Embracing Leadership: A Journey of Growth and Transformation
Source: DALL·E

Embracing Leadership: A Journey of Growth and Transformation


It is the afternoon of October 5, 2000. Instead of wandering around after my daily university classes, I find myself accompanying my girlfriend to an event in Aula Magna. This is the most prestigious auditorium at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, and it's my first time attending an event here. The hall is packed beyond capacity, with every seat taken and at least a hundred more people standing. Lost in this crowd of over 500 people, I witness my first ever event conducted in English. Young people from Romania, who are current or former members of AIESEC —one of the largest international student organizations—take the stage one after another, presenting business topics that are completely new to me. They exude enthusiasm, and some have even worked with AIESEC in other countries across Europe and other continents. There are also AIESEC members from the US and Colombia presenting on stage.

This was my first encounter with the concept of leadership. Beyond listening with fascination to the presentations, I felt I was witnessing a true display of organizational leadership. This event was not just a learning experience but also a pivotal moment that had the potential to shape my future professional career and life.

My leadership story is a reflection of significant moments that have contributed to my growth and development as a leader. The above is like a door which opened for me, and without knowing I have decided to enter and embrace the opportunity of accessing a series of life-changing experiences. These experiences, spanning various roles and challenges, have helped me understand my values, vision, and leadership style. This essay explores five key experiences that have shaped my leadership journey, offering insights into how these moments have influenced my approach to leadership and my vision for the future.

Leadership Story 1: AIESEC

One of the earliest and most formative experiences in my leadership journey was my involvement with AIESEC during my university years. AIESEC, founded in 1948, aims to facilitate cultural exchanges and foster global understanding. My four-and-a-half-year tenure with AIESEC from 2000 to 2004 deeply ingrained the value of striving for excellence.

This value of striving for excellence became a cornerstone in my professional and personal life, influencing my approach to tasks, projects, and leadership roles. Whether working on short-term activities or long-term projects, I consistently applied this value, striving to deliver the best results. This commitment to excellence was not just about personal achievement but also about setting high standards for my team and inspiring them to excel.

I might be biased by my AIESEC years, where every team I worked with in Romania or abroad was led by someone who exemplified this dedication to excellence. As such, I could not imagine a successful leader without this value highly developed. Another trait I observed within AIESEC leadership teams was their relentless hunger for continuous improvement. This drove me to abandon my comfort zone and start challenging myself. Within two years of joining AIESEC, I was elected Local President for an AIESEC office in Belgium. While initially, this felt like a significant accomplishment, it turned out to be the biggest challenge of my entire AIESEC career.

During my time with AIESEC in Gent , I had to forget everything I knew about AIESEC in Romania and relearn about the organization in a new context—this time in Ghent. I was continuously exposed to challenges I had never faced before, and for most of them, I had to figure out the solutions myself, as the local team had a low level of involvement and motivation. Week by week and month by month, our ambitious growth goals were replaced by more realistic and survival-oriented ones. It was hard to accept this at first, but with the support of AIESEC in Belgium and the local Alumni network, I began to see value in just keeping the committee alive and attracting someone willing to learn from me to ensure the organization's continuity. It proved to be one of the most challenging periods this committee had to endure, but we survived. Thanks to our efforts, AIESEC Ghent—one of the eight founding cities of AIESEC back in 1948—remained on the AIESEC map.

These cross-cultural experiences significantly shaped my ability to lead diverse teams and understand global perspectives. Working with AIESEC members from various countries, including Romania, Belgium, and beyond, taught me the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptability. I learned how to navigate and integrate different cultural viewpoints to achieve team cohesion and success, a skill that has been invaluable in my subsequent leadership roles.

There are a dozen more stories to tell, but to sum it up, the entire AIESEC experience laid the foundation for my leadership style, emphasizing cultural sensitivity, excellence, and continuous improvement.

Leadership Story 2: Flaviu Rădulescu @ OpenLink & Hostway

Another significant chapter in my leadership story is my professional relationship with Flaviu R. , a serial entrepreneur and my second employer. Working at OpenLink and later Hostway during 2004 - 2008, I observed and learned from Flaviu's leadership, particularly his unwavering commitment to his team's well-being.

