CoachME - a Coaching Model worth Considering
The CoachME© Model
“Coaching is an intentional conversation that empowers a Coachee or Coachees to fully live out their calling.”
A model helps to provide a purpose to a coaching session by defining session results and a clear purpose. It can also be a prompt to ensure that the session stays 'on track', or if the session results need to re-defined. The CoachME Model has been explained as a way to co-create "...big massive dream 'results', connecting with purpose, and step-by-step session results...". The skill of the Coach is enabling the Coachee to understand what they need, why they need it and ways to celebrate when it is achieved.
“Coaches enable Coachees to hear themselves...”
The CoachME Cards, including examples on how they can be used with the model, are ideal for novice Coaches and seasoned practitioners across sectors including life coaching. They enable you to focus on the relationship and worry less about asking the right question. They are used one-on-one, with teams and also for systems intelligence work. The CoachME Mat enables the Coachee(s) to physically 'step into' results, or 'skills' or 'reflection', to connect and feel what comes up for them in that space.
Totally in-line with the AC/EMCC and ICF Coaching Core Competencies and keeping the Codes of Ethics at heart, the CoachME Model is intentionally non-linear and non-cyclical.
The rationale?
From extensive reading and practice of different models and theories, with ICF Master Certified Coaches (MCC), PhDs in Education, Occupational Psychometrists, published Authors, published Researchers and MBA lecturers on the CoachME team, we have conducted empirical research assessing systematically the value of the CoachME Model, we found that Coachees do not always follow the linear or cyclical elements of clarifying the issues, getting the evidence, planning the action, acting. This is particularly important in workplace coaching where numerous results are required at the same and various times.
Great leaders create a culture that drives the right results and they are in the best position to influence culture change. No one person, however, can change an entire system. Culture change requires trust, creativity, resilience and motivation.
However, we are all leaders and coaching can help you to create the setting that becomes a powerful source of identification and commitment for yourself and others (Schein, 1992).
How does it play out?
Coachees may ‘stay’ a whole session in one place or ‘dance’ between different facets. For example, a Coachee may be in Transition Planning and bounce in and out of Results for both the session and for long-term goals. They may also dip into Reflection about what has worked previously, or what Results will look and feel like for them personally/their team, their organisation, linking this with Knowledge to consider what they need to ‘deepen’ in terms of learning, to close gaps, then forward their action.
The model fits with personal life, career, executive, organizational, team and systems coaching. CoachME Coaches provoke Coachee into unchartered territory by utilizing ‘fierce courage’ whilst being Coachee-centric. This draws upon self-awareness and self-management for both the Coach and the Coachee. Our CoachME coaching cards and floor mat enable novice coaches to concentrate on the relationship and questioning, as opposed to worrying about asking the ‘perfect’ question.
CoachME supports eclectic dives into the different facets, helps Coachees to explore ‘where they are at’ and to ‘stay’ with whatever comes up. The model also helps the Coach with the core competencies of non-attachment to both the agenda and the outcomes being the expert at coaching and not any particular business function. In fact, naïve questioning is extremely valuable. Flow occurs without the pressure of moving to action and accountability in every session.
CoachME Coaches believe in their Coachees and accept them ‘as is’. They are open, honest and skilled in tackling ‘difficult conversations’. They always display trust and adhere to ethical codes of conduct by respecting contracts and confidentiality. In an organisational context contracting can be two, three or more ways when necessary due to complex dynamics and the model is shared with all relevant stakeholders.
CoachME Coaching is about Coaches striving to enable their individual, team and group, board Coachees to think more deeply about what is really important to them individually and collectively - it works on the whole system. The idea behind this is that the stronger the sense of purpose a client has in their lives, the more meaningful their actions are to them as they take steps to fulfill that purpose. If one assumes that at some level – even if it is purely subconscious – people know what their purpose is, then it is unfortunate that they rarely take the time out to acknowledge the steps they’re taking to fulfill it. It is precisely this celebration that is needed to keep people both driven and happy.
Listening and observation are key skills for Coaches. Developing the skill of observation is the ability to be ‘inside’ the coaching conversation, fully present, and to be ‘observing’ the conversation, at the same time. It is to take up a meta-position, while ‘dancing’ in the micro level.
The CoachME Model represents a system with an implied, eclectic, organic process. It is a metaphor or analogy used to help visualize and describe the journey. It represents more than what is being looked at. It is multidimensional, encompassing the coaching conversation and the entire coaching intervention, or in workplace coaching, the individual and organisational needs, in business coaching the life purpose and the business strategy, in creativity coaching the essence of the Coachee and the potential impact they want upon the world, in parenting coaching who the parent wants to ‘be’/’feel’/’remembered for’ as well as relational systemic elements of parenting, in leadership coaching leading ‘self’ and leading everything from abundance and from scarcity. All of that, and more!
The Facets of the CoachME Model
Skills, Knowledge and Behaviour
CoachME enables the Coachee to identify and break down what skills, knowledge and behaviours (or attitude) they have in relation to the results sought on micro and macro level. This helps as a reality check to identify any gaps. This is, ideally, done through evidence based practice such as 360° feed-forward (or 720°). The CoachME team tend to use psychometrics from the onset, with appropriate norm groups, which is important.
