Dr. C.M. Prakash, an Australian Citizen, Long Time I am looking for a job in Australia. Office Adminstration/Customer Service or any job please.
Thank you for your support for all recruiting companies.
Dr. C.M. Prakash, an Australian Citizen
Thanks very much for your support For a long time, I have been looking for a job in Australia.
Here in India, I have to finish some projects. After finishing this job, I am coming back to Australia.
I would like to do any job as a customer service officer, office administrator, or office assistant, or any job, please
Please check my profile for education and skills directly linked to it. please. www.linkedin.com/in/prakash-chinna-konda-mohanram-48ba17120
Thanks, Regards
Dr. C.M. Prakash, an Australian Citizen
My Mobile Number in India is
+91-8695263517 (Whats app)