Everything you need to know about ChatGPT
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You are overwhelmed by all the tips, hacks and posts about THE new tool ChatGPT? And by the mass of articles and are losing track? Don't worry, we provide you with an overview of the most important points.
ChatGPT was launched in November 2022 and stands for Chatbot Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a tool of the company OpenAI, which was founded in 2015 by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Sam Altman, the current CEO of the company.
So, how exactly does ChatGPT work? Why is there so much hype about this tool? Will artificial intelligence be able to replace jobs in the future, and what does the future of the tool look like? This newsletter provides answers to all these questions. Happy reading!
❓ How does ChatGPT work and how much does it cost?
ChatGPT builds on deep learning technology and is based on training algorithms from networks with huge amounts of data. Using artificial intelligence, the chatbot can understand human language and generate concrete responses that are exceedingly similar to human words in a variety of languages. Currently, the tool is in the so-called preview phase and is available for free after registration. However, the access is not always possible when the tool is overloaded. Therefore, ChatGPT Pro has now been launched, a paid, but also more reliable version of the AI tool. This version costs roughly 23 euros a month.
❓ Are jobs at risk due to ChatGPT?
After the release of ChatGPT, critical voices are being raised. Some people think that ChatGPT could eliminate jobs and make them obsolete. This could affect some professions, such as software developers and programmers, because ChatGPT is, for example, able to code.
However, experts think that ChatGPT will not completely eliminate professions, as critical and judgmental thinking is often required. For example, ChatGPT is also capable of writing texts and articles, but these often need to be readjusted and checked afterwards. The same applies to legal statements, where it would be fatal to rely solely on an AI tool. In addition, the data is not completely up to date. For example, most of the findings of ChatGPT are from the year 2021 and the tool has to be updated regularly. ChatGPT can serve as a helpful and valuable support and automate and handle a number of processes.
❓ChatGPT and its competitors
Other companies are now also trying to build on the success of ChatGPT. Google's CEO Sundar Pichai announced in a blog entry at the beginning of February that the company is working on its own chatbot Bard. This is currently being tested internally and will be published in the coming weeks. Bard is based on the experimental technology called LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) and is to be integrated into the search engine.
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Meta also launched an artificial intelligence tool called Galactica last November, but it was taken off the market after a few days because it provided incorrect information.
The German start-up Aleph Alpha from Heidelberg has also developed its own model called Luminous, which can compete with the American competitor. For Aleph Alpha, this is a great success after 73% of the major AI models come from the United States. Unlike ChatGPT, which was constructed for the masses, Luminous is specialized for public administration and enterprise applications.
❓ Future of AI and ChatGPT
Nobody knows exactly how the future of AI and ChatGPT looks like, but there are predictions and already officially expressed next steps. One of these steps is the integration of ChatGPT into Microsoft's software products. However, Microsoft does not have exclusive rights to ChatGPT and the tool will continue to be available to others.
In addition, ChatGPT will be further tested and improved in order to minimize risks. According to OpenAI chief Altman, the further development and establishment of artificial intelligence is unstoppable, if OpenAI would not bring it to the market, others would. Therefore, people should get comfortable with it. This is not surprising. In 2022, the global AI market share was already worth $136.6 billion and is expected to reach $1.81 trillion by 2030. Any criticism that artificial intelligence can, for example, solve children's homework is invalidated by Altman with the argument that the introduction of the calculator has also caused worries. One would then have to (re)set the tasks accordingly.
Furthermore, the EU currently discusses and debates the "AI Act". This is intended to define all legal framework conditions for artificial intelligence. The main questions and issues to solve are about the liability and so-called "high-risk applications." These decisions should not stop artificial intelligence, but they could regulate and slow down progress in Europe.
💡 Key take-aways
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