Greetings Friends!
I am excited to share that I have recently been selected as a certified Her Corner facilitator and this Fall I will be leading one of their business peer groups for women business owners!
Since the pandemic hit, Her Corner has re-positioned its programming to offer virtual and flexible peer groups for women to come together, connect, collaborate and work together in order to help one another grow their businesses through this economic downturn. The business peer groups are topic-driven, with set agendas, and offer flexible options for private coaching. Best of all, women from all over the US can join a group - regardless of where she lives!
If you know a woman business owner who wants help with her business, this may be a great resource and the company is holding information sessions about the program on a regular basis.
In addition, Her Corner will be donating ten $1,000 grants to black women business owners who join an Accelerator this Fall in an effort to help minority women business owners manage through this pandemic and survive the economic downturn. Last year, 89% of all businesses started by women were started by black women. We must help these women if we want to achieve a more equal economic recovery.
About Her Corner -
Her Corner is a Washington, DC-based company committed to helping women grow their businesses. The company has operated in six states and has a network of nearly 1,000 businesses, including brick-and-mortar shops like bakeries and fitness studios, service providers like bookkeepers and website marketers, nonprofit organizations, and everything in between.
Our members typically have revenue from near $100K/year to over $1M/year, employ a handful of people, and are a main source of income for their families. The businesses that have gone through our programs and have used our templates have seen growth, on average of 48% in their top line revenues after one year.
#womeninbusiness #womenceos #femalefounders #femaleceos #womenownedbusiness #blackwomenowned #smallbusiness #minoritybusiness #edwosb #wosb #wbe #mwbe