Happy National Pet Day

Happy National Pet Day

Awe - puppies, kitties, gerbils, birds, turtles, and fish! This holiday is all about appreciating and celebrating the wonderful pets in your life.


 Do you consider your pet a member of the family? You are not alone -  six out of ten pet owners feel the same way!

There are approximately 86.4 million pet cats and 78.2 million pet dogs living in the United States today; many are considered to be “fur-babies” by loving families, yet many are still waiting patiently for a “fur-ever home.”

April 11th was dedicated as National Pet Day in 2006 by celebrity animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige, to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and to create public awareness about the plight of animals awaiting forever homes in shelters and rescues. The motto of the day is “Don’t shop! Adopt!”

How to Celebrate

  • Adopt a pet from your local shelter or pure breed rescue organization.
  • Volunteer at your local shelter and offer to care for the animals.
  • Donate blankets, food and toys to a favorite animal welfare organization.
  • Have a National Pet Day party and celebrate all your pets!
  • Spend the day taking photos of your pets and then post them on our Facebook page!
  • Assist an ill, elderly or a financially struggling neighbor or friend by purchasing pet food, hay or needed items for their pets.
  • Buy your pet a fun new toy, or five.
  • Hire a professional pet photographer for a fun photo shoot.

 Celebrate by Protecting Yourself

While you’re taking Fido for a nice long walk to celebrate his big day, remember to take care of yourself.

Believe it or not, repetitive dog walking can cause injury to your joints. Professional or avid dog walkers find this to be a serious threat to their happiness and livelihood.

 “What happens if you sustain a repetitive-stress injury in your arms, but you just can’t take a break from dog-walking duty? Don’t laugh! This actually happened to me. Day after day of escorting my strong-pulling dogs on leash-walks took its toll on my wrists and elbows. The soreness radiated until both arms were so overtaxed from elbow to fingertips that I couldn’t concentrate on anything apart from the pain,” said Julia Szabo, a professional dog walker, in her Dogster article 6 Ways to Relieve Repetitive Stress Injury in Dog Walkers

 Whether you are a professional dog walker or just out celebrating National Pet Day with your beloved pooch, there are chances of injury that make a good case to invest in some income protection!

 Think of it as buying yourself sick time for when you need it so you don’t have to burn through your savings (if you even have any!) to cover bills and child care. You also might need help paying for the medical bills for things like deductibles and co-pays - especially if Fido ever decides to drag you down the street in hot pursuit of a squirrel.

 So, before you head out to your local shelter to adopt a pet on National Pet Day, give me a call to invest in some income protection that can cover you for up to 24 months each time you need it. I can even help you file a claim to cover your income and help pay doctor and hospital bills while you rest on the couch with your new pet.

 Adopting a pet is a lifelong commitment. Income protection can insure that you have the funds needed to properly care for your fur-baby fur-ever!

 And remember, Don’t Shop! Adopt!

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