Intro To "Always Feel Happy"​
There is nothing more important than feeling good about our self.

Intro To "Always Feel Happy"

(This is a full and direct copy of the Introduction chapter to my recently published book "Always Feel Happy" now available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats.)

I'm certain you'll find it well worth your time... Always my best, Jim Campbell ___________________________________________________________________

“The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves.” - Brian Tracy

I can now say with high certainty that the only real way to bring about true personal happiness and to be able to harvest and enjoy the fruits of a genuinely happy life are dependent on this one essential guiding principle:

That our true happiness depends solely on how we feel about our self.

Think about it. How could we ever feel truly happy if we typically feel poorly about our self? When our levels of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-belief and self-worth are low, those conditions alone make being happy virtually impossible. 

And if our thoughts, feelings and beliefs tend to remain at low and unhealthy levels for perceived (usually not true) reasons, then having success in life will also generally be an overly difficult chore with inherent personal happiness nowhere to be found.

Together these limiting factors also cause us to feel and expect that life will always be a hard and constant uphill climb. However, when you come to feel good about your self because the degrees of your confidence and self-esteem are high, as a natural and normal state you will always feel as though you can handle most anything that comes your way. 

You then hold a sunny view of all life while consistently operating with a happier set of emotions with great optimism about your future. In turn, these permanent feelings about your self bring out the absolute best in you (and we all want to shine). 

You will soon become the master of your life and always be in contact with your inner-happiness.

True Happiness Isn’t Outside Of Us 

If you’ve ever acquired certain possessions and expected to find a sustained happiness attached to them, you may have eventually felt letdown at some point; perhaps experiencing disappointment, frustration and even remorse brought by unfulfilled long-term expectations.

That’s not to imply that material goods aren’t helpful or enjoyable for life, but anything that can’t uphold the happy emotions we had for a while is because of the unsustainable expectation we created in our mind. Those joyful feelings tend to subside and frequently turn into disdain. Repeating this cycle is why some keep buying things they can’t really afford. 

We also often look to other people to provide happiness to us, searching hard to find the right one(s) until frustration arises once it’s realized that our desire for genuine happiness wasn’t going to be fulfilled or sustained by them either. 

When we realize this we can even become resentful, too often holding them responsible for our own absence of happiness, though it’s usually not their fault. 

Only we can uncover the constant and everlasting happiness all human beings search for. Why is that? Because our happiness has been living within our self the whole time.

Delightful people and nice things are certainly excellent additions to life. But we shouldn’t expect them to deliver the one thing that’s most important to us that they can’t permanently provide: Our true happiness. 

Our expectations of people and things are almost always unfair. It is impossible for them to bring genuine happiness to us. And we can’t do it for them either. Other people and material belongings are not aligned with what or where our happiness is, nor are they capable of finding it for us. 

Anytime we look outside of our self for true happiness, we will be disappointed.

So Where Is Our Happiness?

Our levels of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect ultimately determine what our self-value is. Together they help define who we are and how we feel about our self on our journey through life. Genuine happiness and life itself begin to flourish when our inner-being is in top form.

Once we start to truly respect, believe in and come to feel excellent about our self, we can then uncover and access our true happiness. And to the extent we feel good about our self the higher happiness will rise and the wider it will expand.

When our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and satisfaction with our self are positive, we also begin to see that most things in our life are under control. We then feel optimistic and can find happiness and enjoyment in all of our days. 

There is nothing more important than feeling good about your self.

Uncover Your Inner-Happiness

Research shows that a very large percentage of people in the world feel unhappy and dissatisfied with how their lives are unfolding. Naturally, the same people would love to remedy that and achieve the common primary goal everyone has: To be happy.

What we believe and how we feel about our self determines how happy we are and can be. And there is no limit to the upside of that. It’s really that simple... The beauty of which means that you only have to address and pivot to one main area of your self and life. 

You will access your true happiness by turning inward for it.

When you explore inside, you will find and can remove the blocks that have been overwhelming your own happiness. Once there you can embrace and feel it. You will own it and it will be yours forever... And no one and no thing can ever take it away from you.

Both the desire to be happy and happiness itself have been engineered into us. We’re “wired” to want to be happy because we relish how it feels and we are also built to want to feel good. These are key parts of our human nature and character.

Happiness nourishes every cell in our body and every aspect of our life. Everyone around us benefits greatly from it too. 

Finding your unlimited happiness shouldn’t be a life-long, frustrating or heartbreaking quest filled with dead ends. These disappointments too often cause people to abandon themselves entirely while always seeking greener pastures that never fulfill what they are looking for. 

Human happiness is not designed to work that way.

Once we understand and accept the principle, that the core of our happiness is determined solely by how we feel about our self, then being happy merely becomes a change of viewpoint which doesn’t rely on anything or anyone outside of us.

It also means we can be responsible for our own happiness; the inner-happiness that can never be stolen away. 

It’s ours. We want to enable it to serve a large role for our self, for our life and to have it forever, which is exactly how we are built.

