Big Data & Analytics for your Sensor Enabled Machines or Equipment or Assets – part 1

In my earlier article on LinkedIn (; I described various parts of Digital Operation of Manufacturing and Asset Intensive Industries. This article is for the Operations Part of a Product. You can see these Products as you use by yourself in your everyday life or any Engineering Intensive Industry use for their operations e.g. machines in the Factory shopfloor, heavy engineering equipment in the worksites.

Every asset intensive industries like heavy engineering, energy & utilities, manufacturing, aerospace, travel & transportation, oil & gas, mining, transportation, etc. have been spending a lot in technology to gather data in its lowest granular level e.g. in every second, every 5 minutes, structured, semi-structured and unstructured. We have developed a Data Science/Predictive Modelling enabled value added solution - Predictive Asset Analytics (PredAsset) which will help these industries to utilize this Big Data to achieve optimal operational efficiency in real-time, reduce down-time and achieve highest customer satisfaction.


There are many advantages for organizations to actively predict their asset needs, such as improving the availability & reliability of assets for better customer experience and reducing costs. In this series, I will describe various asset management use cases that will require Big Data & Analytics capability.

Use cases vary by value chain in asset life cycle – asset manufacturer-> asset third party service provider (insurer, retailer, and distributor) -> assets owners/end customers -> asset post sells service provider (includes manufacturer too). It also varies depending on various points in its life cycle – New Product Prototyping & Development -> Mass Manufacturing and Assembly -> Asset in Operation -> Maintenance & Product Enhancement

Below are the two sample use cases explaining how builders (as an example from asset owner/end customer and asset in Operation) are benefiting today from our predictive asset analytics (PredAsset) solution:

A builder installs Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) equipment such as chiller plant, heating pump, etc. for every building to satisfy the building cooling/heating load. They collect data in every five minutes for different measures. It amounts to huge storage (~1TB for medium size builders) and traditional databases are unable to analyse such a vast amount of data in near real time. Hence, they are unable  to get a holistic view of the equipment, are unable to determine the achievable performance which they can set for their operational performance monitoring. And operationally; can they monitor the various control variables in real-time such that they can make the equipment available 100% and achieve higher service quality with least energy consumption?

If you would like to know how we applied the predictive modelling here, please read the full content, else stay tuned for my next Post on PredAsset Use Cases from Asset Manufacturer angle.

Use case 1: Chiller Performance Benchmarking 

The builder was looking for a platform to combine their entire HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning) monitoring data in one location. They were collecting data in every five minutes for different measures which amounted to huge storage and traditional databases were unable to analyse such a vast amount of data in near real time. Hence, they were unable to get a holistic view of the equipment and not be able to determine the achievable performance that they can set for their operational performance monitoring . They were also unable to understand the typical building chilling/heating load profiles and how it varies for varying environmental conditions and building characteristics. This led to their organization become reactive to problems which resulted in rising maintenance expenses as well as impacted customer satisfaction.

They implemented a Hadoop environment to store the data generated by the equipment. The data required for analysis was then loaded to Vertica using Vertica-connector-for Hadoop to create a repository of all of the relevant disparate data. Using R as a statistical tool, they developed various segments by analyzing the pattern of various environmental conditions and building characteristics vis-à-vis their influence on chiller performance. The chiller operating in a specific segment (i.e. with defined environmental condition and defined building characteristics) has been specified with a benchmarked performance limit that can be achieved practically. And finally, a dashboard developed using Qlikview enabled them to create reports by various time dimensions, check the operational performance. The resulting operational reports helped them to flag out if something was going beyond their benchmarked performance limits.

The results were amazing. They are now able to conduct impactful performance analysis in seconds that used to take days to determine. They can plan quickly for the long-term /short term if the performance is going beyond the benchmarked limits. They can also figure out where are the potential energy saving opportunities or when is the chiller operationally going beyond their control which may require maintenance or cleaning

Use Case 2: Predictive Control of Chiller Operations

The Builder incurs a huge energy cost to operate the chiller to supply the building heating/cooling requirements. On the other hand, there are piling complaints from the inhabitants for not maintaining the right ambient temperature . Hence, they wanted to set up a predictive operational control that could guide the engineer in-charge to automatically set/reset the various controllable factors which can achieve higher chiller performance as well as reduce number of complaints.

Data volume captured by various meters/ sensors (e.g. flow, temperature, energy consumption etc.) at regular intervals every day was huge and required intensive processing to analyze and build predictive models. This information captured by the organization was loaded into HP Vertica. With the help of R codes and Vertica jobs, this data was processed, integrated and harnessed to predict asset condition with other relevant metrics from other EDW sources. This also identified the various chiller- engineering related influential factors and enabled to set control limits on these variables to achieve optimal performance. With the guided control limits, and an predictive equation coupled with operational dashboard helped the engineer-in-charge to automatically set/reset chiller the chiller performance values.

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