Crypto currency: an ecological disaster?

Crypto currency: an ecological disaster?

The recent investment by Tesla in Bitcoin made many observers point out the apparent contradiction: doesn't Elon Musk knows that mining for the top 4 cryptocurrencies was responsible for 15-22 million tonnes of CO2 emissions?

A lot has been said about how energy intensive are the crypto mining operations. To mine Bitcoin alone, it requires the same energy a country like Angola demands.

However the problem should be see in the right context of energy invested vs. value extracted.

An academic study by Krause & Tolaymat (from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Cincinnati, USA) published in 2018 on Nature Sustainability, asked such a question, comparing the energy cost of mining 1$ worth of Gold vs the same for 1$ worth of Bitcoin.

They concluded, in 2018, for Gold it amounts to 5 MJ while for Bitcoin jump to 17 MJ.

But hold on, since mid 2018 Bitcoin value increased by 650% to hit 47,200$ at the time of writing.

As Bitcoin value sits at the denominator of their equation, you will need today much less energy to mine the same 1$ worth of Bitcoin, namely 2.2 MJ (assuming the numerator didn't change).

In the meantime also Gold increased its value from around 41,000 $ x kg to 58,700$. Accordingly, to mine a 1$ worth of Gold today takes 3.5MJ

Surprise! mining 1$ worth of Gold consume 60% more energy than mining 1$ worth of Bitcoin...

This is somehow a provocative conclusion, as I realize that assuming the "numerator" (cost of energy per unit of Bitcoin produced) mentioned above, remains unchanged is a bit shaky.

In fact, the network difficulty ( has increased four time since 2018. This is to account not only for the halving of the bitcoin but also for the increase complexity, hence the computing power required, and competition to mine one.

But still...

A few more arguments:

- Bitcoin is just 61% of the total Market Cap of all Cryptos. This means the remaining 560 Billion of Market Cap value is "extracted" by all other Cryptos, which have smaller carbon footprint than Bitcoin by a magnitude of 100 ! (Litecoin even 1000..)

-The amount of electricity consumed every year by always-on but inactive home devices in the USA alone (zero value extracted) is almost twice as much the electricity used by the entire Bitcoin Network (University of Cambridge,

-Bitcoin Market Value is 881 billion, 10 time Angola GDP. Both use the same amount of energy

In conclusion, energy invested vs. value extracted is the correct frame of reference and that is what Elon Musk is after.

elisabetta natili

Consultant presso CNIT - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni


Hot issue Gino. Discussing yesterday with Beppe.

Marco Paracciani

Executive Coach & Advisor | Former Senior Executive | CPC, CTC, ACC


Ciao Gino Borrelli - thanks for the thought provoking article. The equation justifies the investor perspective but the ecological impact is still on the table.


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