The Solution Is Here

Most of us want to be at our best. To be fulfilled, have meaning and be highly satisfied with our life. That includes helping to enrich the lives of others, especially those closest to us.

Can you now foresee how raising your self-confidence, self-satisfaction and self-respect would clear the way for your personal happiness to rise and how that will help you forge a truly enjoyable and fulfilling life? And have that be the person you’d love to present and share with all the world?

Think back to when you were a kid, to the days when you truly liked your self because there was no reason not to (there still isn’t). You probably still remember how you were able to stay tied with your inner-happiness, when outside matters didn’t bother you very much, or at least not for long.

Now you only need to restore those very same conditions within your self to once again make happiness your perpetual reality… 

With no more looking for it in all the wrong places.

Invest Your Focus Into You

Your happiness begins to rise and expand once you know that nothing outside of you can ruin how you feel about life and your self-belief and self-image are strong. That awareness turns into feelings of confidence and many other terrific virtues we sometimes forget about and overlook. 

We may try but we can’t pretend or trick ourselves into believing we’re happy when we’re not. Falsely acting confident or happy doesn’t really accomplish much. In fact, that’s a facade that creates its own set of inner-conflicts.

Like with happiness, we can pretend we’re a confident person with a high self-worth and may even fool some people into thinking it’s true. But we can never successfully mislead or fool our self. We always know the truth about how we really feel. We know when we’re not being authentic.

We were all born with confidence. The only reason we lost that is because people or other sources told and kept repeating to us that we weren’t worthy or good enough to accomplish big things. 

Many of us were told there was no reason to feel great about our self and there never would be. They may have been trying to motivate us, but that method almost always fails and causes serious reverse effects. 

Despite their intentions, before long we began to echo the same falsehoods to our self. And after a while they became an established part of our being, of who we are and the kind of life we are bound to have.

Why Parents Teach Such Things

Parents routinely program their children with the same false beliefs that had been instilled into them along the way...

Why? Because their levels of self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence were all low. It’s what they “knew” and passed it on for the generations after them to suffer and deal with.

Typically it’s the unhappy, unfulfilled adults with low self-worth and poor self-images “teaching” very young children about life when kids are at their most vulnerable ages. 

Acting much like a contagious illness, it’s precisely where and when things begin to go wrong and why so many lives throughout the world become negatively affected, most of them forever.

We don’t get to choose our parents so we had to trust them to teach us about things that matter. Most of us shouldn’t have.

This has created a diseased society, a worldwide crisis against humanity very few talk about. So it continues on and on and will keep doing so, until we break the chain and change the pattern.

If this describes your upbringing and possibly your present situation too, then “Always Feel Happy” will show you how to remove and replace those destroyers of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth and put the false beliefs, that were planted into your mind by others, away for good.

What Is True Happiness?

The greatest gifts you can ever give to your self is to be fully in charge and control of your mind, your life and your own happiness. Having a high regard for your self will bring you directly to where that happiness is. 

Imagine being able to live your entire life always feeling happy inside as a natural and normal condition regardless of circumstances. To be able to wake up each morning and think about how much you enjoy your life and can’t wait to begin each new day.

And no matter what happens, you know that everything that comes along, whether good or even not so good, is just how life works and you’ll be able to easily handle all matters in stride. That everything that occurs in your life is merely part of the life and learning experience and rarely a catastrophe.

Your self-belief, confidence and self-esteem are always in a high state, because that has now become who you are. A strong you, an always happy self with a vibrant future ahead.

The best way to unblock your happiness is to let go of things that get in its way.

Get Your Mind To Work For You 

Understanding how we are “wired” helps make life easier to manage and much better overall. Always Feel Happy highlights two areas of the mind that store our thoughts, feelings, memory, beliefs, habits and other behaviors that started being affected by outside influences during childhood and continued after. 

It shows how to clear up these areas of the mental “noise” and life-hindering beliefs that have been picked up along the way, helping you make the changes to rescue your personal happiness and savor the many other rewards life has to offer.

Always Feel Happy is presented in two parts... 

Part One provides: 

1. A general overview of two areas of our mind, how they function and often lead us astray,

2. How the contents of our mind are formed beginning at young ages and continue to be after,

3. How to reform your self-defeating and limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs, shape an organized and efficient mind, give rise to your inner-happiness and model a life you are proud of and feel great about. The feedback you receive from the outside world will be excellent too.

Part Two delivers tools and other solutions that will help you further optimize the operation of a clear and well-ordered mind that functions with constructive content (powerful thoughts, beliefs, feelings) which will directly align you with your personal happiness and deliver meaning and success into your life.

You will always be able to… 

Draw on terrific thoughts, feelings, beliefs and the happiness you have always wanted for your self and for those in your world. 

"Always Feel Happy" is now available here on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. It will always be perfect as a gift and will show you how to succeed with your New Year resolutions all year round....

Always my best, Jim Campbell

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