Cinderella The Spy
This is a short story I wrote for a bit of fun putting a different complexion on Cinderella.
A long time ago in a far-off land, well not that far away, Brixton. Cinderella was born into a wealthy family. She lived in luxury until suddenly her father had a heart attack and died. Cinderella's mother was a scrawny wimp, and without her husband, could not cope. Cinderella was moved to her grandmother's family, where the two ugly fat sisters Big Mac and KFC, bullied their mother into doing anything that they wanted.
Cinderella arrived at the new home and had to work for the ugly sisters to keep the house clean. As Cinderella grew up, she started turning into a beautiful lady with a high level of intelligence. Determined to better herself, she joined the library and started reading books. She became a great fan of thrillers and wanted to join MI5; she tried to enlist but was rejected after her mother did not give her permission to join. But being determined, Cinderella continued to read her books and dreamt of being a glamorous spy.
Cinderella wiped the floor after the ugly sisters had walked by again, messing up her clean wet floor with their ugly footprints. Even the fat from their feet made their impressions look ugly. It had been a hard day again with the constant bullying by the ugly sisters. But Cinderella was dreaming all the time of being a spy until one day.
There was a knock on the door, it was a man with a blue hat on, his collar turned up and wearing a red tie. 'Are they here?' he asked.
‘Is who here?’ asked Cinderella.
‘Big MAC and KFC,’ replied the man.
‘No, they left to go shopping for more glamorous clothes to fit their fat bodies into.’
'Good, we need to talk urgently. I need you to bug the Ugly Sisters; they are part of the fat movement and are planning to explode a bomb in the city centre.'
‘Really,’ replied Cinderella looking shocked.
‘Yes, I am from MI5. I need you to plant these listening devices and use this recorder to playback everything they say. I will be back tomorrow at the same time; meet me in Costa. I will be wearing a red tie and a blue hat.'
He gave Cinderella the listening devices. She opened the wrapping and read the instructions. It looked quite simple; Cinderella tried out the listening devices and then listened to the recording. I will make a great spy thought Cinderella to herself.
When the Ugly Sisters returned, Cinderella knocked on the Big Mac’s door.
‘I have come to see your new clothes.’
'My new clothes, you think I am just ugly and fat, why should I show you my precious body.'
‘Oh, I think your body is like a temple you look after so well and keep it looking so nice,’ yes and you stuff Big Macs down your neck like there is no tomorrow, thought Cinderella.
The Ugly Sister smiled and turned around slowly. Cinderella attached the listening bug to the bottom of her handbag while she showed off her fat bottom.
'Oh yes, it suits you so well, and it goes so well with the colour of your eyes.' Cinderella had read so many good spy books that she felt she was acting out being a spy in a book; this is great fun, something I will do, she thought to herself.
The ugly sister smiled as only a nasty sister could. Cinderella left the bedroom and went to the other bedroom and did the same with the other ugly sister.
Later that day, when she had some time to herself, Cinderella turned on the recorder and listened to the recording. There was the usual rubbish that the sisters speak. Then one said to the other we are all set for tomorrow at 4 pm. The bomb will wipe out the main square and kill all these thin people; fat people rule.
They are bombers, thought Cinderella, I must stop them. But how shall I do it? I know I need a fairy Godmother. Cinderella thought hard, and as if by magic, her rotund fairy godmother appeared. She told her the story.
'I will give you three wishes to overcome your problem.'
'Wish one I want to stop the bomb from going off.'
‘Wish two I want to go to the ball tomorrow night,’
'Wish three I want to become a spy; I like doing this.'
The fairy Godmother said, 'you must leave the ball by midnight or you will not join MI5.'
The next day Cinderella went to Costa to meet the agent. He arrived in his bright red tie and blue hat. Cinderella told him about the bomb.
‘You have done so well; do you want to work for MI5?’
'Yes, please.'
‘I will take you to the MI5 ball tomorrow night.’
They left Costa and went to the square, ‘I can see the bomb,’ said Cinderella pointing at a pumpkin sitting so out of place. They had the pumpkin in their bedroom. I did wonder what it was for.’
They took the pumpkin and threw it in the river. The bomb did not go off.
The Ugly Sisters ended in jail, and Cinderella went to the ball and lived happily ever after working for MI5.
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