Disease Prevention in Spring–For dogs

Disease Prevention in Spring–For dogs

In spring, the weather is getting warmer, the temperature is fluctuating, and a variety of viruses and bacteria will multiply, which is the season of high incidence of various infectious diseases. At the same time, the frequency of pets going out has also greatly increased, which has led to an increase in their chances of contracting diseases.

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Common Canine diseases in spring

Gastrointestinal disease

Dogs are very prone to gastrointestinal diseases in spring. Generally speaking, the spring season is relatively humid, which can easily lead to the deterioration of the dog's food. If the dog eats these spoiled food by mistake, it is easy to cause vomiting. , diarrhea, causing gastroenteritis.

Therefore, the owner should feed the dog regularly and quantitatively, and the unfinished food must be disposed of in time.

Skin disease

In spring, everything recovers, the weather warms up, and many bugs become active. If the owner neglects the deworming work of the dog, the dog is prone to various skin diseases.

In addition to deworming regularly, the owner should pay more attention to the dog's condition. If the dog is always scratching himself, he should pay attention to check the skin on his body, and take the dog to the pet store for treatment in time, so as to avoid serious hair loss and lead to alopecia areata.

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Respiratory disease

In the spring season, everything recovers, flowers bloom everywhere, and there is a lot of dust, and the owner also likes to take the puppy to travel in this season, but some teddy may be allergic to some dust or pollen, and the owner does not know it. If you are exposed to it, you will have some symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes, and you are likely to have a respiratory disease.

canine distemper

This is a highly contagious disease with a high mortality rate. This disease occurs all year round, but mostly occurs in spring and winter, especially for dogs that have just been weaned and have not yet reached the age of one year. The symptoms are a bit like rabies, and the affected dog will be emotionally agitated and bark non-stop.

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Precautions for pets care in spring

1. Pay attention to deworming

Spring is the season when parasites are active, so we must pay attention to deworming the dog, which is a certain guarantee for the health of the dog. Dog deworming is also divided into internal and external. It is generally recommended for adult dogs to deworm externally once a month and internal deworming once every 3 months. Have you done all these tasks?

2. Suitable for dog walking

The scenery in spring is beautiful, the grass is green and the flowers are blooming a lot. However, you should also pay attention to taking your dog out. It is not recommended to take your dog to the jungle or to play in the flowers. In addition, it is recommended to take your dog to a crowded place as little as possible, and to avoid contact with other pets.

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3. Pay attention to diet

In spring, food is prone to spoilage, so it is necessary to feed it regularly, and the unfinished food should be disposed of in time to prevent the dog from eating it by mistake.

4. Vaccination

Regularly take your pet dog to a regular hospital for a physical examination, get vaccinated, and make a protective barrier to enhance resistance.

Spring is the season when pets suffer from infectious diseases. It is very important to know some common diseases and know some necessary preventive measures. Knowing yourself and knowing each other can help you stay calm in the face of danger, so as to better protect your pet dog.

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