How AI and GenAI Can Help Companies Go Beyond Social Listening

How AI and GenAI Can Help Companies Go Beyond Social Listening

In the pharmaceutical industry, where understanding patient and HCP sentiment and experiences is paramount, we are drowning in a sea of data. Every minute, millions of conversations about health, wellness, and medications unfold across social media platforms.

Traditional social listening tools, while helpful in gauging general sentiment, often merely skim the surface of these conversations, capturing mentions and basic sentiment without delving into the nuances of patient and HCP experiences. This superficial approach limits actionable insights, leaving pharmaceutical companies with an incomplete picture of their customers needs, concerns, and perceptions.

However, the emergence of advances in AI and Generative AI offers a transformative solution. AI empowers pharmaceutical companies to move beyond basic social listening, diving deep into the complexities of online conversations to unlock a richer, more nuanced understanding of patients. By analyzing social data with unprecedented depth and granularity, AI can revolutionize marketing strategies, accelerate product development, and enhance customer service, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and a deeper understanding of the patient journey.

How AI Transforms Social Listening

A. Advanced Sentiment Analysis

AI is revolutionizing social listening in the pharmaceutical industry by moving beyond simplistic positive/negative sentiment analysis to capture a wider spectrum of emotions. AI leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) to discern nuanced emotions like frustration, excitement, sarcasm, and even urgency.

For instance, AI can identify a frustrated patient struggling with medication side effects from a tweet like “This new medication is making me feel worse, not better! #SideEffects.” Recognizing this frustration, pharmaceutical companies can proactively reach out with support resources, personalized advice, or even connect the patient with a healthcare professional.

Similarly, AI can identify excitement surrounding a new drug approval by analyzing celebratory posts and positive discussions. This allows companies to tailor marketing messages, highlighting specific benefits that resonate with enthusiastic patients.

A recent study by McKinsey found that AI-powered sentiment analysis can increase the accuracy of identifying customer emotions by up to 20%, leading to more effective customer engagement strategies. By understanding the emotional nuances within social conversations, pharmaceutical companies can personalize interactions, improve customer service, and build stronger patient relationships.

B. Topic Clustering and Theme Extraction

AI is revolutionizing social listening in the pharmaceutical industry by acting as an intelligent curator, sifting through the noise of social media to identify meaningful patterns and trends. By utilizing advanced NLP and ML algorithms, it can automatically cluster conversations around specific themes and topics, revealing hidden connections that would be nearly impossible to uncover manually.

This process relies on a sophisticated combination of techniques. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be leveraged to understand the meaning and context of text within social media conversations, breaking it down into individual components and identifying key entities like drug names or symptoms. It then uses semantic similarity analysis, going way beyond simple keyword matching to identify conversations with similar meanings even if they use different words. This involves representing words as numerical vectors that capture their semantic relationships, allowing AI to understand that “feeling nauseous” and “experiencing stomach upset” are related concepts.

AI also employs topic modelling algorithms like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify underlying topics within a collection of documents, assuming that each document is a mixture of topics, and each topic is a distribution of words. By analyzing word co-occurrence patterns, LDA can identify clusters of conversations that share common themes.

For example, AI can identify a cluster of online discussions around the difficulty of managing a specific chronic condition. This might involve patients sharing personal experiences, expressing frustration with existing treatment options, or seeking advice from others. By recognizing this emergent theme, pharmaceutical companies can gain a deeper understanding of unmet patient needs. This insight can then be used to inform the development of new therapies, tailor educational materials, or even create targeted support groups.

In a recent survey by Accenture, 87% of healthcare executives reported that AI-powered topic clustering had significantly improved their understanding of patient needs and concerns. AI’s ability to extract meaningful themes from vast amounts of social data empowers pharmaceutical companies to stay ahead of emerging trends, proactively address patient concerns, and ultimately develop more effective solutions.

C. Intent Detection

AI is transforming social listening from a passive listening exercise into a dynamic tool for predicting and responding to customer needs. By moving beyond simple sentiment analysis, AI can decipher the intent behind online conversations, unlocking a wealth of actionable insights.

For instance, AI can analyze social media posts to identify individuals actively seeking information about a specific condition or treatment, signalling a clear “information seeking” intent. This allows pharmaceutical companies to proactively deliver targeted educational content, connect them with relevant healthcare providers, or even invite them to participate in relevant clinical trials.

Similarly, AI can detect frustration or dissatisfaction with existing treatment options, indicating a potential “switching” intent. This empowers companies to proactively address concerns, offer alternative solutions, or highlight the benefits of their own products.

A recent study by Bain & Company found that AI-powered intent detection can increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by up to 20%, leading to higher conversion rates and improved customer acquisition.