To reduce toxic behaviours in whole systems, conflict needs to be faced head-on. By identifying and naming the level of conflict for the perspective of individuals, of teams and of the energy in different situations, teams can destruct conflict and learn how to work with such issues as blame, criticism, defensiveness, stone-walling and contempt (Gotman, 2013). CoachME embraces conflict as a positive force for change, and part of transition, rather than something to be resolved or managed.
With a clear intention of the impact you want, any interaction, with a family member, with colleagues, on-line can enable you to achieve your full purpose and productivity. This is especially important when training, facilitating meetings and leading team coaching. Pre-framing, reframing and de-framing are played with purposeful interactions.
Empowerment is at the heart of CoachME Coaching which enables the Coachee to generating and own solutions, with the Coach when needed. For teams, this is about collectively creating great ideas. Cooperation and collaboration, and their differences can be explored to enable teams to work in synergy with the entire system and for members to creating win-win solutions, adding to the thoughts of others, for the sake of the transformation needed. This is a mindset.
CoachME Coaches are curious and non-judgmental, hear Coachee’s values and beliefs, as well as accepting the religious, cultural and other nuances that have impacted upon them.
Transition Planning
Transition Planning is about ‘creative solutions’, co-creating and ‘establishing goals with measurable outcomes’ and being aware of the ‘different stakeholders’ parts in systems.
Transition Planning is identified in research as of paramount importance in ensuring that change is long-term and sustained as opposed to a ‘quick fix’. This element of the CoachME model focuses on who or what can help the Coachee to achieve their desired results in their way and their timescale. This is a way of ensuring that the targets or results are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Articulated, Resonant, Reasonable, Time bound, Thrilling, Enjoyed and Evaluative, Reflected upon and Revisited (SMARTER).
Transition Planning brings in accountability measures and who or what can support the Coachee around accountability. It also ignites exploration of connection and identification of what Results will look and feel like as well as towards thinking (Dweck, 2004).
CoachME Coaching is about both the Coach and the Coachee ‘staying fully present’, being ‘flexible’ and wanting the best outcomes for Coachees. Transition Planning raises awareness and supports ‘generation of options’ as well as different perspectives, reminding the Coachee that they are not alone.
Drawing on who and what can help results happen, also means that others are being empowered and developed. This is also supported by a growth mindset. Transition Planning is also about designing action, realizing potential set-backs and planning ways to tackle them to get back on track as smoothly and quickly as possible. Measures of desired Results are clear, as are the optimal situations, way of being, critical incidents and significant others who can support Results in many ways, including acting as change agents and brand ambassadors in organisations. This can reduce silos in organisations as well as encouraging internal networking for optimizing organisational Results.
Transition Planning is the framework which supports change and transformation.
With Results at its centre, which can be dipped into when required, this is a goal oriented model that, through reflection and other facets, also addresses ‘deepening the learning’. This helps both Coach and Coachee to be fully present and flexible, to ‘dance in the moment’, sometimes flowing in and out, or consciously jumping right into Results throughout the session. The facets of the CoachME model drawn together are designed to collectively encourage the Coachee to not only think outside their own frame of reference and mindsets, but to create an emotional shift.
Action includes ‘doing’ and the CoachME model encourages Coachees to explore ‘in action’ who they are being. Action can also be enquiries to broaden the scope of learning as well as exploration of the pace and commitment and to work on who they are ‘being’. Acting, role-play and modelling these new Skills and Behaviours through conscious, intentions and responsibility can have a significant impact on the Coachee’s way of doing things. Action is also stressing the need to practice to gain long-term results.
Where patterns emerge and things ‘show up’ in various parts of a Coachee’s life, reflection is about exploring and recognising (through tools, techniques and competency check-ins) patterns which are emerging. It is also about seeing things from a meta-view, the bigger picture. Research also shows that it is hard to break old hardwired habits. Hence transformation – the creation of create new hardwiring, letting the old atrophy.
Celebrating our successes and acknowledging personal growth helps keep us on track and motivated towards our goals.
Recently published behavioural studies have shown that the most motivated individuals are those that feel they are making adequate progress towards their own goals. While financial incentives, benefits and pats on the back for corporate accomplishments may stimulate some excitement in the short term, these carrots are rarely sufficient to achieve sustainable motivation. For this, each individual needs to have an idea of what their own end goals are as well as some concrete milestones that would inform them that they are on track.
CoachME advocates revelling in successes and celebrating, large leaps or small steps, at whatever pace is desired. It incorporates reflective time to ‘stay’ in celebration and acknowledgement of results. Why is it important to celebrate your successes?
- Celebrating enhances an encouraging atmosphere, which is a great motivator.
- Celebration helps anchor acceptance of achievements and positivity.
- By celebrating you also acknowledge and evaluate what you have accomplished.
- Celebration provides an opportunity to thank the people that have been supportive.
The Certified CoachME Coaches on the BMC team love this model as it ensures flexibility within coaching conversations, through powerful questioning, coaching activities and geography, because it lends itself to a fluid results-oriented process.
BMC - Belief, Momentum and Celebration.
Purchase your CoachME Cards and Model Mat here (in Arabic or English). The cards include detailed ways to use the cards and model as a novice Coach or experienced practitioner.
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