Launching my Blog - or Book, depending - exploring why organizations can't change the rush to climate change...

You'll find it at Here's the first entry, 'Hello:'

Welcome to Stretching Biology.

Climate change is threatening our civilization. I mean, really threatening our civilization, perhaps even our continued existence on this, our planet.

*And a note for my friends who don't believe in global warming, the main theme of this blog will focus on the problem that locks our planetary web of human activity in its present pattern no matter what problem we face, namely bureaucratic inflexibility. So I hope you can hold your nose and read on anyway to get at the underlying discussion of a problem we share, regardless of our varying faith in climate scientists.*

I chose the term 'Stretching Biology' to indicate that, although this inquiry is starting from a point of view that large, bureaucratic organizations may contribute to the climate threat, and certainly they have been sources of other intractable problems such as war, famine, unhappiness, and frustration over the last 3 centuries and counting, it will do no good merely to whine about them.

For at the same time we complain about corporate greed, bureaucratic paralysis and the uninterrupted growth of government, we overlook two other aspects that are equally important.

One is, of course, that corporate bureaucracies have also grown steadily, but since we don't call them bureaucratic when they grow, we tend to overlook the paralysis that accompanies that development in the so-called private sector. You have only to remember Kodak and think of Sears-K-Mart to understand what I mean.

The other is that government bureaucracies, to turn the coin over and look at its other, positive side, also provide stability - giving us reliable laws, contracts, regulation of our economies, education, statistics, and confidence in all the standards of safety, quality, sanitation, clean food, etc., that make our lives safe and predictable. Because of government bureaucracies, you can count on a contract remaining useful 30 years from now. And corporate organizations give us reliable, predictable products, services, and work.

What will do some good, I hope, is to examine these corporate and government beasts and their worldwide ecosystem scientifically, as if they were living systems. Which indeed they may be, as independent of us individual humans as is my body from the cells in my liver or a maple tree from its leaves.

Important? The ability of us humans to understand and eventually to control our own organizations will determine whether we can turn the ship off its present course without throwing the passengers over the side. Given the power of multinational corporations and of governments awash in armaments to determine our fate, nothing could be more important.

If I can compose the bits accurately and write them so they interest you, I will engage you in this experiment to see if we can gradually expand biology to include sociology, or at least some of its sub-fields having to do with large organizations and the management of bureaucracies.

I believe it can be done. I believe that sociology - even political science, in which I was trained - must accord with physics and biology. It can be no other way. The real issue is discovering the right questions and the approaches that yield the right answers, answers that fit into the framework established by the harder sciences.

So - let's see if I can do that. Read on and make your own conclusions.

And subscribe because you might be surprised to see what comes next.

To Read the 2nd entry, go to - and maybe the 3rd, 4th, and more. See if I have posted them.

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