Flaviu's dedication to ensuring his employees received their due benefits, even at personal financial risk, profoundly influenced my leadership philosophy. During challenging times, such as when the company faced financial difficulties, Flaviu prioritized his team's needs, sometimes taking personal loans to cover salaries. He continuously walked the talk and demonstrated the depth of his commitment to his team, reinforcing the value of putting people first in leadership. His example taught me the importance of prioritizing people, fostering trust, and maintaining integrity.

Flaviu's belief in my abilities also played a crucial role in my development. He entrusted me with significant responsibilities, allowing me to take on challenges that stretched my capabilities. This trust empowered me to grow and achieve successful outcomes, furthering my development as a leader. His mentorship taught me that leadership is not just about guiding others but also about believing in them and giving them the opportunity to excel. Throughout my professional career, he remains my best positive example of self-fulfilling prophecy, with endless instances where he believed in me far more than I did.

Later on, delving more into leadership and management literature, I discovered another great trait: his vision of bringing the right people onto the bus, as described by Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great.” This concept, a key differentiator within Fortune 500 companies, was something I had the chance to witness within Flaviu’s organizations and benefit from its value. By ensuring that the right people were in the right roles, Flaviu created an environment where talent could thrive and organizational goals could be achieved more effectively.

Flaviu's leadership principles of prioritizing people and fostering trust have profoundly influenced my approach to leadership. His mentorship and belief in my potential have shaped my leadership journey, instilling in me the value of trust, and the importance of having the right people in the right roles. These lessons continue to guide me as I strive to lead with the same level of commitment and vision.

Leadership Story 3: Lume Bună NGO

Back in 2007, I started to feel there was a void left after I finished my time with AIESEC in 2004. This gap was in contributing not just to the growth of a business but also to making a positive impact in the world. As such, I felt the urge to reconnect with this area of impact. I reconnected with AIESEC, this time as an alumnus, and decided to experiment with a life coaching initiative for students who applied but didn't get accepted into AIESEC. Each year, only 5-15% of applicants were accepted, leaving many motivated individuals unhappy, confused, and disappointed.

I started this life coaching program with first- and second-year economics students in Bucharest. Beginning with about 20 students, I created a social entrepreneurship platform, giving them practical opportunities to implement ideas and projects aimed at making the world a better place. One of the ideas was to promote positive news from Romania, countering the predominantly negative media landscape at the time.

A few months into the project, even though my job was fulfilling, I decided to resign and dedicate myself fully to this initiative. Over the next two years, we built the online platform and NGO Lume Bună to support and promote the initiatives of NGOs in Romania, aiming to create a healthier, more sustainable society.

We established partnerships with numerous NGOs and even launched a radio show. I built a comprehensive team covering all organizational roles, including finance, content, NGO partnerships, and cultural, social, and environmental events. I also developed a succession plan that ensured the organization's continuity. Eventually, I transitioned to the executive board, and a team member took over as the general manager, continuing to support the NGO's growth.

This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to grow. It allowed me to apply everything I learned from my years in AIESEC and my management experience with Flaviu at OpenLink and Hostway. It was my most intense test of hardship, proving that I had gained the maturity, skills, and confidence to build and sustain an organization from scratch. Today, 18 years later, the NGO remains relevant due to its leader Larisa Popescu , with a strong reputation for educational projects and a dedicated team.

Officially founding the Asociatia Lume Buna in 2008 marked a critical point in my leadership journey. Leading this organization required building it from the ground up, developing all necessary departments, and creating a sustainable model. This experience was a test of my resilience, and one of the most challenging aspects was securing funding and resources for our initiatives. It required persistent effort, networking, and creative problem-solving to ensure the organization's sustainability.

This experience reinforced the importance of a purpose-driven approach to leadership, where the goal is not just business success but also making a meaningful impact on society. It also highlighted the significance of resilience in the face of challenges and the ability to adapt and find solutions. Leading Lume Bună was a profound learning experience that shaped my understanding of social responsibility and the power of collective effort in driving positive change.

