Interview with Deepa Chandrasekaran
Deepa Chandrasekaran, Author of Career Accelerator Formula

Interview with Deepa Chandrasekaran

SHEreads , the book club and micro community of SHEMANTRA, hosted Deepa Chandrasekaran in its monthly MEET THE AUTHOR series , Deepa is the founder and CEO of Engage2Transform. As a Career Acceleration Expert, she helps mid-career professionals overcome roadblocks to accelerate career growth and build careers that they love! She is the author of the book “Career Accelerator Formula,” which is based on her program and is written with the objective to provide clear, actionable step by step approach to help professionals move to the next level in their careers!

Deepa Chandrasekaran shared with SHEreads members the journey of how she became an author and gave valuable tips for budding writers! Some insights which Deepa shared with us:

1.      Would you like to share with your readers, a short journey of yourself? We would be interested to know more about you.

I started my professional journey working with DCM technologies and subsequently worked for more than 2 decades with world renowned organizations, leading multi-functional, multi-faceted, multi-generational teams and nurturing hundreds of careers during this journey!

In 2017, I felt a deep desire to create a larger impact and hence left the corporate world to pursue my calling of being an entrepreneur.

Right now, I am a Career Acceleration Expert, working with mid-career professionals, helping them accelerate, rebuild, reconnect, and rejoice in their careers, thus leading a happier and a well-balanced life without becoming a workaholic or burning out in the process!

2.      What inspired you to write a book?

I call myself an “Accidental Author”! I never dreamt of writing a book while I was growing up since I thought it was for a different set of people who are definitely not like me!

But like they say, what has to happen will happen. So, one fine day I found myself in a workshop of budding authors, where I too took a leap of faith and decided to write a book.

3.      Can you tell us about your book?

My Book “Career Accelerator Formula” is a book for corporate professionals to help them survive and thrive in the VUCA world.

It is based on my program which is a step by step, proven career acceleration system that attempts to provide a roadmap to embark on a journey of transformation and success.

It talks about the tools that are needed for holistic development of a professional leading to accelerated career growth, better opportunities, faster promotions, better income and leading with influence.

4.      What is the key message in the book?

My key message for the readers is that career growth is not restricted to certain type of people, or it cannot be left to chance. Each one of us has what it takes to accelerate our careers and live the life of our dreams.

What differentiates the successful/winners from the rest of the world is that they make career growth intentional and purposeful. They work and take time to get clarity, plan and prepare so that every step they take propels them a step closer to who they desire to become!

5.      What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

The necessity to work holistically for career growth and not leave it to chance.

6.      What is the significance of the title?

It is based on my step-step proven career acceleration system that I use while working with my clients and I have seen some amazing success stories of career growth and dreams coming true consistently based on this system!

7.      Tell us about the process that helped you in coming up with the title and the cover.

I think the title needs to generate curiosity in the minds of the reader and they should be tempted to explore the book to know more!

For the cover design I used Canva 😊

8.      What, in your opinion, are the most essential elements of skilful writing?

I believe each author has her own unique style and owning that is very important. Also keeping it simple with relatable case studies and examples helps the reader to connect with the content of the book. The most important thing is to stop judging ourselves and get out of our own way. It is a journey, and it is important to get going.

9.      Which authors have you “grown” to like? And which genre do you like?

Growing up, I read a lot of fiction, mostly suspense novels, sometimes I got so absorbed that I did not get up until I had finished it 😊 I was so amazed at the creativity of these authors who could create such amazing plots that would engage the audience right through.

Off late I have been fascinated by authors like Robin Sharma and Amish Tripathi who have given a new perspective to fiction. While Robin’s books have a message through the story, Amish’s handling of figures and deities from the Indian mythology and giving them a humanized treatment has been a very new style!

These days based on my profession, I have switched to reading more of self-help books and enjoy reading those. They have so much of depth, and we get to learn so much about human mind and psychology that its fascinating to say the least. In the last one year – thanks to SHEreads, I have started exploring many as yet unexplored genres as well.

10.  What do you find as the most difficult part of the creative writing process?

Coming up with the title took a while for me. Since my book is about my program which I understand completely, sitting down to write was the most difficult part. Once I started, it took me about 3 months to finish it.

11.  Would you like to share a snippet from your book that is not in the blurb or excerpt?

"A Ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for!"

Everyone is gifted with infinite potential. However, being aware of one's potential and extracting the same for fulfilling one's goals is seldom done. Most of us live a life where we have barely scratched the surface of the immense potential within us, and hence we see the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.

Ships are safe in the harbor, but the purpose of a ship is to go out and explore the seas and not stay in the harbor.

Similarly, we humans have become very comfortable thinking the same thoughts, being confined to the same beliefs, living life in our comfort zones, not exploring the unexplored territories, not living life to our maximum potential, yet expecting and hoping for things to change.

12.  Is there any special schedule you follow while writing?

During the 3 months that I wrote this book, I used to sit every morning for a couple of hours, undisturbed and just focus on writing. Then again, a couple of hours in the evening!

I had conceptualized and created a structure before I actually began writing, that helped me focus since I knew what I would be writing about.

13.  Which part in this book did you find the hardest to write?

My book is based on the system that I have created to help Corporate Leaders accelerate their careers called the “Career Accelerator Formula.” Just getting started to write was the hardest, once I started, it just kept flowing.

