The Future of Fundraising
Hey everyone! I'm the new manager of The Future of Fundraising (thanks to Richard Otto) and I changed the name.
The renewed group should facilitate a wide conversation about fundraising and tech-for-good space. Please invite your peers to join the conversation.
I'll quickly introduce myself. My name is Mathys van Abbe. I'm a veteran tech entrepreneur focussing on my new enterprise Kinder.
Kinder is the tech-for-good company empowering global citizens to do good, and to do good better while steering the charitable sector to be more impact-driven. Trust in the charitable sector has been declining since 2001. Lack of transparency and accountability are amongst the chief causes of this decline.
With the Vetting Framework, developed in collaboration with Impact Centre Erasmus, Kinder tackles this issue and analyses organisations (over 2,000 and counting) on their accountability, transparency and effectiveness.
The rich data obtained from our research is used to benchmark organisations within their cause area and help them improve.
The results of our research, along with pressing global problems, fuel the stories published on our in-house media platform Kinder. World and our quarterly events Kinder Conversations.
Kinder is the curator guiding the public towards efficient solutions for tackling the world’s problems.
Kinder has developed a unique way of combining research, storytelling, and smart fundraising technology to encourage people around the world to contribute to hard-working charitable organisations.
Tomorrow we will invite the first organisations on our platform.
But as members of the Future of Fundraising group I already want invite you to check out our website and contact us if you want to learn more or join with your organisation.