How to go beyond delivery-oriented KPIs in CTV advertising
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Connected Television (CTV), it's critical to distinguish between delivery metrics and true success indicators. While KPIs such as Completion Rate, Household Frequency, Reach, and Cost Per Viewable Completion (CPVC) are essential for understanding where and how budgets are spent, they can fall short of reflecting the actual impact of campaigns.
This article explores the necessity of moving beyond delivery-oriented statistics to embrace success metrics that genuinely measure the return on investment and effectiveness of CTV advertising efforts.
Limitations of Traditional KPIs:
The Need for a Broader Objective Cascade:
To create a more holistic approach, it’s crucial to adopt an 'objective cascade' that reflects the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to final activation. This approach ensures that each stage of the funnel is optimized for maximum impact.
Objective Cascade Breakdown:
Embracing Creative Innovation: The Key to Success in CTV Advertising
At Origin, storytelling is at the heart of our CTV advertising approach, with creative innovation serving as a vital form of key performance indicator (KPI).
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By partnering with cutting-edge data analytics firms like LoopMe and TVision, we build dynamic creatives that are not just flexible enough to speak to specific DMAs or geographic insights but are truly dynamic and agile in their core message and story.
We enhance the effectiveness of our campaigns by incorporating advanced analytics such as Favorability, Respondent Counts, Audience Analysis, Geo Insights and Time to First Fixation. These metrics provide deeper insights and actionable data, allowing us to strike a balance between cost per impression and performance metrics.
A recent case study with Travel Alaska , which saw a 261% lift in viewer attention and a 31.4% increase in consideration, demonstrates how our commitment to moving beyond traditional KPIs can move the dial.
Our fixation with creative innovation and real-time analytics ensures that we continually refine and optimize ad experiences, making storytelling the ultimate benchmark of success that we are excitedly still uncovering.
In conclusion
For CTV advertising to evolve and deliver on its promise, marketers must shift their focus from traditional delivery metrics to success-oriented KPIs.
While completion rates, household frequency, reach, and CPVC provide valuable insights into budget allocation and campaign reach, they do not capture the true essence of advertising success.
By prioritizing metrics that measure engagement, conversion, and long-term brand impact, marketers can ensure their campaigns not only reach audiences but also resonate with them, driving meaningful and measurable results.
This paradigm shift from delivery to success is essential for maximizing the potential of CTV advertising and achieving lasting marketing effectiveness.
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