By understanding customer intent, pharmaceutical companies can personalize marketing messages, optimize product development efforts, and deliver proactive customer service that anticipates, and addresses needs before they escalate into problems. This translates into more effective campaigns, stronger customer relationships, and ultimately, better health outcomes.

D. Content Generation and Personalized Engagement

GenAI is revolutionizing the way pharmaceutical companies interact with patients online by enabling personalized engagement at scale. No longer limited to generic responses, GenAI can craft tailored messages, answer frequently asked questions, and provide relevant information based on individual needs and preferences.

Imagine a patient expressing concern about side effects from a specific medication on social media. GenAI-powered chatbots can instantly respond with personalized information, directing the patient to relevant resources, suggesting alternative medications, or even connecting them with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. This level of personalized attention not only improves customer satisfaction but also builds trust and loyalty.

Furthermore, GenAI can analyze past interactions and preferences to provide tailored recommendations, such as suggesting relevant articles, support groups, or even upcoming webinars related to a patient’s specific condition.

A recent study by Juniper Research found that AI-powered chatbots are projected to handle over 70% of customer interactions in the healthcare industry by 2030, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues. By automating routine tasks and providing personalized support, NLP and GenAI empowers pharmaceutical companies to engage with patients on a deeper level, fostering stronger relationships and ultimately improving health outcomes.

GenAI can process social media posts, surveys, reviews and more in dozens of languages and formats. This allows insights from over 90% of global internet users to be uncovered, compared to less than 20% reachable through English-only analysis.

According to a recent study by McKinsey & Company, majority of pharmaceutical companies have already implemented GenAI solutions for consumer insights, with other planning to do so within the next two-three years.

Furthermore, a report by Accenture suggests that companies leveraging GenAI for social listening have experienced a 15-20% increase in customer satisfaction scores, underscoring the tangible benefits of this transformative technology.

As qualitative data sources continue expanding in volume and variability, AI and GenAI is empowering the industry to inclusively and efficiently and gain a truly comprehensive understanding of the patient experience globally. This transforms social listening from a fragmented approach into a unified wellspring of insights to develop solutions that can benefit all.

Strategies for Leveraging AI

To fully harness the power of AI for social listening, pharmaceutical companies must take a strategic approach tailored to their specific organizational needs and objectives. Industry research indicates that customizing NLP and GenAI tools to analyze proprietary data formats and types can improve consumer insight relevancy by over 30%.

This allows models to better intuit the nuances of particular demographics and uncover key trends. Additionally, feeding AI algorithms with existing internal data assets such as patient surveys and post-marketing study datasets boosts the accuracy of new predictions by as much as 45% compared to baseline. One top pharma company found that combining customized analysis of social media, forum data and past survey responses enabled AI to automatically detect three emerging medication adherence issues in a new market six months earlier than their previous methods.

A recent trial by McKinsey showed that ai-generated survey questions had response rates over 60% higher than human-crafted questions. By following such tailored strategies for leveraging GenAI within their unique constraints, pharmaceutical leaders can rapidly advance consumer understanding and uncover areas requiring intervention.

Advantages of AI-Powered Social Media Listening

In the pharmaceutical industry, AI-powered social listening plays a crucial role in gathering insights, identifying trends, and understanding the perceptions and needs of patients, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders.

Here are some key ways in which AI-powered social listening is used in the pharmaceutical industry:

Real-time Insights: AI-powered social listening enables pharmaceutical companies to gather real-world and real-time data from key opinion leaders (KOLs), patients, healthcare professionals (HCPs), and researchers. These insights can be used to inform key strategies in drug development plans, stay updated on modern trends and practices, and make data-driven decisions.

Brand Monitoring and Reputation Management: By monitoring social media platforms and listening to target audiences, pharmaceutical companies can gain valuable insights into consumer perceptions and sentiments. This helps in strengthening brand value, building trust, and identifying areas for improvement. AI-powered social listening tools can also detect potential PR crises or negative sentiment spikes in real time, enabling proactive crisis management and damage control strategies.

Market Research and Campaigns: Social media platforms offer a wealth of information about target audiences, their needs, and unmet demands. AI-powered social listening allows pharmaceutical companies to identify and segment their target audiences, understand their preferences, and tailor marketing campaigns accordingly. It also helps in identifying the latest trends and practices in the industry, as well as tracking competitors’ activities and developments.

Identifying Key Influencers: AI-powered social listening tools can help pharmaceutical companies identify the right key opinion leaders (KOLs) and digital opinion leaders (DOLs) for their products. By analyzing social media interactions and engagement, companies can find influencers who have a significant impact on their target audiences. Collaborating with these influencers can help in amplifying brand messages and reaching a wider audience.

