Aviation Flights Group launches Aviation Flights Operations (AFO) for Business Customers
Aviation Flights Group is excited to announce the launch of Aviation Flights Operations (AFO). It's purpose is to be the place for all the commercial and business needs of the Group.
We have seen an increase in usage and interest of the corporate world in relation to what Aviation Flights collects in data. Although it is a tough battle to determine how to balance user contributed data and the commercial aspect of it (via the API), Aviation Flights Operations (AFO) mostly focuses on other services that can be useful for the Aviation Community.
One of these services, besides the popular API, is a custom portal for Aviation Operators and Airlines. It allows them to have the same kind of site and features that is currently in use by Aviation Flights users but specifically designed for your own company use. This includes Flight Tracking, flight logging, flight statistics, detailed search and even your own API to integrate with other 3rd party tools.
You can learn more about Aviation Flights Operations (AFO) and its services at aviation.flights/afo and a dedicated LinkedIn page here.