Busted: Work from Home or Work from Office.
Recently, we all have been going through the toughest phase our life has ever seen. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been substantial changes in the lives of every other being on this planet.
Salaried people facing problems like Workforce Reduction, Salary deductions, being forced to take leaves without Pay, and many more.
However, there is one Buzzword that has gained popularity and importance amidst all these and that is WORK FROM HOME or how we abbreviate it WFH. So, there has been a huge change in the way how people used to work earlier and how they work now. But the main question still remains unanswered and that is, Is this gonna stay for long? Is WFH gonna be new normal? Is it good for the employers and their employees to partially or fully move towards WFH culture? Let’s unravel the things and see from all perspectives on what people usually think about it and what do they feel.
Arguments in favor of WFH (Work from Home):
- Personal Space: This is by far the most common and famous argument used in favor of WFH culture. You can set up your personal space according to your needs and comfort. Not to forget about Ergonomics you need to take care of always. One time Investment in all required gadgets, desk, and chair is being sponsored by almost all corporates which include High-Speed Internet Cost as well.
- Time-Saving: We all know how tedious it is when we get stuck in Traffic and Pollution which brings all kinds of respiratory diseases like Asthma. But when you’re working from home you can manage your time accordingly, you can save that 1 hour of commuting time to some useful work and in upskilling yourself. Or you can binge-watch Netflix always ;) and Voila! you’ve even saved yourself from dusty and crowded traffic.
- Less Operational Cost: This is mostly relatable to Employers who are thinking to migrate towards Work From Home culture. They can clearly see how much it saves considering less leased facilities, less house-keeping staff, and other things like sponsored Transportation, Food, etc. Clearly, this can save corporates a Big Amount which inturns will be added to the profit margins of the company and will indirectly benefit you in terms of various perks like one-time sponsored home-office setup, bonuses. And most importantly don’t forget about the cost you’re saving because of staying home, no or less traveling, and no unnecessary partying.
- Productivity: According to one study, an Employee when in office remains focused for around 20 minutes on average, and after every 20 minutes, there is some sort of disturbance near or onto his desk which takes almost another 30 minutes to regain focus by the individual. So, in a total of 50 minutes you've been productive for around 20 minutes only. With WFH, you’ll save yourself from all these unnecessary disturbances and you’ll be more productive the whole day. With this, you can save yourself a buffer of time to spend with your kids, spouse, and your parents.
- Learning Opportunities: With WFH, you can have a lot of productive time which you can utilize in upskilling yourself. Gone are the days when classroom teaching used to be a big deal. Everyone is going digital and there are numerous and affordable resources available on the Internet which you can utilize for your own benefit in order to become more employable and more skilled.
- Family: With everyone in your family staying home and connecting from home, you’ll now be more connected to each other and you’ll become more understanding of each other’s personal and professional challenges. You’ll become more closer to your family than you were earlier. And that’s all that matters at last, FAMILY.
Arguments in favor of WFO (Work from Office):
- Social Circle: In-Office, you get to meet various people from various different backgrounds and you get socially connected to each other. Your horizons of networking get wider. Humans are social animals so it’s by the law of the nature that we like getting social.
- No or Less Communication Gap: Even though there are various communication tools like Skype, Teams, Zoom, Slack, and many more but no one can match the real-time interactive experience. When we interact with someone face-to-face we try to understand more on the viewpoints and the knowledge because we humans understand the language of Images more than we do for plain texts.
- Personal Grooming: This is something that varies from person to person. However, keeping a more general viewpoint on this. An office going personal will take care more on his grooming than the person who is staying home and connecting in Pyjamas(nothing wrong in that) and haven’t chopped off his/her nails for a long time. Overall personality development gets enhanced when a person goes to the workplace.
- Like-Minded People: Workplaces are meant to exist because it engulfs like-minded people together so that they can share the thought-process with each other, that they can create a similar vibe around in the environment. You get to learn a lot from like-minded people and tend to grow at a faster pace.
- Fixed Schedule: When you start your day keeping in mind that you’ve to reach the office on-time, you plan your day well and stick to that. You do everything on time. Be it waking up, taking bath, having meals on-time, everything becomes sorted and planned in such a way that you don’t need to plan your next moment, you already know what is next and forth.
- Infrastructure: Infrastructure also plays an important role among other productivity factors. A good and ergo friendly Infrastructure ensures employees execute things at their best. Facilities like in-house pantries, chilling out space, gaming zone helps employees getting relaxed a bit and then jump on to what is needed from them with great zeal and enthusiasm. To some extent, a good infrastructure also lowers down the attrition rate as Employee feels that he or she is taken care of by the organization like a Family... And FAMILY... It matters!!
Reality Check and Research Data
So what do studies and research has to say about it?
Recent studies and research shows that there is a whopping amount of 61% of people who would like to continue doing Work From Home as their next mode of working as it brings them a lot of benefits as discussed above. But, we can’t ignore the other 39% of people as well. Yes, WFH is going to be new normal and the world will definitely incline towards this mode of operation sooner or later but it’ll take time considering the comfort of 39% of the workforce who still likes to come to the office and get things done.
My own personal choice:
If I have to choose between these two I’ll go with the blend of both modes of operation at 3:2. Out of 5 working days, 3 would be WFH, and 2 would be WFO.
The reason is very simple: You have to understand the immense benefits WFH brings with it, be it efficiency, be it time-saving and cost-saving. But at the same time, you just can’t ignore the perks which working in the office brings like social-gatherings, infrastructure, personal grooming, and many more.
Covid-19 is not over. It’s there to stay with us for an unforeseen prolonged period of time. But, does it mean this is the end of the story?
It means that one has to become more adaptive to the current situation and has to change on a daily basis according to the situation. Whatever would be the decision of big/medium/small corporates going forward, be it prolonged WFH or WFO, we’ll continue not just to strive but to thrive. We’ll see the positive side of the things in every phase.
“Adaptation is the key and change is the only constant.”
Senior Software Engineer@Walmart | SAP ABAP | EWM | FinTech | Manufacturing
4yAlso as an Add-ons to the Benefits of doing WFH: It helps corporates on reducing Carbon Emissions as well which is a plus point for our planet.
Deputy Manager- Finance & Accounts at JTB India Pvt Ltd.
4yWork from home 🏡
Software Development | Nodejs | Team Management
4yYou have covered the points very well. But for me who is working from home for more than 2 years, would like to highlight or add a few good and bad points: Good: 1. Work from home gives you more opportunities than work from the office in terms of (Job | self-work | passion). 2. Speaking! Speaking yes you are compulsory to speak about your work. 3. You can travel whenever you want with the condition of keeping your work productive and up to date. 4. Instead of finding peace from the social world, you have now you to know yourself better ;). Bad: 1. Your lifestyle is restricted depends on at what age you are working. 2. Having productive work does not mean you are not procrastinating. The chances of procrastination are still there. 3. In-person meeting opportunities? No chance. In last some things are there for some reason so keep good and bad thing aside and enjoy the path what we have to follow ;)