Golang In Blockchain

Golang In Blockchain

Before we start with Golang in Blockchain let us first understand what is Blockchain.

What is Blockchain?

Secured series or chain of timestamp records that are stored in a database that is managed by a group of users of a decentralized network. Blockchain is a distributed ledger in which each node in the network can access the data, records stored in the Blockchain. In Blockchain all the important data records are encrypted using cryptographic techniques to ensure data security. The idea behind creating Blockchain technology is to have a network of multiple users, computers which are known as Nodes, and these nodes can have secure transactions without any dependency on third-party mediators.

Some Features of Blockchain Are:-

  • Increased Capacity
  • Security
  • Immutability
  • Decentralized System
  • The Settlement Is Faster

Types of Blockchains

  • Private Blockchain
  • Public Blockchain
  • Consortium Blockchain
  • Hybrid Blockchain

The comparison of best blockchain platforms used by companies for building blockchain-based applications is as followed

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Golang in Blockchain

Tess Rinearson and Peter Szilagyi are two well know people when it comes to this industry. Tess Rinearson is working on the Tendermint Core proof-of-stake consensus algorithm and Peter Szilagyi's core developer of the Ethereum Blockchain.

In one of their interview, they said - What they thought the strengths and weaknesses of using Go to build these apps are, the most common mistakes made by developers working on them, and the most promising use of blockchain itself.

Golang in Blockchain:-

  • Best fit language for multithreaded networking applications ( as it has goroutines and channels).
  • The complexity of code is simplified using Golang.
  • People working in Blockchain often like to think in Golang
  • Concurrency is one major thing that people like in Golang
  • Simple to read and understand for a new developer

Mistakes Golang Developers Most Commonly Make When Creating Blockchain Apps

  • Some Golang developers make every structure, object passive, and which causes no thread running beside it. When some work is to be done then it will spawn off the threads and keep the object idle. This can become nasty for synchronization.
  • Some Golang developers try to work with an approach where most of the objects have an inner run loop and all the outside started threads communicate with the run loop using messages. Even though this approach seems simple and easier this run loop can become a bottleneck
  • Developers get trapped into adding more than the required concurrency which impacts sometimes using all the available resources as much as possible and not as per the requirement. And this can impact on the performance.
  • Inconsistency of Developers with norms of the language, i.e Golang to be done in Golang way.

Read more about the article from the original source here

Author:  Reemi Shirsath, COO @ Scalent.io - A Golang Specialized Development Company.

You can also read more articles about Golang here-

Jeyasheela Rakkini M J

Faculty at SASTRA university


How about block visualization in go lang

Chityala Sai Krishna Reddy

Senior Software Engineer @ EPAM | Navodayan | API Engineer


Is Golang used in core Blockchain development or can we use it in Blockchain application development as well?

Siv Sugaman

Ai | IoT | Technical Solutions Architect


Golang when you need to create a p2p network with kademila protocol ;)

At the beginner of Hyperledger Fabric v1 I wrote smart contracts in Golang. Was a great experience.

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