Can o1-Preview Truly Apply Quantum Electrodynamics to Solve Complex Many-Body Schrödinger Equation Problems?

Can o1-Preview Truly Apply Quantum Electrodynamics to Solve Complex Many-Body Schrödinger Equation Problems?

The Schrödinger equation, the cornerstone of quantum mechanics, elegantly describes how the quantum state of a physical system evolves over time. For simple systems like the hydrogen atom (a single electron bound to a proton), the equation works beautifully, yielding exact solutions that predict the behavior of the electron with remarkable precision. However, when we move beyond these simple systems to more complex atoms—like helium or larger—the challenges quickly multiply.

Why is the Schrödinger Equation So Challenging for Many-Body Systems?

The difficulty in solving the Schrödinger equation for systems involving more than two particles, such as the helium atom (with two electrons and one nucleus), lies in the fact that quantum mechanics treats all particles in the system as interacting through the fundamental forces, typically the electrostatic force in atomic systems.

In principle, the time-independent Schrödinger equation for any multi-body quantum system can be written as:


Where His the Hamiltonian operator, E is the total energy, and Ψ is the wavefunction that contains all the information about the system. For an atom with more than one electron, however, this wavefunction becomes a much more complicated entity.

1. Electron-Electron Interactions

In the case of a two-electron system like helium, both electrons interact with the positively charged nucleus, but they also repel each other due to their negative charges. The repulsive force between electrons introduces what is known as a correlation problem. This electron-electron repulsion adds a term to the Hamiltonian that couples the positions of both electrons, making it impossible to treat the motion of each electron independently.

In contrast, for the hydrogen atom, the problem is simplified because there's only one electron, and it interacts solely with the nucleus. The electron's movement can be described by a relatively straightforward solution of the Schrödinger equation. For helium, however, solving the equation exactly is impossible due to the three-body interactions (two electrons and one nucleus), and the equation does not have an analytical solution.

2. The Curse of Dimensionality

The wavefunction for a single particle depends on three spatial coordinates (x, y, z). For two particles, like the electrons in a helium atom, the wavefunction depends on six coordinates (three for each electron). As the number of particles increases, the dimensionality of the wavefunction increases exponentially. For example, for a carbon atom with six electrons, the wavefunction depends on 18 spatial coordinates.

This rapid growth in the complexity of the wavefunction is often referred to as the curse of dimensionality. Solving the Schrödinger equation numerically for such high-dimensional systems becomes computationally expensive and requires sophisticated techniques.

The Helium Atom: A Case Study

The helium atom, despite its simplicity compared to larger atoms, was one of the first many-body quantum systems that challenged physicists. In this case, the Schrödinger equation cannot be solved exactly, and we have to resort to approximations.

1. Variational Methods

One common approach to approximate the wavefunction of the helium atom is the variational method. In this method, a trial wavefunction is assumed, which depends on one or more parameters. These parameters are then adjusted to minimize the total energy of the system, providing an approximate solution to the Schrödinger equation. While this method works reasonably well, it lacks the precision and elegance of the exact solutions we have for hydrogen.

2. Perturbation Theory

Another approach is perturbation theory, where the electron-electron interaction is treated as a small perturbation to the system, with the unperturbed system being the two non-interacting electrons. Perturbation theory can provide good approximations for systems where the interactions are weak, but for systems like helium, where the electron-electron repulsion is not negligible, perturbation theory often has limited accuracy.

3. Modern Computational Techniques

As technology advanced, the limitations of traditional analytical methods were overcome by computational methods like Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) or Density Functional Theory (DFT). These methods allow for more accurate simulations of electron-electron interactions and many-body systems by using statistical and numerical techniques. While these methods can yield highly accurate results, they are computationally intensive and often rely on approximations themselves.

The Challenge Beyond Helium

If solving the Schrödinger equation for helium is already a formidable task, what happens when we move to even more complex systems like lithium, carbon, or molecules with many atoms?

1. Electron Correlation in Larger Atoms and Molecules

In larger atoms and molecules, the electron-electron interactions become even more complex, and the correlation effects between electrons become significant. Accurate calculations of these systems require taking into account how each electron's motion is influenced by all others—an incredibly difficult task due to the sheer number of interactions.

2. Molecular Systems and Quantum Chemistry

In quantum chemistry, where molecules are studied, the difficulty compounds because we not only have to deal with multiple electrons but also multiple nuclei. Each nucleus in a molecule interacts with every electron, and the electrons interact with each other. To make matters worse, the positions of the nuclei also play a role, adding another layer of complexity to the problem.

