Cyber AB Town Hall Key Takeaways: CMMC Year In Review and Industry Updates.

Cyber AB Town Hall Key Takeaways: CMMC Year In Review and Industry Updates.

Author: Jason Sproesser

The estimated read time for this document is 3 minutes and 30 seconds. 

The final monthly Cyber AB town hall for 2022 took place on Tuesday, November 29th. During this month's town hall, members of the Cyber AB and CAICO staff distributed information and fielded questions on the following agenda:  

  • CMMC Welcome and Update  
  • CMMC Year in Review  
  • CMMC Myth Busters 
  • Ethics Corner 
  • Updates on Joint Surveillance Voluntary Assessments 
  • CAICO Update 

The Cyber AB extended this month's town hall to 90 minutes to field and respond to more questions during the Q&A period. 


CMMC Program and Ecosystem Updates 

During this portion of the town hall, CEO Matt Travis provided the following updates regarding the ecosystem:  

  • The CMMC Ecosystem summit was a huge success. So much so that the plan is already in the works for the 2023 CMMC Ecosystem Summit. The date for next year's event could be announced as soon as January 2023, and it could be a 2-day event.  
  • Five joint surveillance assessments have been completed, and DIBCAC is working to open additional spots in the coming months. 
  • Two more organizations have been authorized as C3PAOs, bringing the total of authorized C3PAOs in the ecosystem to 29. (As of the date of the townhall) 
  • The Cyber AB intends to publish Q&A on the Draft CAP possibly by the end of the year. 
  • Four additional members have been named to the Cyber AB Board of Directors. They are: 

  1. Debbie Taylor Moore – VP and Senior Partner for Global Cybersecurity, IBM 
  2. Gene Chao – Chief Growth officer and operating partner, Amelia AI  
  3. Anthony Johnson- Managing Partner, Delve Risk 
  4. Katherine Gronberg- Head of Government Services, NightDragon 


CMMC Year in Review  

Because this was the last town hall to be held in 2022, Matt Travis took time to reflect on the year in the world of CMMC. He discussed changes to the CMMC program, milestones, and accomplishments and provided an overall ecosystem census. 


CMMC program changes  

  • CMMC PMO moved from AUSD to DOD CIO 
  • CMMC AB rebranding to the Cyber AB 


Milestones and accomplishments 

  • A draft of proposed CMMC rules an on the horizon.
  • Draft CMMC Assessment Process (CAP) document was released. 
  • Start of Joint Surveillance Assessments  
  • The Cybersecurity Assessor and Instructor Certification Organization (CAICO) was born.  
  • Launched the Certified CMMC Practitioner and Certified CMMC Assessor (CCA) certification tracks. 
  • Release of the CMMC Registered Practitioner– Advanced (RPA) ecosystem role.  


CMMC ecosystem end-of-year census 

  • The total number of Registered Practitioners (RP's), Registered Practitioner Organizations (RPOs), Licensed Training Providers (LTPs), and Licensed Partner Publishers (LPPs) decreased in 2022.  
  • There was an increase in authorized and candidate Certified CMMC 3rd Party Assessment Organizations (C3PAOs) in the ecosystems.  
  • There were 2200 Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) applications submitted in 2022 

CMMC Myth Busters 

CEO Matt Travis utilized a small sample of the meeting time to address common misconceptions discovered over the previous month. This month, these myths were debunked by Mr. Travis:  

  • The rules related to CMMC rulemaking have yet to be pre-designated for interim final rule status. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has yet to publish the fall version of the unified agenda. And that unified should indicate the status of CMMC rules.  
  •  There were rumors that one or more of the OSCs who participated in the Joint Surveillance assessment had failed. However, these assessments are provided a numerical score and not a pass/fail or met/not met determination.  

Ethics Corner 

During this segment of the monthly meeting, Mr. Travis addressed some of the topics presented to Cyber AB regarding ethics. He also provided clarity to the stance of the AB in some other areas, which may introduce ethics questions such as: 

  • The AB plays no favorites when determining which organizations they accept speaking engagements and appearances. These events all relate to how the calendar aligns for the involved parties.  
  • Any member of the Cyber AB board that is removed or resigns is subject to a 12-month "cool-off" period. During this period, they CAN NOT participate in the ecosystem. 
  • Until CMMC rulemaking finalizes, CMMC is technically not a thing. Any assessment decisions during the Joint Surveillance period are DoD/DIBCAC lead decisions. 


ISO 17011 has impartiality requirements that the Cyber AB and the CAICO must adhere to meet the standard.

As a result:

  • The AB shouldn't and cannot be involved in the certification process.
  • The CAICO does not influence Accreditation decisions.
  • AB Board members cannot have any association with C3PAOS. 

CAICO Update 

Finally, Kyle Gingrich provided an update on the CAICO and a look ahead to what's to come from this organization in 2023. In addition, he touched on certification tracks entering general availability to the entire ecosystem and new certified roles coming soon! Here are some of the highlights from her segment: 

  • The Certified CMMC Professional exam is now available to be taken by all members of the ecosystem who meet the prerequisites.  
  • The CCA exam is expected to be available to everyone around 12/16. 
  • Four new roles are slated to be introduced by the CAICO in 2023: CMMC Certified Instructor (CCI), CMMC Quality Assurance Professional (CQAP), CMMC Authorized Master Instructor (CAMI), and CMMC Lead Assessor.  


The next Cyber AB Town Hall has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 31st.  


Previous Town Halls are available here:  

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