Leadership Story 4: Bigstep

After finishing with the NGO, in the hands-on executive role, I had a period of working as a freelancer trainer on personal development topics like communication skills, team building, public speaking, and other management-related areas such as team dynamics and coaching within teams. While that was an intense period where I had to build a name for myself and learn how to promote such a business in the Romanian market, I'll emphasize less on this part and focus on my next organization, Bigstep.

My tenure at Bigstep started in 2014 and was another pivotal experience that shaped my leadership style. Initially part of an entrepreneurial initiative within Hostway, Bigstep presented unique challenges, especially when Flaviu Rădulescu, the founder, left the company in 2017. His departure was perceived by his management team as a huge shock and a great loss. What we didn't realize at the time was how well he had prepared us through years of exposure to challenges and his inspired values, enabling us to continue growing the organization.

Upon his departure, I stepped in to manage a technical operations division, formed of several departments, despite not having a technical background. While I've never been a hands-on technical person myself, I have always been close to technical people. The biggest challenge in this new role was working directly with them to identify strategic goals for our group that aligned with the business state and growth plans. Additionally, I had to determine my leadership style, as I lacked the technical expertise that Flaviu had, which allowed him to inspire the team with his technical vision. Managing seasoned technical managers, some of whom were significantly older than me, required understanding the ideal position to take in front of these experienced individuals. Drawing inspiration from Albert Camus's quote, "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend," I focused on leading alongside my team, fostering a collaborative and trust-based environment.

Being aware of Ken Blanchard's situational leadership style significantly impacted my management approach, allowing me to tailor my interactions with each team member based on the project, goal, and strategic initiative. I learned that I couldn't categorize individuals into fixed roles for every task, so I adapted my leadership style to match each person's experience and openness to specific projects. This adaptability helped me gain their respect and achieve organizational goals, but more importantly, it fostered mutual appreciation and a willingness to grow together, which was reflected in their positive feedback and support.

One particular challenge was overseeing the expansion and, a few years later, the closing of some of our technical operations across the US, Germany, and Romania. This role required me to understand and integrate different technical and cultural perspectives, ensuring smooth operations and effective communication during both expansion and contraction periods. I invested time in building relationships with my team members, understanding their strengths and challenges, and supporting them in their roles. This approach enabled us to navigate challenges effectively and achieve our strategic goals.

The experience at Bigstep also emphasized the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. I had to constantly update my knowledge and skills to keep up with the evolving technical landscape and business needs. This commitment to learning and adaptability became integral to my leadership style, enabling me to lead effectively in dynamic and complex environments.

Leadership Story 5: From Good to Great

The fifth chapter of my leadership journey is related to my current role at Zitec. However, before discussing my experience at Zitec, it’s important to reflect on the journey that led me there, showcasing my commitment to my values and continuous growth.

After nearly eight years at Bigstep, I realized it was time for a change. The departure of Flaviu Rădulescu and other key team members led to a decline in the company’s dynamics. Witnessing this, and inspired by my own decision to leave Hostway in 2008 to start the NGO Lume Bună, I decided to seek a new opportunity that aligned with my values and career aspirations.

I was determined to find an employer that combined the positive attributes of my past experiences and offered new challenges. I activated my professional network and engaged in intensive job search efforts. Within a month, I conducted numerous conversations with hiring consultants, friends, and management teams. This effort paid off, culminating in three strong job offers.

Zitec stood out due to their attention to detail, strong organizational culture, and impressive growth. They had a proven track record of success and an accelerated growth rate, which resonated with my aspirations. The interview process highlighted their commitment to understanding me as a person, not just a potential employee.

Joining Zitec presented a new challenge: growing a business line with direct responsibility for its P&L. This role required me to leverage my skills in project management, training, and operations while venturing into business development, marketing, and financial planning. The opportunity to shape the DevOps and CloudOps service line and expand internationally sounded like a significant step in my leadership journey.

At Zitec, I’ve used my leadership skills to build and promote services, manage financial forecasts, and grow the business. This role has pushed me out of my comfort zone, allowing me to apply my previous experiences and continue learning. The support and positive environment at Zitec have reinforced my belief in the importance of aligning personal values with professional goals, making this chapter a pivotal part of my leadership story so far.

