Ted O'Brien in the control room during a visit to the Liddell Power Station


28 April 2023

Australia’s energy security is at risk and if the Albanese government’s meek response to the closure of the Liddell Power station is any indication, the country is walking blindfolded towards a cliff. 

When the Liddell Power Station – or ‘the old girl’, as she’s fondly referred to - is put to rest, New South Wales will lose around 13 percent of its electricity supply, and an even greater share of the reliable generation needed to keep prices down and the lights on. 

Liddell’s closure marks the start of a turbulent new era in Australia’s energy market where 20GW – or 80 percent - of baseload energy will be prematurely ripped out of the grid by 2035, with no guarantee of replacement. 

Anyone who knows anything about energy systems would be aghast at the prospect of so much baseload power exiting the grid without any realistic plan to replace it. 

Making matters worse is that these power stations aren’t being mothballed but demolished. As an island nation that doesn’t import electricity, this makes us even more vulnerable. 

No wonder our major trading partners, especially Japan, are sounding warning bells about government decisions here in Australia posing risks to their own energy security. 

While their concerns relate to continued reliable supply of our resources, principally gas, our government’s recklessness with our own energy security would not give them any comfort. 

Our trading partners understand something our own government doesn’t – without energy security, you can’t have national security. 

Unfortunately, such real-world pragmatism doesn’t fit Labor’s ideological worldview. 

So much as the Albanese Government may disregard pleas from Japan and other trading partners, its hyper-political machine won’t ignore Australia’s voting public for long. 

It’s everyday Australians who are hurting from Labor’s mismanagement of energy. 

Premature closure of baseload power stations along with restrictions on the supply of gas, will continue to put upward pressure on prices. 

But, the bigger threat lies with a lack of reliability and increased likelihood of energy rationing and blackouts in the years ahead.  

The Australian Energy Market Operator predicts that between now and 2035, all mainland states except Western Australia will be in breach of their reliability obligations by 2027. 

Despite this risk, Labor tore up advice from the Energy Security Board recommending a technology-neutral capacity mechanism to encourage existing generators to remain in the system for as long as they are needed, and greater investment in reliable gas, pumped hydro and batteries.

Labor is also ignoring AEMO’s call for new gas supply by shelving plans to develop new gas basins, cancelling funding for critical gas infrastructure, and introducing a punitive carbon tax scheme. 

Not even the looming closure of the Eraring power station from 2025 – a further 21 per cent of NSW supply – has forced the Albanese Government into action. 

It’s not like there isn’t a precedent for government action. 

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When the Coalition was in Government, independent economic modelling showed that without timely, adequate replacement of Liddell, prices risked rising 30 percent by the end of 2024. 

So, we acted by negotiating an extension to the life of Liddell, investing in renewables and investing in a new flexible gas generator at Kurri Kurri in the Hunter Valley to be ready for the summer peak in late 2023.

The Hunter Power project was on track for delivery when we left Government. 

But, on coming to office, Labor insisted the project convert from a gas peaker into a hydrogen plant running on 30 per cent from day one, despite lacking commercially available green hydrogen and contrary to expert advice. It now won’t be ready until December 2024. 

The Albanese Government is yet to learn the importance of striking the right balance. 

Decarbonising the economy requires a balance between reducing emissions, keeping prices low and maintaining reliability in the grid. 

Getting this balance right alleviates cost of living pressures on families, ensures businesses and industries remain strong and helps guarantee energy security. 

Labor must drop its ideological approach to managing Australia’s energy system. 

Reducing emissions while also ensuring consumers have access to affordable and reliable energy is the defining benchmark for successful policy. 

This means consumers need to be put at the centre, pragmatism should replace ideology, and policy should be informed by economics and engineering.  

As the old girl takes her last breath and Liddell closes forever, the Albanese Government can either continue down its reckless path of higher prices, less reliability and compromised energy security. 

Or, it can shift gears and start acting responsibility by declaring its hydrogen plans for the Hunter Project dead, acknowledging the risk posed by the premature closure of Eraring and using the Federal Budget to reverse its demonisation of gas.

Grant Spork

MBA Griffith University / Architect / Builder - Project Management / Product Design


Even if "Renewables" deliver base load power, it shall never be our former very low comparative cost to consumers. As energy costs explode and consumers are to pay 30% to 50% more for this as an input, many individuals and business will no loner be viable. When the finance houses refused to fund new coal fired HELE High Energy Low Emission plants, Gas turbine plants Australia should have created a sovereign fund to secure energy supplies. We are entering a dark place, literally, where Australians will be starved of energy. A sovereign fund could invest in replacing existing coal fired plants with the highest efficiency ones, and Japan the UK and US are now planning Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, which can be built on a floating platform. 75% or more of Australian power production is at major port facilities. The nuclear fuel is not infused until the plants are secured in place and when needing refueling they may be floated to a refueling centre. Ted Obrien has been a great advocate of securing our energy for industry, defence and consumers. Will load shedding, blackouts and a cascade of price increases bring effective action on our energy insecurity................Thank you Ted Obrien!

Danny Casey

ANZ Sales Manager at CNH industrial. Published author (marine publications) and blogger


Watch the fun start now, when millions of people switch on electric kettles on at the same time as either heating or aircon is going full blast. This is beyond asinine - it’s feckless in the extreme. If someone in a private company made a disastrous and near-sighted decision of this magnitude, he/she wouldn’t even get a written warning - they’d be marched to a waiting taxi right away.

Nick Bradley

Founder of Bow Charging ⚡️ | The energy sharing app unlocking the power of electric vehicles


If only the previous 10 year federal government had implemented a long term energy policy that gave the industry confidence to invest 🤔

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