The environmental war in the DRC, a concern for all humanity.
If things don't change, soon we will have empty forests! Pic, Courtesy of internet search.

The environmental war in the DRC, a concern for all humanity.

Good day,

My name is Adams Cassinga; I am an investigative journalist turned environmentalist. I am also an honorary park ranger in my country, the D.R. Congo and founder of a non-profit organisation called ‘Conserv Congo”. We are based in Kinshasa and the organisation is three years old now since its implementation.

With the help of other wildlife/nature fanatics and professionals, we have managed to stand against all odds in order to address the many challenges pertaining to nature conservation in the DRC. Conserv Congo has got a renewable five year partnership with the ICCN (Institut National pour la Conservation de la Nature), which is the custodian of all fauna and flora of the DRC. This allows “CC” to engage with almost anyone on behalf of all Congolese people in matters of nature conservancy.

My organisation and I are running a worldwide campaign about the critical situation in nature conservation back home and I am pleading with you to help me spread this word.

Most people associate my country with civil war, instabilities and refugees. Even though it may not be pleasant to hear but that’s just part of the story.

The war is officially over but the consequences are still visible to the naked eye, having left a lot of scars, both physical and emotional; millions of widows and orphans squatting in shear poverty.

Over 10 million people have lost their lives and half of that has sought refuge in neighbouring countries and even abroad.

However, presently we are faced with a new type of war and that is an environmental one. As a result of the previous wars, armed groups and militia, motivated by power hunger and greed have mushroomed here and there - Most of whom find safe havens in national parks and protected forests. They now resort to poaching wild animals, including protected species such as the forest elephants and primates for food then selling their tusks to finance their wars. On the other hand, we have other poachers who are well equipped with modern technology and kill animals for commercial purposes. Animals are killed for their horns, tusks, teeth, fangs and hides to be sold across the world where they make jewelery, amulets and medicines.

The situation is so bad that last year alone, almost 200 park rangers were killed trying to save these animals from being killed, hence I’m here spreading the word to the whole world. These poor fellows who risk their lives daily lack even in the basics. In most cases they are very vulnerable to these predators.

The situation is critical and action is needed now! Let us put hands together to curb this situation.

I am appealing to you, to give us a platform so we can alert the world on this matter before it’s too late and also to share the part that we are already doing on the ground.

Our campaign is aimed at the entire world, by first informing them of the situation, then together to find a solution to this concern as it will affect everyone in the end.

For more information on who we are and what we do, please visit our blog at


For any inquiries, please contact us:

Telephone: +27 73 194 3941/+243 997 376 802

WhatsApp: +27 76 205 5128

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