June 2024 Edition | The Innovative Seller Newsletter

June 2024 Edition | The Innovative Seller Newsletter

Customized sales journeys are more than just a trend; they’re a necessity. 

In 2021, I had the opportunity to speak with Shellye Archambeau on my podcast, a former VP at Blockbuster. She recounted a pivotal moment at Blockbuster. In 2000, Reed Hastings, founder of Netflix, proposed a merger. At its peak, Blockbuster had over 9000 stores and $5.9 billion in revenue. Netflix had already launched its mail-delivery DVD service and had some initial traction. Hastings’ vision was to remove the wait time and take movies online, giving people the option to access movies in their homes without going to the store or waiting for delivery. This would have given Blockbuster three convenient ways to offer movies: in-store, by mail, and online. But Blockbuster’s CEO rejected the idea, preferring their traditional model. 

This decision led to Blockbuster’s bankruptcy in 2010, while Netflix soared to over 18 million subscribers (269 million subscribers worldwide today). This story highlights the critical need for businesses to adapt to changing buyer behaviors or risk becoming obsolete.

In today’s fast-paced environment, buyers demand speed and customization. How are you planning to meet these expectations in 2024 and beyond?

I can tell you with confidence that decades-old methodologies no longer cut it. Modern buyers crave tailored experiences that reflect their unique needs and preferences. That’s why it’s time to shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to customized sales journeys. 

That’s where the NTENT framework I developed and tailoring your approach with VECs comes in.

According to Salesforce, 61% of buyers feel companies treat them like a number. These strategies change that perception and create a seamless, personalized journey for your buyers from start to finish.

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Personalized sales journeys significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. 
  • Faster Sales Cycles: Tailored experiences can expedite the sales process, making it easier for buyers to make decisions quickly.
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction: When buyers feel understood and valued, their satisfaction and loyalty soar.

I cover all of this in The Innovative Seller but wanted to send you a few more resources and worksheets we’ve put together this month to help you start implementing these strategies sooner rather than later.

If you have any questions about these strategies and worksheets below, just shoot me an email. 

What is INTENT?

NTENT breaks down the sales process into five key components designed to enhance clarity and effectiveness:

  • Next Steps: Define immediate actions after every interaction to maintain momentum.
  • Team: Align sales team members at each stage, ensuring clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Education: Provide ongoing training for both sales teams and customers.
  • Numerical Priority: Use data to prioritize actions based on potential revenue and likelihood of closing.
  • Time to Impact: Focus on when customers need to see results, not just when contracts are signed.

Learn more about NTENT. Replay & Resources

Speed and Customization with NTENT

what is NTENT

Buyer Types: VECs

VECS (Vetted, Educated, Cold, Self-service) categorizes customers based on their level of knowledge and readiness to buy. This ensures you tailor your approach to meet their specific needs:

  • Vetted Customers: Already familiar with your offering and likely ready to move quickly.
  • Educated Customers: Have some knowledge but may need more information before deciding.
  • Cold Customers: Need education and nurturing to understand the value of your offering.
  • Self-service Customers: Prefer to explore and purchase with minimal direct interaction.

Learn how to apply VECS to your process. Replay & Resources

How to Build the Ideal Sales Experience with VECs

what is VECS

Tolulope Adebisi

📌 Web Content writer || Retain visitors with precise and relevant contents. 📌 Ghostwriter || Inscribing ideas and stories for publication. 📌 Personal development advocate 📌 Virtual event host and speaker.


Honestly, feedbacks and surveys would help identify areas for improvement and make you know how best to tailor customer demands

Bruce Eckfeldt

Coaching CEOs to Scale & Exit Faster with Less Drama


Thanks for the post, Jake. The shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to tailored sales strategies is crucial for staying competitive. I'm curious about how you see the integration of NTENT and VECs evolving in practice. It seems like a dynamic way to enhance buyer engagement and drive results. Looking forward to your insights!

Bruce Eckfeldt

Coaching CEOs to Scale & Exit Faster with Less Drama


The shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more tailored sales strategy is not just timely; it's essential for staying competitive.


Thanks for sharing! It's the famous innovator's dilemma.

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