

What is Autism?

It is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by verbal, non-verbal communication and impaired social interaction and restricted and repetitive behaviors. It is normally noticed at the age of 2 when the signs start to gradually develop. Autism directly affects the information process in the brain by changing the connections of the nerve cells and the synapses. This is one of the 3 disorders in the ASDs or Autism spectrum. The other is Asperger syndrome that lacks delays in cognitive growth and language. The third is pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). It is not often that children with autism go onto living independently. There are 2 different cultures or approaches to autism that either is seeking a cure and the other believing autism should be accepted. It is noted to happen 4-5 times more frequently in boys than girls. There has been an increase in cases a 2014 US survey reveals for US individuals.

Causes of the autistic disorder

While it is heritable it has been long suspected of genetic factors and environmental causes. In some few cases it is strongly associated with agents responsible for birth defects.

Autism treatment

Early behavior intervention or speech treatment of autistic children can give them a sense of self-care, communication and social skills. Although there have been isolated cases of recovery, there is no known cure.

Autism symptoms

This is a highly variable neurodevelopmental disorder first appearing during the infancy years to childhood. It may leave a person severely impaired in some aspects but perfectly normal in other respects and at times even superior. More noticeable symptoms start showing after the age of 6 months and are set by ages 2 to 3 and then continue into adulthood although less noticeable. There is no single symptom but by a triad of autistic symptoms, namely: impairment in communication, impairment in social interaction and finally repetitive behavior and restricted interest.

More symptoms

There are symptoms in autistic individuals that are independent of the diagnosis that affect the individual or the family directly. Unusual abilities are shown in about 0.5% - 10% of people with ASD from memorizing of trivial things (Splinter skills) to the rare talented prodigious types. A few people with ASD show above normal skills in attention and perception. About 60%-80% of autistic individuals have shown motor signs that have poor motor planning, poor muscle tone and toe walking. A lack of motor coordination are dominant across ASD and more so in Autism proper. There are unusual eating behaviors like in the selection of what they eat.

Social development

Autistic individuals have social impairments that leave them lacking in simple intuition about others those persons that do not have autism take for granted. Autistic children display less attention to social stimulation and as a result smile and look at other less frequently. They may also not have the ability to do simple movements like pointing at objects. 3-5 year olds with Autism do not exhibit social understanding as others and can approach other children spontaneously, will imitate and respond to an emotion, communicate nonverbally. It is noted that they understand and are attached to the primary care giver but do show less attachment issues then neurotypical kids, this however may be diminished with children that have milder ASD.

Children with more severe cases of autism are more prone to being alone then the non-autistic types and suffer because of it. Friendship is normally difficult for autistic people. Personal involvement in friendship like being invited to a party will normally affect a autistic person more deeply. It is suggested by limited data that autistic people are associated with aggression but this is a controversial debate.

Communication issues

Developed speech is not attained in a third to half autistic people. Infant babbling is delayed and there are unusual gestures, low responsiveness and patterns in the vocals are not synchronized to the parent. 2-3 year olds with autism show less diverse and less frequent babbling, words, consonants and combination of words. They tend to make less requests and share any experiences and will more likely repeat others words. For functional speech, joint attention is important and this deficit is what distinguishes infants with ASD. For instance they will look at the hand that is pointing but not at the pointed object. Also they are less likely to point and share an experiences. Also autistic children are less imaginative with play and verbalizing what a certain image or icon is.

Repetition behavior

Categories of Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RSB-R) are:

-Compulsive behavior- appears and intends to follow some rules like putting objects in order.

-Stereotypy- show repetitive movement like body rocking or head rolling.

-Ritualistic behavior- is a never changing set pattern of daily tasks such as a same diet.

-Sameness- is resisting changing like when the furniture has to be set in a particular manner.

-Restricted behavior- show a limited focus and interest on only one thing like a certain toy or game.

-Self injury- this involves movements that can injure the person, like skin picking or banking of the head.

Cause of the autism spectrum disorder

All indicates a genetic, cognitive and neural levels for the autistic characteristic triad of known symptoms. More recent research is indicating that it is a complex disorder that its elementary aspects have specific causes that co-occur frequently.  Genetics of Autism are involved and it is not clear if ASD is explained by rare mutations with its effects or by multigene interactions of common genetic variants. The complexity is from the interactions between multiple genes, the surrounding environment and epigenetic factors that don’t change the DNA but influence gene expression and is hereditable.  Exposure to heavy metals and air pollution can increase the risk of autism. Some other claimed environmental factors that can contribute or exacerbate autism and that are included in future research are, diesel exhaust, infectious diseases, solvents, PCBs, phthalates and phenols, pesticides, alcohol, brominates flame retardants, smoking, vaccines , illicit drugs and prenatal stress. For some of these, no links have been found and for others they have been disproven. Vaccination too has long been a controversial debate.

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