Diverse backgrounds for greater view and deeper insight is the answer to solving cyber security issues in the future

Diverse backgrounds for greater view and deeper insight is the answer to solving cyber security issues in the future

You don’t need cyber security training to become a hacker, so we must also include people of diverse education and backgrounds to solve IT issues. Only technical training is not enough. Cyber security needs people from other disciplines for a greater view and deeper insight. IT departments must employ people who think untraditionally, the way hackers do. 

We are all frontline workers when we are online. We must stop thinking someone else is responsible because we are all responsible. It’s essential to have employees with different backgrounds and competencies to broaden the work in cyber security and see the problem from other points of view than the traditional ones. 

Cyber security is about someone stealing something from someone else or breaking into someone else’s property; the property, in this case, is a system or a network.  Cyber security criminologists and professionals in other disciplines, for example, sociology and psychology, try to understand why people act the way they do. Cyber security specialists can then develop new strategies and preventive measures based on all the different findings. 

Cyber security specialists must realise that they can only remain an expert if they keep learning, and learning from other disciplines helps in the long term and a larger context. It’s time to realise that no one knows everything and that cyber security experts must constantly learn new things to stay ahead of the changes. 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed as cyber security is so vast, but finding passion in one area and deepening the knowledge from professionals in other disciplines means you give yourself a better chance of remaining an expert. Learning from others will help you see the whole picture and the constant challenges in the fight against cybercrime. 

Diversity of experience, viewpoint and discipline are crucial. To solve complex problems, IT departments must diversify and employ experts from other disciplines too. Cyber security specialists have to work with people who don’t know as much or even anything about cyber security to solve future issues. 

Today, anyone can buy attacks as a service. No degree or certification is needed to be considered for a hacking job or initiating an attack. Cybercriminals train each other. More and more people can participate on any side. Cyber security has to diversify its workforce too. Combining disciplines makes sense. There are already courses combining cyber security and criminology; we need more combinations. And a lot more practice. 

As we become more reliant on technology, knowing how cybercriminals communicate with their targets is vital to cracking their code. Also, how they negotiate with each other. Based on what one learns, it’s possible to make predictions. Cybersecurity is still a relatively young industry, so professionals must keep learning to always be at the forefront. Cyber Security jobs will continue to grow exponentially this decade in large part due to the surge in cyberattacks during the pandemic. We need to combine disciplines. We need to diversify the cyber security workforce for greater view and deeper insight. 

Amharc Tech’s diverse Cyber Security team are experts, and we’re always upskilling. Talk to us about your cyber security. 

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