"I am also glad that you are studying more in detail through the Executive MBA, and I believe it will help you significantly level up to a much more complex position in the near future." - dear colleague @ Zitec.

Connecting the Dots & My Next Chapters

Reflecting on these key experiences, it's clear that my leadership journey is characterized by a commitment to excellence, a people-centric approach, and an adaptive, purpose-driven style. These experiences have shaped my deeply held values, such as resilience, cultural sensitivity, and integrity, which guide my vision of leadership. Looking ahead, I aim to continue developing as an authentic leader, leveraging my strengths while addressing areas for improvement.

With the support of the WU Executive Academy 's MBA program and its network, I am setting my sights on taking Zitec's Service Line of Managed DevOps & CloudOps to the next level. As my colleague mentioned above, I am also preparing for even more complex positions and challenges. These challenges will not only allow me to fully utilize all I have learned but also continue my growth story. I aspire to inspire confidence in those I lead, fostering an environment where they can thrive and contribute to the organization's success.

I also recognize the importance of leveraging my strengths while being mindful of my blind spots. My CliftonStrengths report highlights several key areas for growth. One opportunity lies in setting increasingly challenging goals. By leveraging my Achiever strength, I can harness my self-motivation to pursue more ambitious objectives with each project, continually pushing the boundaries of what I can accomplish. However, this drive for excellence can sometimes lead to frustration when others do not share the same level of dedication. To mitigate this, I must cultivate patience and understanding, recognizing that not everyone operates with the same intensity and finding ways to inspire and motivate my team without being overly demanding.

Additionally, my Activator strength enables me to catalyze action and drive initiatives forward. However, this can sometimes lead to hasty decisions without fully considering alternatives. To address this, I will challenge myself to pause and weigh options before committing to major decisions. This balanced approach will help me avoid potential pitfalls and ensure more strategic, thoughtful outcomes. My Learner strength, which fuels my passion for continuous improvement, can also be a double-edged sword. While I thrive on acquiring new knowledge, I must be cautious not to let the process of learning overshadow tangible results and productivity. By setting clear, outcome-focused goals and celebrating progress, I can strike a balance between my love for learning and the need to deliver impactful results. Embracing these growth opportunities and addressing my blind spots will ensure that I lead with both vision and pragmatism.

My leadership journey has been one of self-discovery and continuous development. Embracing new challenges and opportunities, I remain committed to further shaping my leadership capabilities. Each chapter of my story, from AIESEC to Zitec, has reinforced my belief in the power of leadership to drive positive change. I am excited about the future and the chance to make a meaningful impact on the lives and careers of those I lead.

In conclusion, my journey has been marked by pivotal moments and transformative experiences. As I move forward, I carry with me the lessons learned, the relationships built, and an unwavering commitment to excellence and transformative leadership. I look forward to the next chapter with anticipation and a deep sense of responsibility, ready to lead with vision, integrity, and a profound dedication to making a difference.

Thank you for sharing your journey Mihail MUSAT! Great read!

Barbara Stöttinger

Education is my passion - setting out to make a difference.


Dear Mihail - I am always looking forward to your next "episode" in your LinkedIn blog, as it is always insightful, very personal, yet transcends your own personal experience to the point that your reader can reflect and validate your experiences with one's own - again a really great read!!

Mihail MUSAT

Service Line Director, Managed Services @ Zitec | Driving Business Growth, DevOps, SecOps & Cloud Operations


Sorina Bujorean I see you have already reacted to the post. I remember my first AIESEC interview with you like it was yesterday. Loved it. I don't know when time passed, especially considering how nervous I was prior to it. I know that Cristian Hossu was supposed to be part of the interviewing crew, but as he knew me from high school he told me it would be non ethical. It really impressed me. And I believe that Sanela replaced him. After the first magical moment in Aula Magna, this interview was magic moment no #2. Thank you for it!

Arif Iqball

Executive Coach | MBA Professor | Ex-Global CFO


Congratulations on your MBA journey. It's great to see your growth and experiences.

Great #leadershipstory Mihail MUSAT! It is proof of great courage to expose the insights of your journey!

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