ESG, Chemicals, Consumer Products, EPR, Waste, Reporting, Bioeconomy, Air Pollution Rules
(c) 2024 Melissa Owen

ESG, Chemicals, Consumer Products, EPR, Waste, Reporting, Bioeconomy, Air Pollution Rules

Chemical Registration in Latin America got you concerned? Take our online courses and purchase quality English translations of the all-important Instruction Guides to the new registration databases for Chile and Colombia all at AMBIENTELEGAL ACADEMY:

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New Regulations for Household Cleaning Products & Absorbent Products for Personal Hygiene

Although Latin America does not have any type of supranational union equivalent to the EU, it does have several trade blocs or other organizational structures that have led to differing levels of legal or regulatory harmonization.  Mercosur, the Common Market of the South, is one example.  The Andean Community (formerly the Andean Pact) is made up of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru is another group of nations in South America.  This group has had some level of success at harmonizing technical standards across the subregion.

In that context, the group has up for public comment a draft standard to regulate household cleaning products and personal hygiene absorbent products (tampons, menstrual pads, and diapers).  The products will still be subject to a mandatory Health Notification (NSO) but not full sanitary registration.  The new standard, within two years of publication, would create a common system for regulating these products in the member countries. 

Link to WTO Draft:

New Online System for Waste Management & Extended Producer Responsibility

Peru is not new to the concept of EPR (extended producer responsibility) for various end-of-life products, including electric and electronic goods and tires.  As part of those EPR duties – and for management of other wastes – Peru’s Ministry of Environment has developed a new version of its online platform known as “Sigersol No Municipal.”  The new version of the online platform is where users will now submit the following annual reports by April 19, 2024, for this reporting period:

·        Annual Non-Municipal Solid Waste Management and Minimization Statement

·        Hazardous Solid Waste Manifest

·        Annual Declaration of Waste Material

·        Operator's Report

·        Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Producer's Annual Statement

·        Tire Producer's Annual Declaration

·        Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Operator's Annual Statement

·        Annual Statement from the Operator of End-of-Use Tires (ELT)

The new version of the database can be accessed at the following link:

Companies active in Latin America should be aware that many of the countries – and even states and cities in the federated republics of Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina – have such Extended Producer Responsibility schemes for wide variety of products and packaging.  EPR is a popular concept in the region.

Brazil: Even More ESG Reporting News

While the US SEC puts the brakes on its own mandatory climate disclosure requirements, Brazil is not stopping.  Already, the country enacted rules that will require public companies to do mandatory climate and sustainability disclosures by 2026.  But the regulatory landscape for ESG in Brazil continues to develop well beyond that.

Now, the Brazilian Committee on Sustainability Pronouncements (CBPS) and the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) have put up two important draft instruments for public comment:

  • Notice of Public Hearing No. 01/2024 – Technical Pronouncement CPBS 01 – General Requirements for Disclosure of Financial Information Related to Sustainability

The draft Statement is aligned with ISSB’s IFRS S1 - General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information from June 2023.  This Draft Statement seeks to set general requirements on disclosures about risks and opportunities related to sustainability that are useful to users of general-purpose financial reports in making decisions about providing resources to the entity. 

Comments may be submitted until June 13, 2024.


  • Notice of Public Hearing No. 02/2024 – Technocal Pronouncement CPBS CBPS 02 – Climate-Related Disclosures

This draft Statement is aligned with IFRS S2 - Climate-related Disclosures from June 2023.  But, it also adds the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and incorporates industry-based disclosure requirements derived from Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards. The draft provides for disclosure requirements on climate-related risks and opportunities that are useful to users for general-purpose financial reporting in making decisions regarding the provision of resources to the organization.

Comments may be submitted until June 13, 2024.


Bieconomy News

Bioeconomy and biodiversity are both terms that will be in the news more – especially around Latin America.  Bioeconomy is the part of the economy that comes from products, processes, services, and more that come from biological resources – like plants and more.  Biodiversity is how many different types of species of living organisms a place has – and the more diversity the better.  Latin America is home to several of the world’s mega biodiverse countries.

We are starting to see the development of regulations, investment, and guidance around the concept of bioeconomy.  Recently, the US made news with the launch of a National Bioeconomy Board.  At the same time, President Macron of France was meeting with President Lula in Brazil and signed an agreement to invest $5.4 billion Reals in the bioeconomy of the Amazon.

And now, Ecuador has joined the movement with the release last week of its White Book on Bieoconomy (Libro Blanco de Bioeconomía).  The cornerstone of the new guide is the definition of the bioeconomy in the national context with a view to 2033.  That is the year by which Ecuador hopes to have transformed its productive structure, promoting innovation, sustainability and the responsible use of biological resources.

Expect to hear more about bioeconomy across Latin America.

Clear Air Laws

With all the talk about ESG and bioeconomy, it can seem like the old school environmental issues – clean air, clean water, land remediation – are out of regulatory vogue.  But that would be a mistake.  These cornerstone environmental protection regulations are very much still around – and progressing.

Case in point: Chile’s air pollution control regulations.  Chile has just posted for public comment a revision to its existing standard air quality standards on fine particulate matter (PM 2.5).  The proposed rule – available for a 60 day public comment period that commenced on April 12th – seeks to tighten the ambient air quality standards for PM 2.5 to improve the health of the country.  These limits are significant for companies in Chile, as well, because the standard also sets the limits at which air pollution “emergencies” get declared which can require industries in the affected area to slow or stop operations during these events. 

Link to the Draft:

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