KR8: 🚀 Ways to reduce the abandoned cart rate 🚀

KR8: 🚀 Ways to reduce the abandoned cart rate 🚀

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In this issue, we'll tell you more about ways to reduce the abandoned cart rate!

Coming up soon - on 24.08 at 18:00, a free webinar will take place, allowing you to expand your knowledge in the field of e-commerce automation and personalization. Our group of experts will discuss essential tools, trends, analytics, and common mistakes. The webinar will be in Polish. You won't want to miss it!

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How to reduce the rate of abandoned carts – strategies used in e-commerce

Almost 70% of e-commerce users abandon their carts before checking out. That’s a lot! Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon and learn how to get buyers to come back and encourage them to complete their purchases, which will decrease the abandoned carts rate.

Why do customers abandon their carts?

There are a variety of reasons. One common reason is that the customer may have found a better deal elsewhere, or they may have simply changed their mind about the purchase. Other reasons, according to Baymard Institute are too high extra costs (shipping, fees) – 48% of users, mandatory account creation – 24%, and too slow delivery – 22%. Other specific reasons are too complicated checkout process and website errors. If the checkout process is not user-friendly, customers may simply give up and look for a different retailer.

How to decrease your shopping cart abandonment rate?

1. Provide guest checkout options

While getting customers to create an account can be beneficial for your store, it can also lower conversions and increase cart abandonment. Sometimes customers may feel overwhelmed by a long checkout process. Keep things simple and allow users to make purchases as a guest – without providing much personal information.

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2. Send a helpful reminder

Another way to get clients back is to set up automatic, personalized email alerts to remind users about items in their carts. Often it’s just the nudge they need to finish checking out. An abandoned cart email should include a friendly reminder of what’s in their cart. “Don’t leave your cart hanging” – this type of message works best for customers who have been distracted and forgot to complete their order. This kind of email is perceived as genuinely helpful and non-intrusive when is well-prepared. It’s also possible that users abandoned their cart because they didn’t find what they were looking for, so recommending other items in a reminder email is also a good idea.

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Discover more methods for reducing abandoned cart rates in our article, and sign up for our free webinar.

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What ways do you think are most effective to reduce the rate of abandoned carts?

We are waiting for your feedback and see you in a week! 💜

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