Inclusive Onboarding

Inclusive Onboarding

Keeping inclusion at the forefront of your onboarding process will ensure that your new hire is set up for success and feels a sense of belonging from the start. Here are some best practices to successfully onboard new employees: 


Before your new employee begins work: 

  • If needed, reach out to a local service provider for free consultation and/or assistance.  

  • Talk to your staff about the new employee’s first day on the job. 

  • Provide co-workers with awareness training if there is a need to highlight specialized disability support (e.g. if the new employee has a guide dog or mobility issues).  

  • Make sure the information for each new employee is in a format appropriate to their disability, if necessary.  

  • Ensure that any previously discussed accommodations are in place and that all required equipment for the new employee is ready for use.  

  • Consider identifying a support person, mentor, or go-to person for the new employee.  


First day on the job: 

  • Provide any information regarding orientation in a suitable format for a person with a disability. This may mean written, audio, large text or Braille, or using simple language. 

  • Explain and show where the lunchroom, breakroom, restrooms, and supply rooms are located. 

  • Introduce the new employee to their direct supervisor, who will serve as the first point of contact for any work-related questions. 

  • Introduce the new employee to colleagues, suppliers, and customers. 


Discover more best practices to successfully onboard new employees: 

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