Employee Spotlight - Ali Palermo

Employee Spotlight - Ali Palermo

This week, we are talking to BDR Manager Ali Palermo . Ali has been with the company since April 2022 and has played a pivotal role in elevating the BDR team, contributing significantly to each team member's success.

Is there anyone who inspired your career? How did you first get into your sector of work?

My parents mostly. I grew up watching them be successful in sales and was naturally driven to do the same. I was also a competitive athlete, and the skills I gained from that transitioned well into sales. 

In terms of management, I coached softball on the side and was driven by the ability to develop and mentor people, which naturally led to me transitioning from an individual contributor to management. 

What does a typical day involve?

My days are always centered around making the BDR team as successful as possible, which includes:

1. Weekly 1:1's

2. Working cross-functionally with sales, marketing, and operations 

3. Team coaching and development

4. Strategizing for ways to make the BDR process more efficient

What is your favorite memory since working at SafeLease?

Too many to count! But if I had to pick one, the very first SafeLease summit in Austin. It seemed like a pivotal moment as a company to be able to bring everyone together for the first time! The game show event during that week was also a ton of fun!

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone starting their career?

Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for help from your peers when you need it.

What is one thing you can't live without?

My family!

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