KAYA Global 'Inside Voices' Series: Intern Krishnan Narayanan Imagines Combining Generative AI with Quantum Computing

KAYA Global 'Inside Voices' Series: Intern Krishnan Narayanan Imagines Combining Generative AI with Quantum Computing

This article is part of our KAYA Global Inside Voices Series, which presents the perspectives of out team on topics such as AI/ML, our platform, recruiting, tech jobs, etc. One of our stellar engineering interns, Krishnan Narayanan , was the main contributor to this piece.

Krishnan's Background

From the vibrant streets of an antiquated Indian city to the sleek futuristic halls of Northeastern University, my voyage through the tech sphere has taken me all over the globe. I am Krishnan Narayanan, and every click, code, and creation of mine stems from a childhood fascination with the transformative power of technology.

By the age of 14, I was developing billing software for a local retailer. It marked my initiation into a lifelong affair with technology. By 16, I became a part of the Google Cloud Developer Community. With over 40 hackathons under my belt, each one was a learning experience. Whether as a participant or a mentor, the joy of collaborative problem-solving kept drawing me back. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." This mantra, "El Mayarah" or "Stronger together," became my guiding light.

Currently, as I navigate my Master of Science in Computer Science at Northeastern University, my plate remains as full as ever. Outside the classroom, I'm the proud president of NU Sanskriti, the largest Indian association in North America. Leading a community of over 9,000 active members is not just a title; it's a responsibility I cherish. When you love what you do, it never feels like work.

My Work Motivates Me to Bring My Best

KAYA isn't just a company; it's a beacon of hope in the recruitment sector. In a world where recruitment processes can often seem transactional, KAYA brings warmth, personalization, and genuine understanding. Their ethos transcends mere job placements.

When I joined KAYA as a Software Engineer Intern, it felt like destiny. The synergy was undeniable. KAYA's mission to revolutionize the recruitment landscape aligned so perfectly with my own vision of leveraging technology for transformative solutions. Moreover, the team at KAYA is unique. Diverse in skills yet united in purpose, every individual here brings their own flavor, yet the essence remains singular – commitment to excellence.

Every day at KAYA is an experience, an emotion. It's the laughter shared over a code glitch, the eureka moments in brainstorming sessions, the late nights perfecting a product feature, and the palpable excitement when a candidate finds their dream job. Here, it's more than work; it's a shared journey of dreams, aspirations, and milestones. In the vast narrative of my life, KAYA is not a chapter. It's a saga.

Generative AI is Powerful. Quantum Computing can Power it to New Heights.

In my personal foray into the world of Generative AI, I've witnessed its transformative impact firsthand. It's not just about producing content but revolutionizing how we perceive creativity and design in the tech realm. From autogenerating codes, optimizing system processes, to simulating intricate virtual environments, Generative AI has been a game-changer.

Its potential is boundless. We are standing on the precipice of an era where AI can collaborate with humans in genuine creative endeavors. Imagine Generative AI, fueled by quantum computations, crafting intricate solutions to combat global warming, or devising sustainable models to eradicate world hunger. The harmonization of human intuition with AI's computational prowess, turbocharged by quantum potentials, can lead to unprecedented breakthroughs.

ChatGPT took 7 years with the brightest minds and savviest investors to release an imperfect product with limited uses. Since quantum computing allows for a data point to exist as BOTH a '0' and '1' for an output, it could reduce the time to train an LLM by up to 70% with virtually limitless capabilities.

As we stand at the crossroads of technological evolution, the line between pretenders and contenders will become evident based on their tangible contributions to reshaping our world. Generative AI, especially when harmonized with quantum technology, has the potential not only to redefine our tech landscape but to change the very fabric of our global society, making a brighter, more sustainable future within our grasp.

Vinaya Ramamorthy Venkatasubramanian

Ex-Software Engineer Intern at KAYA | MS CS Graduate - Northeastern University.


It's been wonderful working with you all this while, Krishnan Narayanan! Your innovative approach to combining generative AI with quantum computing has been truly inspiring. I can't wait to continue our collaboration and explore new possibilities as we work together here at KAYA. :)


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