Launch of our 2024 Workforce Plan: Moving Ahead Together.

Launch of our 2024 Workforce Plan: Moving Ahead Together.

Welcome to the August edition of The Journey.

We provide the industry with a strong, strategic voice to ensure Australia's VET sector delivers better outcomes for learners and employers.

Hear more about the AUSMASA projects from our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind.

We are delighted to announce the launch of our 2024 Workforce Plan: Moving Ahead Together. Our plan estimates that the mining and automotive industries will grow by over 72,000 workers in the coming decade. The latest iteration incorporates input from industry, unions, governments, RTOs, and workforce stakeholders.

The 2024 Workforce Plan identifies the need to address workforce and skills shortages as a key priority. Efforts to tackle these shortages include initiatives aimed at changing Generation Z's perceptions of the mining industry and further research to explore youth perceptions of automotive careers.

Additional priorities outlined for both industries in the 2024 Workforce plan include the transition towards net zero electrification, digitisation, and automation. Challenges lie ahead, particularly in skills development and establishing the necessary training infrastructure.

Download a copy of our 2024 Workforce Plan

We are hosting interactive discussions and presentations on the key findings from our Workforce Plan: Moving Ahead Together.

Register for the automotive and/or mining webinar and share your feedback.

Automotive Workforce Plan Interactive Webinar

Wednesday 11 September 2024

1–2 pm AEST

Register here

Mining Workforce Plan Interactive Webinar

Thursday 12 September 2024

1–2 pm AEST

Register here

Automotive Categorisation Project Webinar

We were delighted to hold our Automotive Categorisation Project webinars recently. The webinars focused on one of our 2 Qualification Reform projects.

The sessions provided an overview of the Qualification Design Reform Group proposals, outlined the scope of the Automotive Categorisation project, our approach, and reviewed the initial categorisation and rationale of qualifications across the AUM - Automotive Manufacturing and AUR – Automotive, Retail, Service and Repair Training Packages.

Click on the 'Consultation' tab to watch the Webinar videos or Subscribe to receive project updates.

Perceptions of Automotive Careers

Calling all Automotive Industry Professionals

As part of our Perceptions of Automotive Careers project, we recently conducted independent market research to better understand the perceptions of automotive careers held by priority cohorts, including Gen Z and existing workers.  

Phase 2 of our research is about to start, and we want to hear from you! Take part in online and in-person interviews and share your insights to help shape the future of the automotive industry in Australia. 

We also want to hear from: 

  • Advocacy groups
  • Career advisors
  • Employers
  • Existing automotive workers
  • Industry bodies
  • Parents of young people
  • Training providers
  • Work experience/placement coordinators

Express your interest before Thursday 29 August.

Autonomous Workplace Operations

We are excited to share highlights from the Autonomous Workplace Operations project. Free and engaging training resources are coming soon.

The project aims to develop training and assessment resources for the RII21222 Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations, with collaboration from industry experts and training providers. The training resources will be released nationally to RTOs by the end of August 2024.

Visit our website to explore the project and subscribe to receive updates on the release of the final training resources. Find out more.

Consultants Expression of Interest

Are you a consultant with skills and expertise in training package development? If so, we want to hear from you.

We are always looking for people who can help us formulate and design the training products of the future. Express your interest

Training Product Feedback

We are responsible for nationally recognised training products:

  • AUM – Automotive Manufacturing
  • AUR – Automotive Retail, Service and Repair
  • RII – Resources and Infrastructure (mining)

We want to hear from you if you have questions or suggestions on how the training packages can be improved. Provide your feedback

Industry Insights

Our 'Industry Insights' series aims to share valuable insights from industry stakeholders on the attraction and retention of talent in the mining and automotive industries.

Thank you to our Automotive SWAP member, Paul Baxter, from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union. Paul highlights the top 3 concerns apprentices have with apprenticeships

Stakeholder Engagement

Our CEO, Gavin Lind and AUSMASA Board Chair, Nicky Firth had the pleasure of meeting with the Queensland Minister for Training and Skills Development, Lance McCallum MPCheck out our LinkedIn post.

Our CEO, Gavin Lind, shares insights into the automotive sector regarding relating to continual technological adaptation and the opportunities for growth in the EV and hydrogen technology sectors. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Our CEO, Gavin Lind, Simon Hester, Manager, VET Implementation and Lee-Anne Gascoyne, Senior Project Advisor, VET Implementation attended the NAEN 2024 Conference in Adelaide. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Our CEO, Gavin Lind, had an excellent opportunity to present at the RESA Skills Summit in Adelaide. Gavin shared trends in mining workforce data. Check out our LinkedIn post.

At the NCVER's event 'Teaching and Learning' session, Donna Dejkovska and Caroline Winter presented about the novel collaboration between TAFEs and the Industry to meet the training needs of learners through a VET Delivery to Secondary Students (VETDSS) or industry pathway. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Our CEO, Dr Gavin Lind, facilitated the open discussion session 'Partnering for success - sharing our knowledge' with panelists Steven Hall, General Manager Projects, Powering Skills; Lisa Bale, Director VET and Innovation, Future Skills; Kirsty Waugh, Director of Training and Product Development, Public Skills Australia. Check out our LinkedIn post.

Open Consultations

National Energy Workforce Strategy (NEWS)

The Australian Government is developing a National Energy Workforce Strategy (NEWS) to build the skills and capability needed to reach net zero emissions by 2050. 

Help inform the development of the NEWS by reading the consultation strategy and submitting your feedback before 5 pm AEST, Saturday 31 August 2024. LEARN MORE

Updating ANZSCO

The fourth and final round of consultation for the comprehensive review of ANZSCO is opening on 25 July 2024.

The final consultation round of the comprehensive review will begin on 25 July and will close on 6 September 2024. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION

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