The BEST 30-60-90 Day Plan for your new job

The BEST 30-60-90 Day Plan for your new job

Congratulations on securing a new job and preparing to embark on a new professional journey! Starting a fresh position is an exciting yet challenging period filled with learning, adapting to new environments, and establishing your impact within the organization.

As a mentor and coach for tens of sales, marketing, and other functions' professionals, I have made A LOT of 30-60-90 day action plans.

During the initial 90 days, it is crucial to make a positive impression and demonstrate your suitability for the role. This timeframe is often used to evaluate your performance and determine your ability to contribute effectively. 

I have compiled a plan outlining the key objectives for your first 30, 60, and 90 days in your new position, categorized into 5 steps in each month, ensuring that you leave a lasting impression.

The Initial 30-Day Plan

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Step 1: Connect with your manager

Initiate a meeting with your manager to establish a strong foundation for your role. Utilize this opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business and how your responsibilities align with the team's overall objectives. Inquire about upcoming projects and also red flags, discuss your goals, and clarify the expected outcomes during the initial three months.

Step 2: Determine your priorities

To ensure a productive start and contribute effectively to the organization, it is crucial to identify and comprehend the business's priorities and how your role supports them. Especially if you are working remotely, this might involve securing the necessary communication tools required for your job.

Step 3: Plan your actions

In the first month,  and after meeting with your manager. Additionally, connect with your colleagues to familiarize yourself with their roles and establish effective working relationships. As you gain more insight into ongoing and upcoming projects, team dynamics, and individual responsibilities, you can identify opportunities to add value and implement changes that will have a positive impact.

Engaging with your colleagues regularly will facilitate a quicker understanding of team dynamics and office culture, which is essential for building strong professional relationships. Take the initiative to learn who's who and schedule informal catch-ups to get to know your team better.

Step 4: Define your deliverables

Assess your current situation and identify any existing or potential problems that you can influence or contribute to resolving. Based on your observations, compile a list of key deliverables aimed at addressing these issues and seizing opportunities to drive positive change within the team.

Utilize these deliverables to construct a plan for your first 30 days. Outline the necessary steps to achieve them, set target delivery dates, and establish milestones to track your progress effectively.

Step 5: Identify areas for development

As a new team member, you may require additional training or guidance to familiarize yourself with specific aspects of the business. Important areas to consider initially include understanding the marketplace in which the business operates, gaining knowledge about current customers and target audiences, familiarizing yourself with the products and services offered, and becoming acquainted with key systems and processes related to your role.

The Initial 60-Day Plan

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Time for securing some early wins!

Step 1: Check in with your manager

Now that you have settled into your role and are comfortable with your day-to-day responsibilities, it's important to have a discussion with your manager about the progress of your plan for the first three months. Together, you should outline the specific steps required to execute your plan effectively.

Step 2: Refine your priorities

After the initial month, you have gained a better understanding of business priorities and how your role contributes to the team and the organization as a whole. Review your initial list of business priorities and update it based on the new information you have acquired.

Step 3: Plan your actions

Identify any key stakeholders outside of your direct team or business function who play a crucial role in the success of your position. Schedule meetings with them to gain insights into their responsibilities and establish effective collaboration strategies to achieve your shared goals.

Once you have determined your next steps for the three-month plan, develop a strategy to accomplish your objectives. Additionally, explore other areas where your skills and experience can make a positive impact on the company's objectives, your manager, or the wider team.

Step 4: Define your deliverables

Assess whether there are any changes to your deliverables since your initial 30-day plan. If your recent conversation with your manager has resulted in new deliverables, update your plan accordingly. Make necessary adjustments to your 60-day plan to effectively prepare for the month ahead.

Step 5: Identify your development needs

Once you have a solid understanding of the marketplace, customers, products and services, and key systems and processes relevant to your role, consider finding a mentor. Discuss this possibility with your manager and suggest someone within the organization who may be a suitable mentor. If you are unsure, ask for suggestions or if your manager can assist you in finding the right mentor. Once you have identified the best person to guide you in your role, reach out to him/her and arrange for a formal or informal mentoring program.

Continuously assess the skills and knowledge required for your role and identify any gaps that need to be addressed. Incorporate these gaps into your personal development plan. Keep track of your achievements in your role to support management decisions.

The Initial 90-Day Plan

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In this third and crucial month in your new role, it is key that you start delivering on your plans and strive to work on your personal development plan to ensure any identified skills or knowledge gaps are closed.

Step 1: Check in with your manager

As you enter the third month of your new role, it is crucial to have a comprehensive check-in with your manager to assess your progress. Review your performance with your three-month plan. Discuss any areas where you may require additional support or guidance. Collaborate with your manager to determine the next steps moving forward and identify specific areas to focus on for your continued development.

Step 2: Refine your priorities

If necessary, update the business priorities in your 90-day plan based on your recent conversation with your manager. Incorporate any new priorities that have emerged to ensure alignment with your three-month plan and address any identified development needs.

Step 3: Plan your actions

If you identified opportunities for implementing quick changes or early wins, take action on your plans to deliver these improvements. As you become more integrated within the team and the broader business, you will likely have a more extensive list of tasks to complete. Keep track of these tasks and ensure you fulfill your required actions promptly.

Step 4: Define your deliverables

Similar to the 60-day plan, assess whether there have been any changes in your deliverables. By this stage of your onboarding process, you should have been introduced to new tasks gradually over the past two months. Continuously track and complete your day-to-day tasks with the highest level of quality and efficiency.

Step 5: Identify your development needs

Personal and professional development is an ongoing process. Regardless of whether specific areas were identified for your development, always strive to expand your knowledge and broaden your network. Seek out relevant groups, networks, and events within your organization or external industry-specific organizations.

If there were specific areas identified for your development, incorporate them into your plan and regularly review your progress. Continue working on your development plan and actively seek feedback from your manager as needed.

Remember, the president of the United States has 100 days to prove themselves, you have only 90 😊

There you go! You are all set for a winning launch in your new role. 

All the best!


I have three spots open for mentorship. You can book your FREE Career Discovery call here.

Ahmed El Attar

Associate Market Access & Sales, GCC Region at AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals


Thank you Yamen Abdel Aziz for the comprehensive roadmap for excelling at new role, what do you think of these points to complement the process: -As long as most common checkpoints with direct manager or frequently with colleagues, the attitude towards discussing feedback and action plans makes a huge impact coz Effective-listening, enthusiasm for new ideas and openness to constructive criticism shows accountability and eagerness to improve -Effective communication through transparency in progress or setback plus asking for clarification if the goals or objectives are not clear. Proactively share ideas and respectfully listen to others’, all builds trust, resolves conflict and enhances overall productivity with all teams


Next Trend Realty LLC./


Thanks for posting.

Mostafa Naguib

Director Of Sales & Marketing at Wady Trade Pharmaceutical Company


Great, well said Yamen Moreover, the first day plan for the new job is Smile, Observe and listen carefully, following the strategy “1 minute” use to wait before acting or reacting or talking. Second point is to start doing things right before doing the right things as a matter of respect and appreciation to the surroundings.

Ahmed Rashed

Director, Gene and Specialty Therapies Unit at Biopharma-mea


Very insightful 👌

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