Not Just A Book
“Self-analysis requires reconsideration of who we think we are. Self-awareness requires us to reassess where we came from and where we are going.” —Kilroy J. Oldster
How to Createyourself is not just a book. It’s a complete guide about discovering your NEW or, I should say, your ACTUAL self. This book aims to propel you to have a look at yourself. It will serve as a means of catharsis for you.
Now, that you have read all the chapters of this book, I want you to take time and think about what you want to do in your life. You must be honest and sincere with yourself while answering this question. Take as much time as you want; it’s your life. Once you are clear about what you want to do, the next step is to identify why you want to do that particular thing. Discovering your "why" is the crucial part of Createyourself. "Why" is your vision. If you don’t find an answer to this why, it depicts that you are actually unaware of your purpose in life, and as we have learned, without definiteness in purpose, we will be nothing.
The purpose of writing this book is to help you declutter your mind based upon what I have discovered for myself. After detoxifying our minds, we all need to think about what we actually love to do.
The best way to discover what you want to do in your life is to think about all those productive activities you enjoy doing. The real purpose of your life is hidden inside the things you love doing. Once you have identified your what and why, you can revert to section 2 of this book. Section 2 is all about bringing those changes into your life that can steer you to a new and positive life. If you want to createyourself, it is mandatory that you go through section 2.
The first time you read it was to gain a general perspective. However, now you will read each sentence of this section concerning your vision.
Will Helps You Seize an Opportunity
You've likely heard the famous proverb: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Make this proverb your mantra. Many times, we feel that things are impossible. However, if you can think about something, you can certainly find ways to make it happen. Many great inventions were only a dream before they turned into reality. A half-century ago, no one had ever imagined that there could be something called video calling; now, everyone is doing it to connect with work colleagues and family. When you are determined to do something, the universe finds ways for you to do it.
Recall the law of attraction. If your mind ever traps you by making you think that “You can’t do it,” you should immediately get into a counterargument with your mind. Make it believe that you can do it. Before starting your Createyourself journey, you can adopt the following:
You have the ability to change your life. Take these points, adapt them to your way of thinking, print them, and stick them where you will see them daily. Eventually, you won’t even have to read these points daily to motivate yourself, just seeing them flash before your eyes as you glance around will trigger them out of your subconscious and into your active conscious thinking.
When you want to speak with me about your ideas or needs, reach out via LinkedIn or through our mobile community app,
Have a great weekend, Gordon
PS - Feel free to buy our Kindle version of How to Createyourself
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