Future Technology

Future Technology

Simply ten years back, mobile phone was an amazing device for most of the people of our country. How a phone can be carried! What a blessing of modern science! It was the thought of the people. With the passage of time, mobile phone is now available like clothing’s. What does it make so available?

Computer; Oh no! it is not the answer, it is another fascinating thing. Whereas first age computer occupied a large room, able to do simple computing and now computers of today, able to do million times powerful computing is not taking even a size of hand bag. What makes it so shrinked? How television has become so thin?

Well that is nanotechnology; technology of future we have just started marching in this sector and what we have got is beyond imagination. Thus this technology is giving amazing inventions. We know the measuring unit centimeter. One meter contains hundreds of centimeter whereas one meter contains one billion of nanometer. As scientific exploration expanded atoms, molecules and their subdivision have been established. We have got accession to work in nanoscale.

Nanotechnology was first proposed by a physicist named Richard Feynman in 1959. He delivered a speech called “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” Where he talked about how we would one day be able to manipulate atoms and molecules.

Electronics chips, i.e. commonly known as IC is the secret to make all those mobile, computer, TV etc shrinked, available and powerful. Silicon is the key metal of IC (Integrated circuit). Around 1980, silicon is used to make electronic chips but that was thousand times bigger than today’s one. Interesting thing is that one kg silicon is silicon, one gm silicon is silicon and an atom silicon is also silicon then why should we use one kg? This is how the nanotechnology was introduced. Finding the right materials and making it smaller we can change the world.

Nanotechnology has given the best conductor Graphene which will bring further revolution in electrical and electronics sector. Graphene can conduct electricity without being hot, so there is no risk of melting the conductor. Strangely this Graphene is our pencil lead that we are using every day.

Nanotechnology will be able to reinforce material to make them not only stronger but also lighter. Carbon nanotube is one of that which is stiff as diamond and hundred times stronger than steel, yet six times lighter than steel. So same size of ship built with nanotubes will capable to carry more cargo and more cargo, more business, more money, more ship & more employment!

Who haven’t played with water on arum leaf? Water, oil doesn’t put any trace on arum leaf than why marine engineers working with machinery getting spot of oil, lub oil & dirt... The days has almost come when engineer will come out from crankcase without any dirt in his boiler suit. Nanotechnology made it possible developing such cloth which will not get any kind of dirt.

Let’s come to Health and Hygiene. Previously, whenever doctor wished to look inside throat and deeper , they post one tube with camera that was pathetic and harmful. Nanotechnology developed ‘Pillcam’. One will take it like any other pill and camera in Pillcam will send images that doctors want to see, moreover it doesn’t make any problem in digestive system. Nanorobots are coming that will be able to move through our blood vessel and cure diseases that is incurable today like HIV, Cancer, Anthrax etc. without any side effect. Human bone and skin can be made artificially with the aid of nanotechnology.

We are using electronic device, medicine and so many things that are the blessing of nanotechnology. The technology reshaping our future is nanotechnology. As a part of future maker, we have to know about future technology and participate in building modern scientific future.

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