Hire Right to Retain
This time last year, the unemployment rate was 10.2% and currently it's dropped to 5.9%. The pendulum has swung and it is no longer "an employer's market". The talent magnet in this competitive hiring market works best when you hire RIGHT in order to attract, engage and retain the best and brightest teammates.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics over 3 million American workers quit their jobs each month in search of something new or better. With the pandemic and many resetting priorities, a record 4 million quit in April 2021 alone. Another study reported over 31% of workers quit only 6 months into their new opportunity. Each exiting employee costs the company nearly double their salary to replace. That's an expensive "wrong" that needs to be "right" from the very start.
Startup to large cap businesses may have limited resources but you don't have to blow the budget on robust strategies to engage and retain key talent that directly impacts the company's vision and success.
Simple but highly valuable talent retention strategies include knowing and reacting to drivers and challenges, such as:
TOTAL REWARDS: Compensation is important to everyone, it can and does rank high in why employees leave for a new opportunity (common sense comment: why would a top performer leave a similar job to do the same work for a nominal increase?). It's certainly not the sole motivator in the Total Rewards category, in fact, 56% of employees said that their healthcare and wellness programs are the anchors to keeping them at their current organization and they consider competitive benefits a key driver in retention. Healthcare costs, premiums, deductibles and additional wellness incentives have huge ROI to the company and to the employee's net income. PTO, discounts, perks, long-term incentive programs also are calculated into the total rewards when job seekers are considering a change.
ONBOARDING: Yes the "honeymoon" is critical to the "marriage" of employee and employer and likely always will be. Of exiting employees 37% said they would have stuck around if they had been better informed during the recruitment and onboarding processes, specifically related to; Candidate Experience, as highlighted in my previous article 2019 Talent Acquisition, clear expectations, foundations for success, a warm welcome (yes simple yet often forgotten), the hire-to-productivity ratios and training programs, as well as the preparedness the company demonstrates in having resources and tools ready to go day-one of hire.
SURVEYS: Engagement surveys have always been a staple to the retention strategies, for decades, however if not leveraged or truly utilized for it's full value, it's worthless and often even off-putting to teammates. Approaching with the "you said, we heard, we did" philosophy and truly hitting head-on any patterns, common issues/concerns as well as moving to proactive trends verses reactive shifts will demonstrate the leadership team is listening and cares. Make strategic decisions fast and follow up with communication, communication, communication to better be ahead of any OD or CM ripples. A quick note on surveys - Gallup poll recently shared 56% of employees are disengaged with 73% actively disengaged (aka actively on the job market or passively looking). With the lowest unemployment rates in 70 years it's imperative to keep a pulse on culture, environment, change management and whatever else motivates your teams to love where they work.
LEADERSHIP: Invest in your leadership; the hiring of culture champion-style leaders, the assessment of quality and results driven leaders, and the learning & development of growing leaders. Effective leaders play directly into employee engagement and retention. Handle challenges swiftly and make appropriate changes quickly. We've all heard the "employees quit a person; not a place" quote and it's true. Healthy, motivating, smart, positive leaders build and hire QUALITY people = QUALITY products = revenue.
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LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT: According to Entrepreneur, people have a “deep desire to feel they’re succeeding and that their talents and capabilities are being used in a way that makes a difference to the business.” So whether informal or formal L&D programs this is a basic human incentive to grow and have purpose. Traditional training, on-the-job training, internal/external learning or certification programs, cross-dept. training, mentorship programs and opportunities as well as promotional or internal jobs also increase the retention of your shining stars. Frankly, people want to GROW.
EMPLOYER BRAND: Be a brand your teammates are proud to be a part of! Not just the products and services of your company, but also the brand you've built as an employer of choice. From the community/team building investments to the product strategy and enterprise-wide goals to the company brand and impact on clients and in the world (or universe). Every teammate is a brand ambassador. Every interaction is with a client. Everyone is building the brand in one way or another and consistency, education, and tools will help share the story. Brand begins at the intersection of candidate and job posting, and attracting those future champions of culture and brand sets everyone up for success.
Attracting talent that embraces your core values, understands mission and vision, and brings a diverse mix of experiences and backgrounds will directly influence engagement and retention. If you hire RIGHT less will go wrong. :)
What strategies do you have in place to assure your Hire Right to Retain? How do you measure your success? Shoot me a note or comment.
Sources: Gallup, Bureau of Labor Statistics, DOL
Article updated for 2021
Million £ Masterplan Coach | Helping Established Small Businesses (over £200K+) Grow & Scale To Either Expand or Exit Using the 9-Step Masterplan Programme | UK #1 Business Growth Specialists
3yInsightful Christa, thanks for sharing!
HR Leadership🔸Certified Executive Coach 🔸People-Lifter
3yThanks for the read & like Joe Thurman !