Designing flexible and future-focused qualifications

Designing flexible and future-focused qualifications

Welcome to AUSMASAs June edition of The Journey,

We provide the industry with a strong, strategic voice to ensure Australia’s VET sector delivers better outcomes for learners and employers.

Hear more about the AUSMASA projects from our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind.

Our Work

Qualifications Reform AUR Demonstration Project

Thank you to the Project Steering Committee that is overseeing our Qualifications Reform AUR Demonstration Project. The committee's expertise ensures the needs of industry, registered training organisations, government, and unions are represented as we test a new model for the design of nationally accredited training programs.

More information about Qualification Reform and advice given to Skills Ministers by the Design Group can be found at the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

Learn more about Qualification Reform

Review into VET training products with low and no enrolments across AUM, AUR and RII (mining)

An initial analysis of enrolments at a qualification level using NCVER data, has identified that across the Automotive Manufacturing (AUM), Automotive Retail, Service and Repair (AUR) and Resources and Infrastructure (mining) training packages, several qualifications have less than 50 enrolments per year nationally.

Click for more information

Review of AUM, AUR and RII (Mining) Training Packages for Superseded Units of Competency

Training provider feedback has revealed that at least one current and recently endorsed qualification in the Automotive Retail, Sales and Repair (AUR) training package lists a superseded unit of competency. 

Click to learn more

Gen Z Perceptions of Mining research report

We conducted a research project in collaboration with Year13 to gain insights into the perceptions of Gen Z about the mining industry.

Download the full report

Industry Insights

Our 'Industry Insights' series aims to share valuable insights from industry stakeholders on the attraction and retention of talent in the mining and automotive industries.

Thank you to our Automotive SWAP member, Sarah Brunton from the Electrical Trades Union of Australia. Sarah explains the importance of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of apprentices.

Open Consultations

Removal of oil and gas property and sea dumping of infrastructure in Commonwealth waters: draft guidance

The Australian Government is seeking feedback on the draft guidance, which will support the offshore oil and gas industry in planning for decommissioning.

Submissions close 19 July 2024. MAKE A SUBMISSION

Australia’s Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap and Action Plan

It will examine the potential pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 across all transport modes. 

Submit your feedback by Friday, 26 July 2024. TAKE THE SURVEY

Significant Impact Guidelines 1.3 to reflect the new water trigger

The core purpose of these guidelines is to assist anyone who proposes to take action involving an unconventional gas development or a significant coal mining development in deciding whether the action has or is likely to impact a water resource significantly.


Unlocking green metals opportunities for a Future Made in Australia

Insights from the consultation will also inform the Australian Government’s Net Zero Plan, including the Industrial Sector Plan. This plan will consider the opportunities and barriers to decarbonising metals production.


Latest Industry Papers and Reports

Communique - Meeting of Federal, State and Territory Skills Ministers

Federal, State and Territory Skills and Training Ministers met in Sydney on 24 May to discuss Australia's inaugural National Skills Plan under the National Skills Agreement and the draft Vocational Education and Training (VET) Workforce Blueprint. Read media release

WA to host first TAFE Clean Energy Skills National Centre of Excellence

The Albanese and Cook Labor Governments are jointly investing $70.5 million over five years to establish Australia’s first TAFE Clean Energy Skills National Centre of Excellence in WA. Read more

Employer's Toolkit - Women in Trades

This guide provides practical steps for attracting, recruiting, and retaining women in trades and is organised in three phases. It contains evidence-based strategies and practical tips to help trades employers attract, recruit, and retain women in trade roles. Download your copy

Evidence-based advice to help you communicate with girls and women about non-traditional trades

The guide provides practical tips backed by evidence to prompt women and girls to consider a career in non-traditional trades. Learn more

Life Phases: Women in Trades

The report gathers insights from more than 950 participants across NSW in both regional and metro areas to understand and support women to pursue non-traditional trade careers. Find out more

Good Jobs, Great Training Queensland Skills Strategy 2024 – 2028

As Queensland's strong economy drives opportunities across industries and regions, the state's new skills strategy sharpens focus on the role of TAFE, developing priority skills and skills for good jobs for all Queenslanders now and into the future. Discover insights

National Battery Strategy

Australia has released its first National Battery Strategy. It outlines priorities with new programs and initiatives that will grow a thriving battery industry in Australia. Read more about the strategy and measures

Stakeholder Engagement

The AUSMASA team had a great time hosting our second Mining and Automotive Strategic Workforce Advisory Panel (SWAP) sessions for 2024. Thank you to our Mining and Automotive SWAP members for your invaluable feedback and participation.

Visit our website to learn more about our Strategic Workforce Advisory Panels.

Our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind met with Craig Robertson, CEO of Victorian Skills Authority and Chair of the Qualifications Reform Design Group. We were delighted to host a two-day intensive workshop on our Qualifications Reform AUR Automotive Demonstration Project. Check out our LinkedIn post.

The AUSMASA team met with members of The Institute of Quarrying Australia (IQA), including Mining SWAP member Elizabeth Gibson, to discuss the importance of the quarrying and extractive industries (such as cement, stone, and gravel) in Australia. Check out our LinkedIn post.

We thank the Motor Trade Association of Western Australia, Mel Greenhow, Stephen Moir and the team for organising the roundtable session in Perth. It was a great way to connect people, network, collaborate, and create meaningful conversations. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Our Manager of Industry Engagement, Michael Rose, had a great time presenting at the TruckShowX in Cape Schanck last week. Michael talked about some key initiatives regarding the critical role of training and workforce skills development in decarbonising the transport industry. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Upcoming Events

The AUSMASA team look forward to seeing you out and about at upcoming events.

NCVER 32nd National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’ 2024

Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance (RESA) Skills Summit

Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing & Energy Council (TMEC) Annual Business Conference 2024

National Apprentice Employment Network (NAEN) National Conference 2024

Office moves

To accommodate our growing team, we will be relocating our Melbourne and Brisbane office locations in June. Please update your records accordingly.

New locations:

Brisbane - 6/200 Adelaide Street Anzac Square Brisbane QLD 4000

Melbourne - 7/180 Flinders Street Melbourne Vic 3000 

We look forward to working with you from our new locations.

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