How to Promote Your Blog through Social Media

How to Promote Your Blog through Social Media

In today’s digital environment, a social media presence is essential for your business. The rapid-fire world of online social media interaction, especially conducted via smartphone, has come to dominate the world of online content creation. Online interactions are quicker, shorter, and more direct than most traditional marketing; the message is delivered fast, and if more elaboration is needed, it is provided through a supporting link. A blog like this, posted online, will give the reader a catchy tag line and link to the body text. Graphics and images are essential.


Social Promotion in the Blogosphere

So let’s talk about using social networks to promote your blog. We’ve already said that the blogosphere is a crowded place; when you use social methods to promote your blog, you’re essentially turning that crowd to your advantage. Imagine throwing a stone into a pond; the ripples spread out in ever-expanding circles, until, eventually, they touch the entire surface of the pond. Entering the world of social media makes a similar effect; there may be a large initial splash when you make your post, followed by ripples in all directions as your content is shared, commented on, reposted, or shared again. Choosing the right social platforms, you can turn that to your advantage.

Social Media is your Friend

Today’s social media networks have brought a sea change to networking and marketing. The proliferation of connections – many of them insubstantial but all of them branching out in more and unexpected directions – offers an infinitude of avenues for you to promote your product, services, and blog. For a business blog, the two most powerful social media are Facebook and, more and more, LinkedIn.

Facebook has a slightly frivolous reputation, especially if you just want to idle away an hour, but with more than two billion users worldwide, Facebook is by far the largest social network and that alone offers you an enormous platform for you blog. Make sure that you always post your blog posts to your business Facebook page; you’re certain to have different networks on your blog and on your social media, and cross-posting your blog will allow those networks to connect. A strong Facebook post will include an image, a link, and a great headline; you can find details on Facebook posting here.

You should also promote your blog on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has been growing in recent years, now includes over 500 million users globally, and has become a reputable platform for making business to business connections. This is where you’ll build or join a network of like-minded professionals, and find a forum to direct your blog to an audience that is more likely to be predisposed to find it interesting. Leveraging Facebook and LinkedIn together will make your blog visible to an ever-expanding audience as you add connections to your networks.

Use Heyoya for Easy Sharing

Sharing to social media isn’t just about sharing blogs or articles. A great way to get more traction on content is to share user-generated content (UGC). This kind of content, made up of comments, reviews and more, is personal and authentic and can help build up the credibility of your web site. Heyoya’s voice comments platform allows for easy comment sharing across social media with the click of a button. Try it today to share your content better.

Heyoya is a game-changing comments platform that brings voice to online publishers, improving user engagement by allowing readers to express themselves beyond the medium of text. Heyoya is proven to increase brand affinity and the quality of user-generated content, while preventing spam and abusive content & increasing reader interaction with your blog. Join Heyoya today and grow your community.

 For more information on Heyoya, click here.

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