A Foresight of 2019

A Foresight of 2019

With few exceptions, 2019 will be more or less the cousin of 2018, in particular, socially, politically, and economically. Technologically, to be sure, the coming year will be much more advanced than the year before.  The fact that my focus is much more on technology is because of its vital role in society, creating a clear distinction between today and yesterday. Recently, technology has gone so far that people are looking forward to enjoying their trips down under the sea or up in the space, searching for another planet to occupy, hunting for the wormholes to make way for distant spaces and planets, and trying to use centrifugal force to lift water from the low to the higher levels.

 In spite of technological factors that are always in progress, social, political, and economical phenomena could be trending up or down, regardless of the passage of time. The giant of technology is growing faster and faster time after time, while economical status is unpredictable, or predictably, more inclined to a slow-down trend.  However, there are grounds for optimism to hope that technological progress may direct the economy to the direction whereby windows of opportunities may open upon the common folk to keep the heat of their summers and the cold of their winters at bay.  How so? If free energy, which still suffers from the suppression of the lords of energy and interest groups, becomes available to the public, humanity will be surprised with a tremendous change: clean energy will replace carbon fuel, and our environment will be freed from the pollution, which is a major threat to our health; salt water will be changed into fresh water, whereby dry lands will be cultivated, and communities supplied with healthy drinking water, triggering food abundance, eliminating shortage of energy, and many other changes will come to pass.

Clean energy, which is called renewable or off-the-grade, comes from two kinds of sources: one is coming from natural sources such as sun, wind, water, and biomass, whose usage requires fund, depending on the size, type, and quality of the service. The other kind of energy that costs little comes from perpetual motion machines, cold fusion generators, and torus-based generators, which work perpetually without any fuel such as gas, petroleum, and suchlike fuels, depending on mechanical systems, and once they are available, the key to put them in motion is in our hands, and they can be used without fossil fuel, water, wind, and sun.

Despite the fact that these sources of energy have been at our disposal, we have been using coal, oil, and natural gas to supply our energy. Indeed, it is the scheme of the greedy interest groups burdened on us. However, sooner or later environmental pressure forces the humanity to shift away from fossils to renewable energy. This pressure comes from two viable angels: First, it has been predicted that carbon fuel is subject to depletion in the passage of time; therefor people have to turn to renewable energy. Second, our environment has already been polluted with greenhouse gases—a major threat to the public health. Thus, shortage of energy, food, fresh air, and fresh water are good reasons to turn to dispose of carbon fuel and turn to the technology producing pollution-free, profuse energy for everybody, everywhere.

To live healthily and comfortably, human communities should be acquainted with free energy, and the way should be paved to utilize it. It is through wisdom, sharing, caring, cooperation, and humanity that they could enjoy wealth and abundance, could overcome their fears and their problems, live in peace, and enjoy a livable environment, not through nonsense, conflict, tension, and mistrust.  

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