Have A Lucky Day! (And Create the Future You Want and Deserve)

Have A Lucky Day! (And Create the Future You Want and Deserve)

Do you know people who are the luckiest people on the earth? It seems Lady Luck is always smiling on them.

And secretly you'd like to have their lucky bones!

You can.

You've heard the adage you create your own luck, right?

But how do you do that?

It's called reverse-engineering. When you read how to do this you may have some doubts and/or think I'm full of voodoo ideas!

It may seem a little strange, only I challenge you to try this with your reps and at the end of a month let me know if you want to call the funny farm to come get me.... or that it worked it's magic!


1. DREAM BIG. Ask your reps to think one month to six weeks out. If it's the first of the month, think about the entire month. If it's the middle of the month... think about the next six weeks - all the way forward to the end of the next month. What do they want to have happened in those four to six weeks? How many sales, customer contacts, the $$ earned, family happenings, personal satisfactions and list the DREAMS they wish to have come true in this time frame.

2. Write a Letter to the Future. Request each rep write them self a letter as if it is the last day of the month and they are reflecting back on everything on the Dream Big list coming true. They're writing it as if it did happen - in detail including the emotions.

For example.... It's June 30th 2018 and what a GREAT month this was! I exceeded quota by 15% because I closed 3 deals worth X$. The clients raved about my understanding their business and they didn't want to do business with anyone besides me. On top of the 3 new closed deals, I currently have 5 hot prospects teed up for next month. The best part is working and attracting customers who value me, value my company and value our great products. I feel on top of the world and am on my way to being #1 sales person for the quarter. I am connecting with each prospect, the conversations are easy, I listen well, understand their business and even surprise myself with the creative solution to help them achieve their goals. (Blah, blah, blah).

3. Record the Letter on Smart Phone. Allow each rep to find a corner of the room or somewhere in the office where they won't be disturbed. Using their smart phone and a recording app, ask them to read their letter to the recording using as much inflection as possible.

4. Listen to the Recording Daily. Request the reps listen to their recording as much as possible. Even more than once a day. Reps who have the most success achieving their future listen to the message several times a day. Reps say they listen to the recording on their drive to and from work and if they are outside reps... they listen between sales calls.

5. Celebrate. Mark your calendar to bring your reps together at the end of the month and celebrate the future dreams which came true! You can then rinse and repeat to continue creating the life they want and deserve!

PS... Everything may happen or only a little... or nothing at all. If nothing at all, ask if the rep listened to the message because recording and not listening does not create your own luck.

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