Four Burners
I recently read 'Create and Orchestrate' by Marcus Whitney.
There was something in it that resonated with me, that I would like to share.
It's about work-life balance it's called the 4-burners.
The theory is simple and uses a stovetop as a metaphor. Each burner represents four major areas in your life; family, friends, health and work. It states that to be successful, you have to cut off one burner, and in order to be really successful, you have to cut off two.
Maybe I identified with it because I find myself slaving over a hot stove most evening and on occasions find myself a little overwhelmed.
Simplifying it down like this let me understand the sacrifices and adjustments we will need to make no to achieve something.
What burner would you turn off to reach your goals?
Perhaps this hit a cord because I'm no Gordon Ramsay :) and I have been known to thinks I can do it all, but the final dishes are always slightly burnt.
What are your thoughts on this? Have you found yourself doing this?