe Cox

Researcher in Organizational Behavior. Founder, Author, Speaker


The hardest change for an organization to attain is changing managers from Apathy to Empathy for their people’s legitimate work needs and desires. We will never control engagement until we change managers’ hearts and minds toward their people. Gallup has reported on engagement % every two years since 2,000. In 2,000, active disengagement was 18% and engagement was 26% (US numbers). By 2024, active disengagement dropped to 17%. Engagement is 30%. To drop that one point and rise those 4 points, US firms spent $3T,740B on manager/leader training. It was spray and pray and the prayers didn’t get answers. Answers are available in this book based on many decades of empirical studies:

Laura Boals

Accounts Payable Specialist at Graham-Rogers/Standard Lines Services


I have to say yes, change is very hard and I’m so thankful that I said yes to the change 17+ years ago to join Graham-Roger’s (Brown & Brown). Found my spot 😊

Adrienne Gergich

Data Entry Specialist | Data Processing | Data Management | Financial Services | Research | Attention to Detail | Organizational Skills | Driving Seamless Business Operations through Data Administration Expertise


Effective leadership is indeed crucial for preparing teams to thrive during organizational change. By proactively anticipating shifts, establishing clear expectations, and ensuring essential resources, team members become empowered to make informed decisions and cultivate their own leadership abilities. 


Group Benefit Consultant // Building Employee Benefit Programs To Help Organizations Achieve Goals & Control Costs


I must admit, I hate change! However, as painful as "change" can be sometimes, I have seen first-hand how powerful "change" can be on ones life (personally and professionally). It's getting the courage to make that "change", the spark to entire different life ahead... that can be tough.

I'll keep this in mind Julie. Your perspective has always been worth noting. Thank you.

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