Intelligent Automation News #45

Intelligent Automation News #45

I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun Memorial Day Weekend.

Today’s issue has a mix of strategic and tactical advice for automating business processes. We kick off with a look from ServiceNow research on how AI is beginning to affect workforce skills. Similar to all IT workforce surveys; there aren’t enough IT pros to go around.

AI tools could mitigate some of this shortfall. If you haven’t been thinking about how this shortage will impact all of your IT efforts, start now.

From an AI-heavy issue two weeks ago, today’s issue has two articles focused on the importance and opportunity of automating paperwork. The IDP industry has a 30-plus year track record of removing paper from business processes. If your business continues to rely on paper you can – and should – do better. These articles will jumpstart your thinking.

Here’s to a great summer of learning – and a bit of relaxation.

Thanks for reading.


  • AI Impact: 2024 Workforce Skills Forecast
  • Productivity, Processes, and the Trillion-Dollar GDP Boost
  • Documents in the Supply Chain
  • A Celonis PQL haiku
  • IDP: More than Just Another Term for Business Transformation
  • Defining Your True North: A Road Map to Successful Transformation
  • Celonis Conformance Checker – A ProcessMiningIQ Tutorial

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AI Impact: 2024 Workforce Skills Forecast

This survey report from ServiceNow provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of emerging technologies, particularly generative AI (GenAI), on the global workforce across eight major economies: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Australia, Singapore, and Japan. The key takeaways are:

  1. Global talent demand will continue to outpace supply, with the exception of Japan and Germany. Emerging markets like India are projected to require an additional 34 million workers by 2028 to sustain economic growth, while the U.S. will need 1 million more workers.
  2. Tech workers will remain in high demand across most industries and countries, even in those with an overall workforce contraction. The report highlights significant growth in tech roles like systems software developers, computer and information systems managers, and software application developers.
  3. AI and automation will disrupt the workforce but also create new job opportunities. While some tasks will be automated or augmented by AI, the productivity gains will drive economic growth and increased demand for tech-related roles. However, reskilling initiatives are crucial to help workers transition to emerging in-demand roles.

The report emphasizes the need for organizations and governments to invest in reskilling programs and provide learning opportunities to prepare the workforce for the changing job landscape. It identifies potential career pathways for non-tech roles to transition into growing tech roles by leveraging transferable skills.

The report also highlights the impact of emerging technologies on specific IT roles, such as systems administrators and implementation consultants, and provides insights into the time savings and task shifts these roles may experience due to AI and automation.

Overall, the report underscores the importance of proactive workforce planning and skill development to future-proof businesses and support economic growth in the era of AI and technological disruption. Download your copy (free) of the report here.

Doculabs is a ServiceNow partner. We can help you find value fast using process mining. Get in touch with us today.

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Productivity, Processes, and the Trillion-Dollar GDP Boost

Boosting US labor productivity to levels enjoyed in the recent past represents a $10 trillion opportunity. That was the optimistic message from a team of McKinsey & Company consultants at Celosphere 2023.

The path to $10 trillion may be ambitious, but it’s far from fanciful, they said. Since 2005, the US labor productivity growth rate has averaged a modest 1.4% – compared with a long-term trend of 2.2%. If the growth rate returns to the average, the potential cumulative increase in US GDP between now and 2030 will be around the $10 trillion mark – equivalent to $15,000 per US household.

New enterprise technologies could be what moves the needle, according to McKinsey, with similar gains possible in Europe too. The crucial next step: unlocking the power of these technologies. Read more.

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Documents in the Supply Chain

Alan Pelz-Sharp of Deep Analysis makes astute points about the paperwork automation need in the supply chain industry. From his post: “An educated and conservative guestimate of the paperwork associated with each container is 100 documents (bills of lading – certifications – import/export documents, etc.). That’s an enormous number of documents. Yet, the document management and automation sector has seldom given the supply chain a second glance; instead, it prefers to focus on the same old sectors, such as financial services, legal, and pharma. Or, to put it another way, it’s an enormous lost opportunity for technology vendors.” Read more.

FYI, with our combined expertise in IDP (documents) and process mining, we can provide an “X-ray” how a supply chain is performing. Read more about process mining in the supply chain here.

A Celonis PQL haiku

Process Mining Tip of the Week #50

Filters are helpful

Pullups can be handy, but,

Both can be faulty

Pull ups in PQL do not respect the filters that you have put on components, sheets, or analyses. I think of pull ups as for loops, i.e., for each row here do something with these rows there. The filters will only affect the here rows, not the there rows! Something to keep in mind as you create your analyses in Celonis.

Get ahead of your peers with tips like this regularly delivered to your inbox. Yes, send me informative process mining tips now!

Get to the root of your customer experience processes. Download your copy now.

IDP: More than Just Another Term for Business Transformation

For those new to IDP, this is a very good overview of the technology and use cases by longtime IDP industry veteran Bill Galusha of Kodak Alaris. From the article:

IDP refers to advanced systems that combine machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the processing of various documents across an enterprise. Unlike legacy document capture systems, IDP is uniquely capable of interpreting, extracting, and managing data from a wide range of document types. This technology stands at the forefront of modern business practices, enabling companies to simplify complex, document-intensive processes, reduce repetitive manual tasks, and significantly enhance overall accuracy and productivity. IDP represents a crucial intersection in business technology, bridging advanced data capture with business process automation.

By leveraging AI and machine learning, IDP solutions have the potential to streamline and optimize document process workflows to save organizations big money and prevent even bigger headaches. Read more.

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Defining Your True North: A Road Map to Successful Transformation

“Digital transformation” was always a nebulous term. Over the past few years, it’s become even more fractured, as too many companies focus on the cost-cutting aspects of adopting digital workflows and other tools while others simply view it as a shortcut that, even divorced from overall business goals, will “somehow” transform the organization into a lean, mean, fighting machine (to channel Bill Murray in Stripes).

Investing in technology and then hoping it “does something” isn’t a strategy. That’s why I love this quote from this article:

“Real transformative change goes beyond episodic efficiency efforts or organizational restructurings. It instead aims to reprogram an organization’s very DNA and embed a new operating model, guided by a bold strategy, to reach a company’s full potential. When done right, a transformation becomes a source of continual renewal, evolving and even revolutionizing a business over a series of horizons.” Read more.

Celonis Conformance Checker – A ProcessMiningIQ Tutorial

James Newman , our all-star Celonis process mining expert and solutions architect, demonstrates how to set up and start getting the most out of the Conformance Checker tool in Celonis.

Click here to watch this short (2 minutes and 49 seconds) tutorial.

If you enjoy this, be sure to check out our ProcessMiningIQ for insight that will shorten your process mining learning curve.


Thanks for reading to the end. Have a great day!

Exciting mix of insights and tips to elevate business processes. Let's keep the momentum going 🚀 Marty Pavlik

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