The Jamaican Education Approach Requires a More Modern Look
Photograph: Andre Hunter

The Jamaican Education Approach Requires a More Modern Look


Education plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of any nation. In the case of Jamaica, an island nation in the Caribbean, the education system has been an important pillar for the country's growth and progress. However, as the world rapidly evolves with technological advancements and changing global dynamics, it is imperative for Jamaica's education system to embrace a more modern and innovative approach to meet the needs of 21st-century learners and prepare them for the challenges of the future.

Addressing Outdated Curriculum

According to Alleyne & Payne (2019), one of the primary concerns of the Jamaican education system is the relevance of the curriculum in the modern world. The current curriculum might not adequately prepare students for the challenges and opportunities presented by an increasingly globalized and technology-driven society. There is a need to incorporate more practical, job-oriented, and relevant subjects to equip students with the skills required in the modern job market. In 2018, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information was reportedly "on a mission to transform the education system into one that operates based on a ‘mass customisation’ format, and not ‘generalised education’." Dr. Grace McLean "argued that if Jamaica used the mass customisation format decades ago, the current workforce would have more qualified, skilled, and trained professionals." In 2023, while this approach has been adopted, it is not widely so. While traditional academic knowledge is vital, there is a growing demand for practical skills and vocational training in the job market. A more modern Jamaican education system should include a greater focus on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). This would empower students with the skills necessary to enter the workforce or pursue entrepreneurship opportunities. The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training highlights the importance of TVET in supporting youth employment and addressing skills shortages.

Embracing Technology in Education

Technology has transformed the way people learn and access information. Unfortunately, the Jamaican education system still lags behind in integrating technology effectively into classrooms. Embracing digital tools, online learning platforms, and interactive teaching methods can enhance the learning experience, foster critical thinking, and promote creativity among students. According to a report by the World Bank (2018), incorporating technology in education can lead to improved learning outcomes, increased access to quality education, and better teacher-student interaction. On the tip of the tongue of almost everyone I interact with, is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and how this is already making waves in various industries. ChatGPT is one of the many applications being used in businesses to write letters, draft contracts, curate speeches, etc. We find that even the legal sector has adopted this very app in its employ for drafting legal documents taken to court. How is this very app being used in school, you ask? It is quite a controversy in the media these days. It is, in my opinion, a useful tool as with many others out there. It is a matter of how it is used, for what purpose it is being used but it can't not be used in our schools is what I will say on the matter. I cannot stress enough that the use of computers, the internet, and digital learning tools can significantly enhance the learning experience for students and enable teachers to adopt more interactive and engaging teaching methods.

Teacher Professional Development

Teachers are at the heart of any education system. Investing in teacher professional development is crucial for any educational reform to be successful. Teachers need to be equipped with modern teaching techniques, strategies, and subject knowledge to effectively engage students and prepare them for the challenges of the future. A modern Jamaican education system should invest in comprehensive teacher training programs that equip educators with the skills to implement innovative teaching practices. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) stresses the importance of continuous professional development for teachers to enhance student learning outcomes. Continuous training and workshops can boost teacher confidence and competence, leading to improved learning outcomes. I was rather appalled at the announcement at the onset of the pandemic by Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, stating teachers were inadequately equipped to treat with the then 'new normal' of hosting training sessions online. I was even more so appalled later on to observe his assertions were true. I won't begin to delve into the varying areas where teachers need support and constant training but it is quite necessary to understand that teachers too require the attention of the state for professional development. I will, however, implore my colleagues to ensure they take the initiative to scout for these opportunities and apply themselves where it best suits them for their own growth and development as well as the development of the nation.

Inclusivity and Special Education

The Jamaican education system must strive to be inclusive and cater to the needs of diverse learners, including those with disabilities. Providing quality education and support services to students with special needs will empower them to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to society (Thomas & Black, 2017). Recently, the media highlighted a school that was unwilling to accept a learner because of a disability. The media reported that the school's principal suggested to the "relative of a child with [a] disability to seek another school for the student because it lacks ramps and other supportive facilities for students who use wheelchairs."  It further reported, "The Ministry of Labour and Social Security warned against discrimination against persons with disabilities and pointed to the Disabilities Act and its regulations which carry serious penalties for breaches." Let the record show, however, that the schools are simply not prepared to accommodate individuals who are disabled or challenged. There are no facilities or proper infrastructure to accommodate persons with disabilities - not the students, not the staff. Additionally, not so long ago, Yaneek Page, shoved out of her comfort zone to share on social media of her son's experience at a particular school. It is a known fact that not many teachers are equipped to facilitate the needs of our learners with special needs, and neither are the schools prepared to assist these learners. Yet, for the schools that are equipped, it would be best to go 'above and beyond' to support our learners to grow and develop to their maximum potential. Special attention should be given to children with disabilities and those from marginalized communities. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) highlights the importance of inclusive education in achieving sustainable development goals and promoting social cohesion.


As the world evolves at an unprecedented rate, it is essential for the Jamaican education system to adapt to the changing times. A more modern approach that addresses curriculum relevance, technology integration, teacher professional development, and inclusivity will lay the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous future for Jamaica and its citizens. By investing in education and embracing innovation, Jamaica can ensure that its students are well-equipped to excel in a rapidly evolving global landscape.


Alleyne, P., & Pryce, M. (2019). Assessment of the Jamaica Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) System: A Stakeholder Perspective. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 71(4), 554-572.

Gibson, T., & Palmer, A. (2018). Enhancing the Jamaican Education System through Technology Integration. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 14(3), 1-15.

Harvard Graduate School of Education. (n.d.). Critical Thinking: Why It Matters & How to Teach It. Retrieved from

Morris, A. (2018). Education System Being Transformed. Retrieved from

OECD. (n.d.). Teachers' Professional Development and Learning: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration (BES). Retrieved from

Reid, J., & Barrett, M. (2020). Strengthening Teacher Professional Development in Jamaica: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Educational Development, 76, 102169.

Thomas, S., & Black, J. (2017). Inclusive Education in Jamaica: Policies, Practices, and Challenges. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(2), 189-203.

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. (n.d.). Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Retrieved from

UNESCO. (n.d.). Inclusive Education. Retrieved from

World Bank. (2018). The World Development Report 2018: Learning to Realize Education's Promise. Retrieved from

Adrian Sappleton

Blending construction with process optimization.


Very insightful take! Ha, any chance there will be a follow-up article on possible opportunities on how to tackle this situation? for example where could be a good starting point or which organisations could potentially aid in addressing this?


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