Adverse Event Monitoring: AI-powered social listening can be used to monitor and identify adverse drug experiences and potential safety concerns. By analyzing social media conversations and posts, pharmaceutical companies can detect and address adverse events in a timely manner, ensuring patient safety and regulatory compliance.

Customer Insights and Feedback: Social media platforms provide a platform for consumers to express their opinions, feedback, and suggestions regarding pharmaceutical products and services. AI-powered social listening helps in capturing and analyzing this feedback, enabling companies to better understand their customers’ needs and preferences. This information can be used to improve existing products, develop new ones, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

While AI-powered social listening offers significant advantages, there are also challenges and risks involved. These include the difficulty in extracting relevant information from the vast amount of data available, the accuracy of automated sentiment analysis, and the need for timely resolutions and effective risk management.

Benefits of AI-Powered Social Listening

Leveraging AI to empower social listening is allowing pharmaceutical companies to gain unprecedented insights that are strengthening their relationships with customers and driving better health outcomes. By unlocking the wealth of knowledge contained within unstructured data sources, organizations can develop an intimate understanding of patient populations.

With data privacy and ownership top of mind, patients are more willing to share personal experiences when they have confidence their stories will be used to advance care, not just sell products.

By using AI to promptly address concerns raised on social media, companies like Pfizer have seen customer trust scores improve 26% year-over-year. With a hyper-connected world increasing transparency, social listening powered by beneficial and benevolent AI will be key for companies to maintain strong reputations and meet evolving societal expectations. As technology continues enhancing healthcare through such mutual understanding between stakeholders, it has the potential to benefit businesses and, more importantly, empower people to live healthier lives.

Application of GenAI in Pharma

While the application of GenAI in pharma is still relatively new and many companies are in the early stages of adoption, there are some notable examples:

Atomwise: Atomwise is a leading AI company in the pharmaceutical industry. They use AI-powered social listening to monitor patient user groups and discussions related to diseases of interest. By analyzing these conversations, Atomwise can gain insights into market needs and identify areas where current treatments may be lacking. This information can be valuable for pharmaceutical companies in designing more effective clinical trials and improving patient outcomes.

BenevolentAI: BenevolentAI is another prominent AI company in the pharmaceutical industry that leverage AI to discover new drugs. They leverage AI-powered social listening to track and analyze online discussions and sentiments related to their products and brands. This allows them to monitor how their products are perceived in the market and compare their safety profiles to competitors. The insights gained from social listening can be used to inform product development and marketing strategies.

Cyclica: Cyclica is another company that specializes in AI-driven drug discovery. They utilize AI-powered social listening to gather real-time feedback from patients and healthcare professionals about their products. By analyzing this feedback, Cyclica can identify potential adverse events and intervene preemptively. This proactive approach to pharmacovigilance can help ensure patient safety and improve the overall effectiveness of drug development.

Boehringer Ingelheim: The company has been exploring the use of GenAI for social listening to understand the patient sentiment and identify potential adverse events related to their medications. They have also used GenAI to generate summaries of large volumes of social media data, making it easier for their teams to identify key trends and insights.

Novo Nordisk: Specializing in diabetes care, Novo Nordisk leveraged GenAI to analyze social media conversations and identify a growing trend of patients struggling with the emotional burden of their condition. This insight led to the development of a new mobile app called “NovoCare” offering personalized support, connecting patients with online communities and providing access to mental health resources. The app saw a 40% increase in user engagement within the first six months, demonstrating the power of GenAI to translate social listening into tangible patient benefit.

Bayer: Bayer has been experimenting with GenAI for content generation, using it to create engaging and informative social media posts that resonate with their target audience. They have also used GenAI to personalize email marketing campaigns, delivering tailored messages based on individual patient preferences.

Integrating GenAI into Social Listening: Leading Companies and Their Innovations

The integration of generative AI (GenAI) into social listening platforms is revolutionizing how pharmaceutical companies gain insights from online conversations.

Leading firms like Brandwatch, Audiense, Sprinklr, Pulsar, Meltwater, Brand24, and Sprout Social are at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging GenAI to enhance their offerings and deliver more precise, actionable insights.

Brandwatch has made several acquisitions of AI companies recently and now incorporated GenAI to provide advanced sentiment analysis and trend prediction, enabling pharmaceutical companies to understand patient concerns and public perception more deeply. According to a recent Brandwatch study, their AI capabilities have improved sentiment analysis accuracy by 60-75% (Brandwatch).

Audiense uses GenAI to segment audiences based on behaviour and interests, which is crucial for personalized healthcare marketing. Their platform’s ability to create detailed audience personas helps pharma companies tailor their communication strategies effectively.

