Get Inspired by Industry Insights From Matching Gift Leaders
Get Inspired by Industry Insights From Matching Gift Leaders [Workplace Giving Digest]

Get Inspired by Industry Insights From Matching Gift Leaders

Looking to other organizations for inspiration in the matching gift marketing space can be highly valuable for nonprofits and schools. Why? It allows you to glean insights from proven tactics that have shown great success across your peers’ networks and strategies.

For these reasons, Double the Donation recently facilitated a Matching Gift Idea Exchange between organizations of all shapes, sizes, and sectors. Nonprofits and schools were prompted to share their best matching gift marketing materials, and we’ve selected a few standout submissions to spotlight below.

💡 By analyzing the examples, you can identify matching gift best practices, innovative ideas, and effective communication methods that you can then adapt to meet your organization’s own needs.

Here are some key insights from industry leaders to help you get started.

Note: The following insights build on the idea that an organization has an existing Matching Gifts Page. Looking to launch your page for the first time? Check out our tips and tricks for marketing matching gifts on your website here.

Highlight Top Companies Supporting Your Cause 🔍

Spruce up your Matching Gifts Page with a section spotlighting the top matching gift contributors to your nonprofit or school. Here’s how

Showcasing top companies that support your cause through matching gifts can significantly boost donor engagement. By listing these companies on your matching gifts page, you can recognize and thank them for their support and encourage other donors to participate.

This visibility reassures supporters that their employers are committed to philanthropy, which can motivate them to take advantage of matching gift programs and to give in the first place.

Grab Your Audience’s Attention with a Matching Gift Video 🎥

Share the matching gift essentials in 90 seconds or less with an educational video. See how the

In today’s world, video marketing is often the key to capturing your audience’s attention. In fact, research indicates that viewers retain nearly ten times more of a message when it is consumed in video format (95%) versus written (10%).

Therefore, a compelling matching gift video can effectively draw your audience’s attention and convey the importance, impact, and process of matching gifts. Visual storytelling can simplify the overall experience, making each step clear and engaging for donors.

Make Your Match Page Accessible From Your Nav Bar 📍

Ensure your matching gifts page is easily accessible from your website’s main navigation bar. Check out how

When donors can quickly find information about matching gifts, they’re more likely to take advantage of the programs. Prominently placing matching gifts on your main navigation menu signals that it’s an important aspect of your fundraising strategy. Plus, it makes it convenient for donors to explore their options with high visibility and ease of use.

Add Matching Gift Info to Your Event Sites, Too 🖥️

Make matching gift information accessible across multiple domains to meet donors where they are. Here’s one of many examples from the

Does your organization host separate fundraising pages or microsites for events that support your cause? Including matching gift information and tools on these resources—along with your primary Matching Gifts Page as well—ensures that donors are made aware of these opportunities during high-engagement moments.

After all, events are prime occasions for donations, and providing matching gift details can significantly amplify the impact of each dollar an individual gives. By integrating a matching gifts tool, you make it easy for donors to check their eligibility and submit matching requests while at the peak of their engagement with your mission.

Dive Deeper: Join Our Webinar with the American Cancer Society 📢

Interested in seeing how one leading organization is optimizing its matching gift efforts? Join our upcoming presentation, where the American Cancer Society team will share their strategies and insights for raising more through these programs.

Join our webinar with the American Cancer Society!
Join our webinar with the American Cancer Society!

👉 Secure Your Virtual Seat! 

Plus, Stay Tuned for Even More ⌛

Thanks for joining our discussion—we look forward to covering even more corporate philanthropy and nonprofit fundraising topics in the next edition of our Workplace Giving Digest. Until next time!

Comment your thoughts below—and join our LinkedIn group, Matching Gifts for Nonprofit Fundraising Professionals—to continue the conversation. What are some of your organization’s most lucrative matching gift strategies?

Further Reading: 10 Examples & Insights from the Matching Gift Idea Exchange

Taylor Huet

Account Executive at Double the Donation | Helping nonprofits reach their matching gift potential and maximize their impact on the communities they serve.


I can't wait to hear various industry insights from matching gift leader, the American Cancer Society! Register today to secure your spot!

Paula Granston

Account Executive at Double the Donation I Building relationships and educating nonprofits about the services Double the Donation offers


Don't miss out on the American Cancer Society sharing matching gift best practices! Join our upcoming webinar to learn more about their strategies and insights for raising more funding using matching gifts!

Adam Massey

Client Success Specialist at Double the Donation


It's amazing to witness the great impact matching gifts have on nonprofits and other higher education institutions, especially those I work with daily! Register today to help optimize your matching gift efforts!

Colleen Carroll

Community & Events Lead at Double the Donation | Building meaningful relationships with nonprofit, higher education, and school professionals


I'm thrilled to invite you to one of our most awaited webinars hosted by a matching gift leader, the American Cancer Society! By joining this webinar, you'll get access to matching gift best practices, innovative ideas, and effective methods to help increase your funding!


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