Even In A Down Economy...You Can Never Stop Doing This!

Even In A Down Economy...You Can Never Stop Doing This!

They laughed at me, mocked me and said how insane I was until...

...my business was the only one still making money in a down economy.


Because I kept my marketing going. I planned out that marketing.

Ads, social media, email subscriber newsletters, videos, podcast, articles, press releases, etc...all stayed running.

In fact, I had enough content created that my marketing message would reach my audience every single day for two years. 

Most businesses barely have a plan let alone a weeks worth of content, and when a down economy occurs...the marketing is the first to go. 

Marketing needs to be that one thing your business never sacrifices.

Yet, when a slump occurs for whatever reason 99% of most business owners will kill their marketing expenses to try to save their businesses. That's like slashing 3 tires on your vehicle then hoping the remaining good one will be enough to still drive 100 miles. 

This is why I produce content every single day. This is why I keep marketing. I never want to experience 3 flats and now my business is spinning that last wheel to no where. Keeping your marketing going allows those tires to be impervious to damage, so as others crash and burn their businesses, your's is able to drive circles around them. 

During this crisis I've watched hundreds of businesses fail. They coasted for as long as they could on that last remaining good wheel.

It wasn't enough. 

So, yeah...others will make fun of you, like they do to me, but while their business is failing yours could be generating more profit than ever before. 

If you need help creating your marketing, this is what my team and I do every single day for our clients. Yup, not only do we keep our own marketing going, but we create tons of marketing for lawyers, doctors, professionals, non-profits and the repair service industry. 

Let's talk. A phone call, a Zoom video, even a Facebook chat...tell us about yourself, your business and your goals and we'll create a plan for you that keeps your business thriving in any economy.

About Rob

Rob is a Certified Digital Marketing Strategist, a Foremost Expert On Specialized SEO, a Serial Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Authority Broadcaster who can help amplify YOU to your audience.

Rob's the author of "Social Media Debunked", "Share: 27 Ways To Boost Your Social Media Experience, Build Trust and Attract Followers" and "Lessons From The Dojo: 101 Ways To Improve Your Life, Business and Relationships", "Rob Versus The Scammers: Protecting The World Against Fraud, Nuisance Calls and Downright Phony Scams" & "Rob Versus The Morons: Overcoming Idiotic Customers With Wit, Sarcasm and A Take No Bullshit Attitude" and the coauthor of "Optimize This: How Two Carpet Cleaners Consistently Beat Web Designers On The Search Engines", "The #AskDrA Book Series: Easy & Practical Answers To Enjoying Life As A New Sleever", "No Experience Necessary: Social Media For The Boomers, Gen X-ers & The Over 50 Entrepreneur" and "Power Guesting: Insider Secrets To Profit From Being A Great Podcasting Guest" and contributor to "The Wise Guys Copywriting Handbook".

Rob has also produced books for other clients including lawyers, speakers, doctors and real estate professionals. Rob is also host of The E-Heroes Interview Series available on Apple, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify & many podcast channels. Rob works inside corporations across the globe, helping companies generate new revenue and capture online business. Rob is also available to share talks and give interviews.

To learn more and to get started visit www.AnspachMedia.com or call Anspach Media at (412)267-7224 today.

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