Contemplation is the Mother of Clarity

Contemplation is the Mother of Clarity

*** In this Clarity through Contemplation Newsletter, I will talk about how you can use a regular habit of Contemplation to improve your clarity of thought in various dimensions of your life, which helps you make the right choices, which leads to lower stress and a more fulfilling, purposeful and peaceful life.

You can also listen to the Contemplation podcast on Apple or Spotify to improve your Contemplation practice.***


Your quality of life depends on how you feel on the inside. If you feel restless, your quality of life is not very good. If you feel peaceful, your quality of life is good. And how you feel depends on what you think, what you say and what you do. 

In the physical world, this is easier to understand because you have physical guideposts available to you. If you want to go to City A, go left. If you want to go to City B, go right. Or we could rephrase this as: If you go left, you will reach City A. If you go right, you will reach City B.

"The quality of your life depends on how you feel on the inside. Do you feel heavy and stressed or do you feel light and peaceful?"

Such physical guideposts are normally missing in your mental life, so you need to create them.

You need to make various decisions on a regular basis, and in many instances, these decisions are to be made in very different roles that you might be playing — a professional, a partner, a parent, a colleague, a leader, etc.

While these decisions could be of a very different nature in each of these cases, all of them can be made using a single set of personal fundamental guidelines. These guidelines apply to each of these decisions because they exist at the root level.

But why do you need personal guidelines? Haven’t you been making these decisions anyway for such a long time?

The importance of personal guidelines

You need your own guidelines because your life, circumstances, expectations and motivations are very specific to you. Someone else's guidelines may not apply to your situation. Only your personal guidelines can help you decide what you must do in your life and how doing that will make you feel. Your guidelines are customised for your life.

If you don't have your personal guidelines, there is a risk. The external environment today is quite noisy and distracting and it is likely that you might live your life focused on the outside a lot of the time. If you make decisions without thinking deeply about how they affect your peace of mind in the long run, without consulting your personal guidelines, some of those choices may not be good for you.

In some instances, you might say or do something merely because it feels good in the moment, or perhaps because someone else is doing so. But doing this might cause a feeling of stress, hollowness or unease within — something seems to be not right or missing. That's a sign of you either not having defined or not following your personal guidelines.

"To feel fulfilled and peaceful, you need to make the right choices. To make those right choices, you need to be deeply connected with yourself."

These guidelines help you because they act as guideposts and tell you: if you go left, you will feel more restless; if you want to feel more peaceful, go right.

To be truly independent, you must have your own customised guidelines for making your choices, so you can find answers to all your questions yourself.

Relying on friends, substances or other advisors might perhaps help for a short while. At times, it might only create an illusion of help. These might be tactics you use to avoid the core problem. If you want to solve the problem, you need to solve it at the root level, rather than avoiding or putting a temporary lid on it.

Making the right choices yourself without relying on others isn’t as difficult as it looks. You just need to create a set of personal guidelines that help you understand what will make you feel more restless and what will make you feel more peaceful. Once you have those guidelines, you need to set aside a few minutes each day for Contemplation.

What is Contemplation and how does it work?

Contemplation is deep thinking — thinking about a particular matter for a long period of time and going deeper to understand it well. It may seem like a mental activity, but it has a very strong physical element to it.

First, you acquire the habit of physically stopping whatever you were doing — speaking to someone, checking your phone or email, watching a video, doing chores, etc.

Second, you find yourself a quiet place where you will not be distracted by people or technology — maybe sit on a chair in a room or lie down on the bed or go for a Contemplation walk alone.

Third, you think deeply about your guidelines and analyze what you have been saying or doing or thinking to see if those actions are in line with your guidelines.

During such Contemplation sessions, you ask yourself:

  1. What makes me more peaceful?
  2. What makes me more restless?
  3. Have I been doing or saying things at home, work, outside, that make me less peaceful?
  4. Is my current personal or professional environment making me less peaceful or more restless?
  5. What are my Values or guiding principles in my life that will keep me peaceful?
  6. What is the Non Financial Vision of my life?

"Contemplation helps you remain deeply connected with yourself so you can make the right choices and find answers to all your questions yourself, without relying on anyone else."

Why Contemplation is useful?

Regular Contemplation on such questions helps you think more clearly. If you can think clearly, you make the decisions that are right for you. They may not be right for someone else, but they are right for you. And that's all that matters. If you make the right decisions, you feel more peaceful.

Contemplation on the right principles leads to clarity, which leads to making the right choices, which leads to a more peaceful mind.

Mental fitness — having a clear, undisturbed and focused mind — is similar to physical fitness. Regular Contemplation on the right guidelines is the way to achieve it. 

While the external environment might urge you to stay connected constantly, what you really need to do is the opposite — you need to regularly disconnect yourself from the external and spend time thinking deeply about matters that matter.

Clarity of thought and peace of mind are skills, so you can learn them just like you learn how to ride a bicycle. Learn them once and you will gain the ability to find your answers yourself, independently, without relying on anyone else. That's true freedom.

You may still interact with or take guidance from others in certain matters, but you will never have to depend on anyone else to solve your problems. Ever.

Clarity of thought, peace of mind, the ability to find all your answers yourself - you can get all of this, and much more, for just a few minutes spent with yourself and asking those questions.

Would you like to become a much better partner, parent, professional, leader?

If yes, then please complete the exercise below. Let me know how it goes. If you have questions, please reach out to me through the comments or DM.

All the best.

Contemplation Exercise

Take a Contemplation walk for 20 mins, thrice a week, and think about the following questions. You can also listen to the Contemplation podcast on Apple and Spotify during your Contemplation walks to help you think deeply.

During your Contemplation walk, ask yourself:

  1. What makes me more peaceful?
  2. What makes me more restless?
  3. Have I been doing or saying things at home, work, outside, that make me less peaceful?
  4. Is my current personal or professional environment making me less peaceful or more restless?
  5. What are my Values or guiding principles in my life that will keep me peaceful?
  6. What is the Non Financial Vision of my life?

Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions.

All the best.

The Contemplation framework I have designed is called ADIOS - A Dialogue In Objective Silence. It is a dialogue that you have with yourself, objectively, in silence.

If you are a leader who wants to incorporate Contemplation as a regular practice in your life to make better decisions, find newer insights about your business and create an inspiring organization on a foundation of Values, Vision and Culture with a team that is truly aligned to the mission, consider joining our next live cohort on

Contemplation is the answer. What is the question?

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