Audiense case study highlighted that companies using their platform saw a 25% increase in engagement rates. (Audiense)

Sprinklr leverages GenAI to monitor and analyze vast amounts of social media data in real-time, identifying emerging health trends and patient sentiments. This capability is essential for crisis management and proactive healthcare measures. Sprinklr’s AI-driven insights have been shown to reduce the time to detect potential health issues by 40% (Sprinklr, 2023).

Sprout Social uses GenAI to provide comprehensive social listening and analytics tools that help pharmaceutical companies understand patient dialogues and market dynamics better. Their AI-powered platform has been instrumental in improving engagement strategies and predicting health trends.

A Sprout Social study indicated that their AI tools have enhanced predictive accuracy by 25% (Sprout Social).

These advancements highlight the pivotal role of GenAI in transforming social listening for the pharmaceutical industry, enabling more precise, real-time insights and fostering enhanced patient engagement and care.

Potential Impacts and Future Developments

The emergence of AI promises to transform how pharmaceutical companies leverage social listening to gain valuable insights from online conversations. AI offers far more advanced NLP capabilities compared to traditional keyword searches or sentiment analysis tools. By comprehending nuances, context and cultural references, AI can derive deeper understanding from public discussions about health, diseases and medications. This allows drug manufacturers to tap into a wealth of patient experiences and feedback that hitherto remained hidden.

AI also enables the automation of some social listening functions. By continuously monitoring online health communities, forums and social media, AI can identify and categorize emerging issues, priorities and information needs in real time. This helps inform research priorities, guide drug development and improve patient services.

For example, social listening powered by AI during the peak of the Covid pandemic revealed changing priorities around vaccination, highlighting the importance of addressing common concerns through focused communication strategies.

Looking ahead, as AI models advance through continued training on massive healthcare data pools, they are expected to generate personalized insights. By correlating individual social media profiles with demographic and clinical metadata, AI may be positioned to offer targeted recommendations. This level of precision could revolutionize patient outreach, informed decision making and potentially even evidence generation.

Of course, challenges around data privacy, algorithmic bias and model transparency would need rigorous attention to ensure such applications are developed and applied responsibly and for the public good. Overall, social listening enhanced by GenAI opens promising opportunities to tap collective intelligence and advance individualized healthcare.


The emergence of AI advances represents an enormous opportunity for pharmaceutical companies to truly transform how they listen to, understand and learn from consumers and patients. Companies that can strategically implement AI technologies to derive more granular, multidimensional consumer insights and track changing perceptions in real time will gain a tremendous competitive edge.

Leaders who leverage these unprecedented volumes of data to bolster empathy, enhance transparency, and drive more patient-centric decision-making stand to build much deeper engagement and trust with the public. However, to realize these benefits in an ethical, socially responsible manner, prudent governance and oversight of GenAI adoption is critical. Companies must audit for biases, maintain explainability, and implement appropriate safeguards around sensitive data.

If deployed thoughtfully, AI can catalyze immense progress in meeting unmet patient needs, improving access and affordability, and ultimately delivering better health outcomes to all populations. Companies that are bold and proactive in exploring AI’s potential while also championing its responsible use are poised to shape the future of the industry.

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Fascinating insights on the impact of AI in pharma! How do you see the role of AI evolving in the next few years with advancements in NLP and ML? Looking forward to seeing how GenAI continues to enhance customer engagement and patient outcomes.

Lori Rodriguez

5x Mother | Fractional CDO/CPO | Speaker/Author | xGartner VP | Chief | Lifelong Learner


Fascinating to see #AI revolutionizing social listening in pharma! The potential for improved patient outcomes by providing personalized responses is truly exciting. Thanks you for sharing Dr. Andrée Bates

Steve Burrows

Interim Management: Data Science, Business Analysis, Customer Insight, Market Research


Potentially great data; how can we help clients make this practical? How we can help them take that first step and overcome barriers such as having guardrails to ensure data is analysed compliantly and simple enough to complete the project on top of their busy day job.

Sandhya Jain-Patel

The Future is Multicultural… Ignore at your own risk. Chief Culture and DEI+ Officer | Multicultural Strategy Executive | WSJ-Bestselling Author | Founding Member, CHIEF | Fulbright Scholar | #JainOfAllTrades


Excited to see what challenges and opportunities emerge from these new datasets, Dr. Andrée Bates 🤩

Osman Hussein /Gen AI Expert For Dominating Google SEARCH & LinkedIn SOCIAL 🔍


AI-driven social listening is a game-changer for pharma, offering deeper insights into patient and HCP needs. By leveraging NLP and ML, the industry can enhance customer service and improve patient outcomes, marking a significant step forward in healthcare innovation.

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