Crisis definition: Danger and opportunity
We just passed the one year anniversary of COVID 19 in our Tribal communities. As you all know it has devasted many of our people, families, organizations and communities. Tribes have been very proactive in responding to the crisis but with limited resources the challenge has been overwhelming. There is relief on the way now with the arrival of the vaccine and with the passage of the Rescue bill by Congress last week.
I am sure most of you are aware but in case you are not there is over 31 billion in the new legislation for Indian country. This is by far the largest amount of revenue we have ever seen coming into our communities. It will provide a significant amount or resources for Tribal operations, housing, education, health and child welfare. Also, IHS will receive 8 Billion and there annual budget is about 2 billion. And the BIA will receive another 1 billion plus. This has to be used for COVID prevention but it is also broad enough that it can help in other ways to improve the quality of life for our people.
As many past efforts have shown us money alone will not solve our problems. We need to know how to best utilize the resources we are given which will take leadership. As I have written in the past it is essential that Tribes conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to determine what their highest needs and priorities are. Then you need to develop a strategic plan to find out how you will address those needs and implement a strategy. If you already have one make sure you are following it so that there are measurable standards in place and milestones to insure you are achieving the intended results. You may want to go through a reorganization process if you feel this would improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Tribal organization. This may also be an opportunity for you to enter into a 638 or self governance contract with IHS or the BIA. If you already have one you can use some of these resources to strengthen your financial and human resource systems amont others so that you can assume even more responsibility.
A year from now you could see unemployment drastically reduced, child poverty cut in half, a vastly improved health system, many more Tribal members in their own house and no longer on the Tribal housing list, far more of our children back with their families or being cared for by their own relatives and a vastly improved educational system which provides far more opportunity to our sacred children. This is not a pipe dream but rather it is within the grasp of all the Tribal communities if you develop a vision and follow it. If this does not occur it will not be because we did not have the resources this time. It is time for a paradigm shift in our Tribal communities and let's not waste this precious opportunity that our Tribal leaders have sacrificed so much for our people. For more information on how to take advantage of these opportunities go to and look for Tribal Transformation Process.