Hydrogen buses in Hong Kong, transition finance and a special report on Carbon Credits

Hydrogen buses in Hong Kong, transition finance and a special report on Carbon Credits

As we wrap up the quarter, this month’s newsletter brings a freshly prepared Carbonless Advisor Report for our LinkedIn community! Sandro Desideri , our senior advisor and co-founder of Link4Success, pens his insights on all things carbon credits - in this Carbon Credits 101 report. Read on to find out more. 

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Carbon Credits 101

Produced true to the spirit of the Carbonless platform, Sandro Desideri delivers this special Carbonless Advisor Report, covering the components of the carbon credit as a tool for driving decarbonisation and providing an overview of how carbon credits are generated, certified, measured and validated. The report also touches on the frameworks of the regulated and voluntary carbon markets and looks at an example from Asia. The snippets in this newsletter have been edited for length and we invite you to view the full report here:

Carbon credit

A carbon credit is a transferrable instrument, certified by governments or independent certification bodies, representing an emission reduction that can be traded. One tonne of carbon credit represents the reduction or removal of one tonne of CO2e.

Carbon markets provide a mechanism for capping emissions and allocating credits to companies which are making efforts to decarbonize.

The goal is to allow a combination of regulation and market mechanisms to drive industrial and commercial processes to adopt less carbon intensive approaches. This transition will be essential to adhering to the Net Zero Roadmap, as defined by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Certification, Measurement and Verification of credits

Ensuring that carbon credits are high quality and valued accurately is essential to the successful functioning of carbon markets. A number of companies and service providers are active in this area: Gold Standard , Verra , Plan Vivo Foundation and others specialize in the provision of digital methodologies and standards, such as like VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) and PVCs (Plan Vivo Certificates).

Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) refers to a multi-step process to measure the amount of GHG emissions reduced by a specific mitigation activity over a period of time and report these findings to an accredited third party. The third party then verifies the report so that the results can be certified and carbon credits can be issued.

MRV seeks to prove that an activity has actually avoided or removed harmful GHG emissions so that actions can be converted into credits with monetary value. It is the key to establishing the integrity of carbon markets and unlocking climate finance.

Carbonless Research

Looking for high-quality data and analysis of the trends and drivers underpinning decarbonization in Asia? Eager to better understand under-researched technologies, markets and geographies? Looking for answers to the questions that restrict capital flows and technology deployment, especially in emerging markets?

Carbonless Research addresses these information gaps by creating customised research projects for policymakers, investors, corporations and more. We develop analysis, tools, market scoping and policy briefings, incorporating unique insights from our work on decarbonization across the Carbonless platform. Contact us to learn more: hello@carbonless.xyz or alexandra@carbonless.xyz.

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Exploring carbon credit insights.


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