14.  What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

Give up the need to get it perfect, just begin the process and let it flow. You can always release future versions in case you feel the content needs some changes.

15.  Would you like to describe your writing space?

Nothing special, it was where I usually worked. The thinking, structuring sometimes happened when I went for walks.

16.  How do you write? Longhand or on the computer or tab? Would you like to share about the tools you use?

My coach gave this idea to use google docs and use the dictate feature, so I just speak, and it creates the notes. There is of course editing needed, but that was a good start. Then I used to edit it. Most of my structuring, creating the table of content, identifying chapter titles happened on paper, where as the content for the chapters was all done on google docs.

17.  What time of the day did you usually write? Can you describe a typical writing day?

I wrote for about 4-5 hrs a day. I used to set the tone by starting in the morning by writing for a couple of hours and then picking it up again in the evening.

Although on some days, I also did take a break and not write at all. Since it was my first writing experience, I just went with how I felt and did not feel bound by the do’s or don’t. I was pretty flexible with my writing routine.

18.  What was the most difficult part about the process of writing for you?

Accepting the fact that I was going to become an author, doing the research for the topic, and making it concise and interesting.

I wanted the book to be a like an exercise book and actually help people take actions resulting in changes. So, I wanted the content to be simple, easy to read and implement so that people actually take actions.

19.  What would you say is the most interesting part of writing?

Ability to express our own selves truly and completely.

20.  What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?

Sometimes the ideas would not flow, or I would not want to sit and write. I needed to really push myself to sit day after day to bring it to a closure.

The other challenge was the urge to keep adding more content or to keep modifying the content to reach “perfection,” but after a point we have to bring it to a stable state, trust what we have created and get it published 😊

Editing was another cumbersome process and needed a lot of patience.

21.  Would you like to share what was the high point of writing this book?

When I held the published copy in my hands – it was only then that I could believe that I was finally a published author!

22.  What perspectives or beliefs have you challenged with this work?

A few of them are –

a.      Career growth can be intentional and aligned to our purpose. It can actually be planned and worked upon. I focus on purposeful and intentional growth rather than accidental growth (which is what most leaders actually experience these days)

b.      It is possible for our jobs to be fun and interesting.

c.      Work Life Balance is a myth. Work is a part of our life, and we need to integrate work into our lives to enjoy what we are doing. Similarly, we cannot be one person at work and another at home. Our core values are the same even though we might show up differently on each front. The more aligned we are to our core values, the more energized and excited we are in life!

d.      We do not need to drown in work or become workaholics to grow. We can work reasonable hours and still be accelerating our careers and doing extremely well!

23.  If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Learner, Resilient, Vulnerable

24.  What do you like to do when you are not writing?

Working with my clients and helping them achieve amazing transformations in career and life, sleeping, reading, listening to music, and binge-watching good series.

25.  What is the one book that made you cry?

Tuesdays with Morrie

26.  Which has been your favourite childhood book?

I have read books like Chandamama, Nandan, Champak, Reader’s Digest and then graduated to Enid Blyton, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew at a very young age.

27.  Which book has inspired you the most?

Becoming by Michelle Obama has been a great inspiring read for me.

28.  Do you get energized or exhausted by writing?

Writing sets me free. I love writing and expressing through LinkedIn posts and blogs.

29.  Would you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

Nope. I believe people should know who I am 😊

30.  As a writer what would you choose as your mascot? An animal? A bird? A flower?

Kingfisher bird for its beauty and patience in catching its prey! Its small yet makes it presence felt!

31.  Which is your favourite and most inspirational quote ?

Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different outcomes!

32.  What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

Tony Robbins.

33.  What do you prefer…printed book, e book or audio book?

Printed always!

Are you on social media and can your readers interact with you? Would you like to give your handles so that readers can find out more about you Where can readers purchase your books. Please give the links.






Ravi Dangwal

LinkedIn Top Voice for Organizational Development, Coaching & Mentoring, Servant Leadership | Performance Coach | Leadership Facilitator | Certified Workplace Learning Specialist | Author


Good going Deepa, Keep influencing

Farah Ismail

Executive Coach (ICF PCC) | Leadership Facilitator (IAF-CPF) | Courage Catalyst


Deepa Chandrasekaran, Career Acceleration Expert you surely got us glued to your story and the process of becoming an author. Your passion is evident and I can’t wait to know your formula 🙏🏻 And btw “Accident is the name of the greatest of all inventors” Mark Twain 😎

Shilpa Ajwani

Leadership & Business Strategist enabling Corporate Leaders & Entrepreneurs become FUTURE READY purposefully | COMMUNITY curator & catalyst


Dr Shuchi Sharma Thank you for giving us an opportunity to meet Deepa Chandrasekaran, Career Acceleration Expert and get inspired to tap into the author inside us. Love Deepa’s passion for her work!

Daisy Varun

L&D Strategist: 27 Years of Cultivating Professional Growth, Effective Leadership and Organizational Excellence Through Strategic Learning Initiatives


Great! Congratulations!

Sonnia Singh

Linkedin Top Voice I ICF PCC - Career & Leadership Coach I L&D Consultant I Edtech Content I DE&I Consultant I Author🖊️ I #IamRemarkable Facilitator I Study Abroad Counselor 🧑🎓I


What an inspiring talk Dr Shuchi Sharma and Deepa Chandrasekaran, Career Acceleration Expert the book is on my list now!

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