Embrace Cultural Diversity | Blog # 01

Embrace Cultural Diversity | Blog # 01

Dear Connection,

Hope you're doing well. This is my first article on LinkedIn, and here I will talk about why cultural diversity is so important in today's world.

From now onwards, I will try to portray my views and thought on various topics like Workplace Culture, Leadership, and other interesting facts, and that too based on my personal experience and knowledge.

If you find me here for the first time, will request you to please stay connected with me at Susmit Chakraborty | LinkedIn and refer to the About section to know more about me.

Read on...

A culturally diverse workplace indicates a system where people are recognized and respected for their different values, traditions, or beliefs based on race, interest, ethnicity, religion, gender, generation, educational qualification, skill, disability status, and orientation.

It helps to defend against any discrimination in the workplace, also boosts problem-solving capabilities, and increases happiness and overall productivity.

Benefits of diverse work culture:

  • A diverse workforce enables team members to respect the differences because of the positive contribution that different people bring. Where everyone is open to learning from each other.
  • If everyone in any organization is from the same background or class, they’re more like to have similar ideas. To remain competitive, companies need new ideas and a diverse workforce brings unique perspectives.
  • A commitment to diversity demonstrates that a company values equality. It has a positive effect on the company's reputation with different stakeholders and customers. A company that openly recruits the best candidates for a job, gains a good reputation and customer loyalty.

The drawbacks of not having a best practice to maintain diverse work culture in an organization are as follows... Though, we can take proactive measures to mitigate or tackle it better.

  • Intolerant attitudes can turn into open conflict driven by discrimination, and lack of respect in the workplace. Which eventually impacts the organizational culture. The company should create a value map and educate the people around it.
  • Like all the other issues arising from diversity in the workplace, harassment can have a devastating effect on employees and the company as a whole. Training should be provided as to what constitutes harassment. Employees who harass others should be dealt with according to company procedures.
  • If someone feels isolated and/or misunderstood, it can result in a loss of faith. This often causes a loss of interest in their duties and, ultimately, a loss of organizational loyalty. Losing talented employees due to a lack of diversity is bad for business. In long run, which eventually dents the company's reputation. Employers need to lead the way in creating a comfortable workplace for all of their employees.

The concept of diversity is not new to Indian culture. We are blessed to have a multi-diverse demographical advantage here for ages. In this scenario, we have an edge over others and now we should respect our core values to enhance them further.

As responsible individuals, we should take a pledge to stand whenever we face or see any kind of discrimination in the workplace, we need to ensure that the issue has been addressed properly per the company’s policy, as it not only creates an emotional imbalance in victim's mind but also it impacts the overall organization's reputation.

Ends here!!

Thank you for reading this article. I appropriate your time... However, if you find this article interesting, please share your option in the comment section. I am eager to see your view or any different perspective on this topic.

Happy weekend and see you soon!

Best regards,

Susmit Chakraborty

Sonali Mohite

PhD Scholar at Mangalayatan University, Aligarh


this is good 😀

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