3. The N-Body Problem

For systems with N particles (electrons, nuclei, etc.), the Schrödinger equation becomes what is known as an N-body problem. As N increases, the system’s behavior becomes increasingly difficult to describe, as all particles are coupled in complex ways. While certain approximations and numerical methods can be applied, no general analytical solutions exist for these N-body quantum systems beyond the simplest cases.

Why Does This Matter?

The difficulty in solving the Schrödinger equation for many-body systems isn't just an academic problem—it has real-world implications for fields like chemistry, materials science, and even quantum computing. Accurately predicting the behavior of multi-electron systems is crucial for understanding chemical reactions, designing new materials, and creating quantum devices.

Advances in computational techniques, quantum algorithms, and approximations have allowed us to push the boundaries of what's possible, but the complexity of the many-body Schrödinger equation remains a significant challenge for physicists and chemists alike.

What Are GPT-4o and o1-Preview?

Before delving into their performance on the many-body Schrödinger equation problem, it's helpful to briefly explain the difference between these two AI models.

GPT-4o is a versatile, multimodal model designed for a wide range of tasks, including text, speech, and even video inputs. It excels in general-purpose functionality, making it ideal for applications requiring quick, accurate responses across multiple formats. For tasks that involve data analysis, file uploads, or browsing, GPT-4o remains the better option. When solving quantum mechanical problems like the many-body Schrödinger equation, GPT-4o can provide detailed explanations and propose approximation methods such as the Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory (DFT). Its strength lies in its versatility and broad general-purpose capabilities, making it a reliable tool for scientific exploration and computationally heavy tasks.

On the other hand, OpenAI o1-preview is more specialized and optimized for complex reasoning and problem-solving. The o1 model excels in advanced mathematical tasks, coding, and scientific reasoning. It uses a "chain-of-thought" process, which allows it to systematically break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. This method is particularly advantageous in solving advanced quantum mechanical problems like the many-body Schrödinger equation, where multi-step logical deduction is required. For instance, when calculating electron-electron interactions in multi-body systems, o1-preview’s step-by-step reasoning can help simulate and explain each part of the equation. However, o1-preview has limitations compared to GPT-4o, such as the lack of features like browsing or multimodal outputs, and it has a slower response time for more general tasks.


Through meta-prompting, ChatGPT is designed to tackle highly scientific questions. I'd like to demonstrate the potential of meta-programming below:

As Meta-Expert in the Star Trek Universe, I possess the unique capability to collaborate with various experts in various fields, such as mathematics, physics, essay writing, and more, to address and solve complex challenges. My role involves overseeing the interaction between these experts, leveraging their distinct skills to formulate answers, and applying my analytical prowess for verification. I can communicate with these experts by specifying their roles and providing detailed instructions or questions. For computational tasks, I utilize Expert Python's ability to generate and execute Python code based on natural language instructions. My approach ensures that calculations are precise and solutions are thoroughly vetted. When engaging with any expert, I provide clear, comprehensive details within my instructions, ensuring all necessary information is included for them to perform effectively. I also have the capacity to assign specific personas to experts for tailored responses. After gathering insights or solutions from various experts, I synthesize this information, perform my verification, and present a cohesive and accurate final answer. If a solution's accuracy is in question, I may consult multiple experts, including Seven Of Nine, Data, Tuvok and Spock for verification or ask an expert to re-evaluate their work, ensuring the final answer is reliable and well-founded. My ultimate goal is to present a step-by-step how you arrive at your answer mathematically including substitution, calculus, and derivation final answer as if I were preparing it for an examination, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and thoroughness within a limited number of interactions to maintain efficiency.

I asked ChatGPT question as below:

Starting from Schrodinger equation , using appropriate approximation calculate the energy required to ionize a single electron from the ground state of a neutral Beryllium atom based on purely theoretical perspective and then compare with the experimental data

I also instruct it to enhance the accuracy of the calculation by providing a step-by-step solution, as the initial answer is typically an approximation. After several iterations (usually 3 to 5), it converges to a stable, precise answer.

Here are the ChatGPT 4o answers:

For o1-preview

In short, o1-preview understands quantum electrodynamics and is capable of reasoning through the steps mathematically, which is often poorly executed by ChatGPT-4 in the context of mathematical physics. One question that bothers me is whether o1-preview can truly perform such calculations or is merely recalling memorized results. However, the depth of understanding required to solve the ionization energy of an atom using quantum electrodynamics is rarely found online and is typically available only in specialized graduate-level textbooks and obscure journal papers. Leave your comment here.

Weng Kung PENG

Principal Investigator


Good insight... Thanks for the detailed explaination

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